Walkability on Stone Avenue?

Be aware of possible changes on Stone Ave. which will affect our neighborhood and traffic flow.  Over the next 6 months the city is funding a planning study and blueprint for the future growth and development of the commercial corridor along Stone Avenue and adjacent areas.  We already have a 24 hour Waffle House coming to East Stone Avenue and the city is trying to develop a plan to better guide development to reflect more of what we, the residents, want to see in this area.  Many rumors are floating about, including narrowing Stone Ave to 2 lanes of traffic in order to install bicycle lanes and widen sidewalks to favor more pedestrian traffic. Hopefully this rumor is false because it would push traffic onto Earle Street and other east-west corridors; but as we have seen, anything is possible.  It is important for each of us to get informed and involved in the planning process to make sure that Stone Ave. reflects our vision and not that of some out of town planner who does not know our needs.   Our opportunity is during the public part of the planning input process, tentatively scheduled for March 18 to March 25, and will include workshops, walking tours of the area, design sessions and the opportunity to see what will be presented to the City.  We will keep you informed as the schedule becomes more certain, but in the meantime, please note these dates on your calendars and make an effort to participate.  Remember, if you do not voice your opinion, you can not complain about what happens.  Watch your monthly newsletter or check our website (www.northmaincommunity.org) for updates on this topic. (by Jim Gilreath)

Walkability on Stone Avenue?
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