North Main Alert
North Main residents in the area of Randall Street report that 2 female “sales” people knocked on their door at 8PM Saturday night. There was an SUV in the street with 3 males waiting inside. They told the resident theyRead more
Representing the residents and businesses in the North Main area of Greenville, South Carolina.
North Main residents in the area of Randall Street report that 2 female “sales” people knocked on their door at 8PM Saturday night. There was an SUV in the street with 3 males waiting inside. They told the resident theyRead more
Your 2012 Board of Directors: President: Mike Cubelo Vice-President: Chad Chandler Treasurer: Jim Gilreath Recording Secretary: Phyllis Gilreath Membership: Joyce Murphy Webmasters: Michael Huskey Chad Chandler * The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30Read more
The City of Greenville is once again sponsoring its annual “Grinding of the Greens” Christmas tree recycling program. For the convenience of city residents, trees can be placed at the curb for collection on regularly scheduled pick-up days or takenRead more
Reminder: Today (Monday, Dec 19) North Main Blood Drive. Northgate Soda Shop. 4 to 8pm. Donate and receive your choice of a pair of movie tickets or a long sleeve t-shirt with a winter theme.
The Soda Shop/Other Side (SS/OS) has adopted a family for Christmas. They have 3 boys ages 3 – 12. If you would like to help make this Christmas more special for them please bring toys, warm clothes or BiLo giftRead more
* The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Northgate Soda Shop or other local venues …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email for the locationRead more
The City of Greenville Parks and Recreation Department Athletic Division is beginning a Community Basketball Program geared for children ages 7-12 years. The program is free and is offered to any youth of any skill level. They are holding openRead more
The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Northgate Soda Shop or other local venues …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email for the location andRead more
Looking for safe activities for the kids (or you) this Halloween? Our members have sent in a few suggestions. This year NMCA will be joining Earle Street for their annual Halloween Parade and Trick-or-Treating Festivities! For North Main residents withRead more
As many of you know, the Reedy River has not always been the cleanest river and it takes volunteers to keep it the center of our downtown recreation and a tourist location. Since many of our North Main residents frequentRead more