North Main Blood Drive Tuesday, April 8
Time: 4-7:30 PM. Back parking lot of Soda Shop. Come give blood and save a life. Get either movie tickets, baseball tickets to Greenville Drive or T-shirt.
Representing the residents and businesses in the North Main area of Greenville, South Carolina.
Time: 4-7:30 PM. Back parking lot of Soda Shop. Come give blood and save a life. Get either movie tickets, baseball tickets to Greenville Drive or T-shirt.
The Greenville Police Department is having A Spring Take the Trail Run Wednesday, April 2, 6pm Cleveland Park. The loop will be a five mile Swamp Rabbit Trail run up to Willard Street and back. Please help spread the wordRead more
For those who may not have received the following email from Amy Ryberg-Doyle, we are printing it here for your information: As you know, I am a supporter of complete streets and the trail system for the city and county!Read more
REMINDER: The New City of Greenville Distracted Driving Ordinance (Hand-held Cell Phone Ban) is in effect as of April 1, 2014. The proposed ban includes a graduated penalty system. A first offense would carry a maximum penalty of $100; aRead more
Here are some other reports from neighbors regarding the suspicious activity we reported on yesterday: Saw them today at 5pm coming out of Idlewood, turning left onto Summit. They immediately caught our attention! Saw the van parked at our neighbo’rsRead more
*The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email pgilreath@aol.comRead more
The Blood Connection is having an emergency blood drive at the Soda Shop today, Wednesday, January 22, from 4 to 7:30PM. If you gave at the last drive, you will not be eligible to give. If you DID NOT give PLEASERead more
The following was received from Amy Doyle via email. We are reprinting it for those who may not have seen it. “A multi-family developer, Mr. Robert Johnston, intends to purchase and redevelop the property of the site of the formerRead more
Welcome to our newest board member, Vice President Hunter Cutchin. We look forward to working with him in the coming year. Let us hear from you with any suggestions or comments to help us do a better job of servingRead more
We are posting an email from Amy Ryberg Doyle, requesting residents to attend the Jan 16 Planning and Zoning meeting. You may speak or send an email to the Marie McClendon at the address below to express your opinion. SeeRead more