Missing Kitty from Russell Ave.
For all you who are keeping an eye out for Little Bits, here is her story….please check your garages and any place a very scared kitty could hide. The owner is slowly losing hope, so everyone in the area ofRead more
Representing the residents and businesses in the North Main area of Greenville, South Carolina.
For all you who are keeping an eye out for Little Bits, here is her story….please check your garages and any place a very scared kitty could hide. The owner is slowly losing hope, so everyone in the area ofRead more
A new resident to North Main is missing a cat. Her 6 month old grey tabby got out last night and did not come back. Her name is Little Bits and she lives at 313 Russell Ave. If you happenRead more
*The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email pgilreath@aol.comRead more
Ben McDaniel is missing his 9 month old blue heeler. She has a brown face and black and white body. She answers to Bella…loves kids and is very sweet. No picture. He may be reached at 864-414-2691. She was lastRead more
Welcome to our newest board member, Vice President Hunter Cutchin. We look forward to working with him in the coming year. Let us hear from you with any suggestions or comments to help us do a better job of servingRead more
Have you given up on what to get that one person on your list who has everything and is hard to shop for? Have you tried our local NMCA business members? Check out who is a member on our localRead more
We have a resident who recently moved to the Woodbine Road area from Buist after moving from Ohio. They are missing their cat, Lucy. She probably got spooked from the numerous moves and may be trying to get back toRead more
Wishing everyone a very peaceful and happy holiday season, shared with family and friends. (Editor’s note: This year due to travel plans and the busy season, we are combining the November andRead more
Munchkin, Princess Kia, and Wicky’s owner died and they were turned into Clinton Animal Hospital as reqested by owner. Munchkin is only 5 years old. The others are 11 and 12. They have done bloodwork on Princess Kia and Wicky- bloodwork wasRead more
Welcome to NMCA’s newest Business Member “Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves. Sometimes we need to express on the outside how beautiful we feel on the inside. At CINDY’S SALON AND DAY SPA, we specialize in transforming the total you.Read more