Hindman Project, Infill Task Force Update

The Hindman Project was on the Planning Commission Agenda last Thursday, Dec 12.  NMCA president Bob Bainbridge attended and spoke of our concern about moving forward with infill projects without the new infill ordinance.  The project was approved as expected.  Hopefully there will be more detailed plans available at some point.  For additional information on this project, go to the NMCA website.
Bob is also on the city infill ordinance task force.  After their first meeting, he reports that several of the architecture/real estate people were quite sensitive about the neighborhood issues.  They indicated a desire to get it right.  The list of discussion items now definitely includes trees and runoff, which is one step in the right direction.  One comment from the head of the homebuilder’s association was interesting.  He said the market had changed dramatically.  As recently as five years ago, most buyers in our neighborhoods were local people.  Many now are relocating from Atlanta, Charlotte, or even New York, and are used to high density and small lots.  Most do not want to take care of, or hire someone to take care of, large yards.  This helps explain why the projects are succeeding even though we don’t like most of them….
Staff was directed to send the ordinance revisions they had proposed earlier out to the Task Force as a starting point for discussion.  NMCA is drafting additional suggested ordinance language for the task force.  We will keep you posted with future developments as they occur.  The next meeting of the task force will be Jan 14.
Hindman Project, Infill Task Force Update
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