Beautification Committee

NMCA Newsletter (8/15)

                                                                                                                                                 *The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend board meetings. Please email in case there is a location or timeRead more

NMCA Newsletter (04/2015)

                                                                                                                        *The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend board meetings. Please email in caseRead more

NMCA Newsletter (01/2015)

  Your 2015 Board of Directors: President:                                Hunter Cutchin Vice-President:                       Dave Modeen     Treasurer:                               Jim Gilreath Recording Secretary:             TBD Membership Secretary:          Leah Tollison   Webmaster:                            Chad Chandler                                                                                                                Welcome to our newest board members. We look forward to working togetherRead more