*The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend board meetings. Please email pgilreath@aol.com in case there is a location change and to insure we are meeting that month.
Your NMCA Membership IS a Renewable Resource!
Have you renewed your membership for 2015? If you lost your form, you can renew via Paypal or print a form from our website www.northmaincommunity.org/membership. If you need additional decals or have just joined and not received one, please email membership secretary, Leah Tollison, at leahtollision@gmail.com and she can help you. Additional decals are $5 each and the proceeds go into a special beautification fund.
Annual Spring Social and Membership Drive
Wondering what happened to the annual spring social we usually have in April? Well, our new Social Committee is hard at work planning something a little different this year. While they are shooting for early May, the date has not been set as they are still looking for a location. Watch for more details.
Welcome to our Newest Business Member
Joseph Withrow with Liberty Mutual Insurance. “At the Liberty Mutual office in Greenville, trained local agents can help you find the coverage you need, and the discounts you deserve. Our Greenville office is located between REI Sporting Goods Store and Whole Foods Market. For more than 40 years our office has proudly served upstate South Carolina. Our policyholders are important to us, not just as customers but also as people. Explore the ways Liberty Mutual embraces safety and responsibility on the road, at home and in our communities.” Located at 1140 Woodruff Rd, Ste 303, Joseph can be reached at 864-676-8080 or via the website above.
Development Update and Other News
For those trying to keep up with what’s happening to the property between W. Mtn. View and W. Hillcrest (formerly known as Cottages at Townes), the developer has met with neighbors and other interested individuals in the required public meeting. He will be presenting his proposal before the Planning Commission on Thursday, April 16, at 4PM in the 10th floor Council Chambers at City Hall. You can find the text at the city’s website by clicking on the 04-16-2015 date in the middle column.
- SD 15-183. Application by Reid Hipp for a SUBDIVISION of 8 lots located at 212 TOWNES ST EXT, between West Mountainview and West Hillcrest, zoned R-6, Single-Family Residential District (TM# 017800-05-02601; 017800-05-03100; 017800-05-04100; 017800-05-04200; 017800-05-04300; 017800-05-04400; 017800-05-04600; 017800-05-04700; 017800-05-04800; 017800-05-04900).
Also at this same PC meeting, the proposed subdivision on Mohawk will be presented. They have also met with residents, although the turnout was very low.
- SD 15-121. Application by Arbor Engineering for a SUBDIVISION with 8 lots in R-6, Single-family residential district, and 1 lot in C-3, Regional commercial district, on 3.5 acres located at WADE HAMPTON BLVD and MOHAWK DR (TM# 018801-11-00400)
We would like to see a good turnout for this meeting. There are still several issues that have yet to be resolved.
- As you have seen, the North Main Road Diet Project is now complete. I have seen more cyclists and pedestrians on North Main, and there have been some editorials concerning the change.
- The Beach Co. project at Main and Stone seems to have accelerated at a fast pace now that the weather is more favorable. They should be able to meet their deadline of occupancy by the end of the year. It will be interesting to see how closely the actual structure turns out compared to the renderings on their website.
Keeping Your Pets Safe and at Home – Being a Responsible Pet Owner
How many emails, articles and posts have we done about lost or found animals? Too many! The easiest way for an individual to know who owns the dog that is wandering down the street is to look at a tag (assuming the dog is friendly). It’s so simple to attach a tag to the collar that has, at a minimum, the dog owner’s cell phone or home phone number. Tags are inexpensive and can be purchased at most pet supply stores or online. If the dog is picked up by animal control, the first thing they will do is check for a microchip. Most vets can also check for microchips. These numbers are registered with companies that can provide information on the owner. (Don’t forget….if you move, you need to call the company and update your contact information!) Most companies keep this information for years. If you love your pet, tagging or microchipping is the least you can do to insure he/she is kept safe until you can be reunited! (One member even mentioned that she knew folks who buy small tags engraved with their cell phone numbers for thumb drives and other easily lost personal possessions.)
NMCA is happy to send out emails and post information on our FB page about lost or found pets. We have helped many pets find their way home. Just email northmaincomm@gmail.com and we’ll get the information out there. Also, check the ACS website page for lost and found pets. You can also check and post on the Lost and Found Pets of the Upstate Page. For other alternatives to help your pet find its way home, check out this website.
And while we’re on the subject of pets, we continue to get complaints about folks who walk their dogs and let them ‘doo’ their business anywhere they like…including your lawn and on your shrubs. Not only is this inconsiderate, but for those of us who work in our yards, often on our hands and knees, it can be downright disgusting! A plant that is continually ‘watered’ with dog urine may eventually die; if not, it will certainly suffer. You may think ‘oh, it’s just a little, it won’t hurt’…but it all adds up to property! It’s not that hard to keep your dogs out of people’s lawns and curbside plants or to pick up after your pet, both on your walks around the neighborhood and in the North Main Park. Pet waste that is not scooped is a big problem for our community and the lakes, streams and waterways we enjoy in Greenville County. It is estimated that there are 114,483 dogs in Greenville County generating more than 57,000 pounds of waste every day! Dog waste left alone can pollute ground and surface water, attract pests and flies, create an unpleasant odor and be unhealthy for dogs and children, because dog waste can transmit parasites and infectious diseases.
Sniffle, Sniffle
Want to know what’s out there making you sneeze and causing your eyes to water? Oak pollen has been terrible for the last two weeks and now tassels are falling, forming mini ‘tumbleweeds’ and your street probably looks like mine (see photo). Check out the latest pollen and mold counts from Allergic Disease and Asthma Center’s Greenville Station. Get reports sent to your email weekly by registering at their website. Instantly access pollen and spore levels by location–anytime, anyplace. Visit: https://pollen.aaaai.org from your iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry or Android and add this app to your home screen.
Are allergies affecting more of us? New research confirms that this is the case, suggesting that people have become more sensitive to environmental allergic assaults over the last 25 years…. increased by nearly 5% per decade since the mid-1970s. Unfortunately, the reason is still a mystery. http://www.webmd.com/allergies/news/20050414/allergies-are-on-rise
Honeybee Swarming Season
We are quickly approaching the time of year when honeybees begin to swarm. If you find a colony of honey bees in a tree or anywhere in your yard, PLEASE DO NOT call an exterminator. We have a local beekeeper who will be happy to take them away. Remember that when bees are swarming, they are loaded up with honey in their abdomen (what they took from the original hive in order to start a new colony because the old one was crowded) so they are much less likely to sting as they have difficulty extending their stinger. Do not disturb the swarm. Please call Eliza Lord at 864-915-6927. If she cannot get to them, she will find someone who can. If there are other ‘swarm catchers’, please let us know and we’ll get your name and contact information out there.
We are continually losing honeybees to pesticides and lack of plants for pollen. About a third of our foods (some 100 key crops) rely on these insects for pollination. In total, bees contribute more than $15 billion to U.S. crop production, hardly small potatoes. Also, bee health can tell us a lot about environmental health, and thus about our own well-being, so let’s all do our small part to protect them.
Is 100% Renewable a political issue? Afraid not.
To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970, Earth Day Network is asking cities to make the pledge to rely 100% on renewable energy by 2050. An ambitious goal to be sure, but one that many of the world’s Fortune 500 companies, as well as several cities around the world, are doing right now. Let’s start the conversation.
As part of its mission to protect natural lands and preserve the environment for all people, Earth Day Network developed The Canopy Project. Rather than focusing on large scale forestry, The Canopy Project plants trees that help communities – especially the world’s impoverished communities – sustain themselves and their local economies. Trees reverse the impacts of land degradation and provide food, energy and income, helping communities to achieve long-term economic and environmental sustainability. Trees also filter the air and help stave off the effects of climate change.
With the reality of increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and more frequent and violent storms and floods, tree cover to prevent devastating soil erosion has never been more important. That’s why, in 2012, Earth Day Network made a commitment with the Global Poverty Project to plant 10 million trees over the next five years in impoverished areas of the world. Please join us to help make this commitment a reality.
Crime Update
We sent out a notice a few days ago about a robbery on Summit Drive around 2:30-3 in the afternoon on Thursday. The thieves went in the back door (after an unsuccessful attempt to get in the front door) and took a TV, X-box and safe. They were seen driving away in a small black SUV with tinted windows. Because Summit is a busy street and many people turn around in people’s driveways, the witness (who was also pre-occupied with young children) did not realize it was a burglary. She did want residents to be reminded to call the police if you notice anything unfamiliar or suspicious. After this was posted on our FB page, we had several comments about burglaries around the spring break period, with at least 1 involving a black SUV. Another resident reported seeing a black SUV cruising her street. If you hear of crimes or are a victim, please let us know or post on our Facebook page so we can warn other residents.
Spring time means it is time to start bringing out the lawn equipment. It also means that thieves are starting to look for unattended lawn equipment. Police around the country have seen an increase in thefts in spring, especially lawn equipment. In addition to the obvious, like locking up equipment in a storage shed, garage or basement, some residents in other communities around the country are taking it one step further. They are doing things like keeping an inventory with pictures to help police find the thief if they are a victim. One thing you can do is keep an eye out for your neighbors and report anything suspicious.
Also, while not a crime, but just to make you aware, there has been a young man going door-to-door selling magazines and soliciting donations. He stopped at one home about 8pm last night at the Avondale area of North Main. He was seen walking down North Main and on W. Hillcrest wearing a name tag, so he may be just a student and legitimate, but just be cautious about any strangers who come to your door.
Kitten Season is Almost Upon Us
We will be seeing more and more kittens available for foster and/or adoption at local animal shelters starting in May, as stray and pet cats have kittens. Look for specials on cats, dogs and kittens about both ACS and GHS. The Greenville Humane Society currently has over 30 sick puppies, dogs, and cats. These four-legged friends have Kennel Cough or Upper Respiratory Infections and would truly benefit from being able to recover in a quiet, calm foster home. Plus, the more we can place in homes, the more room we have to take in others. If you’re interested in fostering, please visit www.greenvillehumane.com/foster-program or stop by the facility on Airport Road to find out more about the Foster Program and fill out a Foster Application. It doesn’t cost a dime, just some love and your time…
And don’t forget… NO STRINGS ATTACHED! FREE means FREE for residents in the 29609 zip code who need to have their pet cats and kittens spayed or neutered. Residents should contact Animal Care Services at (864) 467-SPAY to make appointments to have their cats or kittens spayed or neutered at no charge. You will need to bring in proof that you reside in the 29609 zip code. This program runs through 2015. Don’t let your cat become a kitten factory…the more litters she has, the more likely she is to get mastitis and the shorter her life span. See special from Greenville Humane Society below.
Do You Shop at Amazon?
I know we told you last month, but it’s worth repeating….If you’re one of the millions of shopper who shop online at Amazon, let your purchases help a charity? Go to www.Smile.Amazon.com and a small portion of the proceeds of any purchase will go to a charity of your choice, including Doctors without Borders, St. Jude, the Greenville Humane Society, and others. You select the charity when you first go to the site. Everything else is the same, whether you are a regular or prime customer. Because the amount donated is small, make sure your charitable shopping adds to your regular charitable contribution and doesn’t replace it.
Spring to Action in your Yard
This is time of year when there’s a lot to be done in your yard…
- Time to prune back perennials and other shrubs, depending on the bloom time. Remember: Summer- Flowering Plants: Prune before spring growth begins (produce flowers on current season’s growth) Spring-
Flowering Plants: Prune after flowering (produce flowers on previous season’s growth). And try to resist the urge to commit ‘Crepe-murder’. Topping is not the correct way to prune crepe myrtles!
- Fertilizer your lawn, shrubs and trees. When fertilizing shrubs and trees, be sure to scatter the fertilizer out around the drip line and not up close to the trunk to prevent burning roots. If using liquid foliar fertilizer, be sure to wait until leaves are fully expanded so they will be able to take up the fertilizer.
- Typically mid-April is the date of the last killing frost for this area, so for those who want to get an early start on their vegetable garden, there are several common vegetables you can plant, including cantaloupe, cucumbers, melons, squash, beans and sweet corn. http://www.clemson.edu/extension/county/laurens/yard_garden/04_april.html
- Now is a good time to inspect your irrigation system for repairs and upgrades. You should also make sure the timer is set properly for early season irrigation. See the Home and Garden Center’s irrigation publications for more information.
- Spring is also when we’ll be seeing baby birds and other baby wildlife. I’ve already got chickadees, wrens and cardinals building nests in my yard and boxes. Check out this website for tips on when and how to clean nest boxes.
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data from 1884 to the present, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in April is 73°F, and the average low is 48°F. The maximum high was 94 on April 20, 1917. The maximum low temperature was 69 on April 15, 1922. The minimum high temperature was 40 on April 8, 1907 and the minimum low was 22 on both the 14th and 15th that same year. Maximum precipitation (rain) in a 24 hour period was 3.34” on April 29th, 1963. Maximum snow was 0.3” on April 3, 1981. http://www.dnr.sc.gov/climate/sco/index.php .
For you gardeners, historically there is only a 10% chance of frost on or after mid-April. According to the Farmer’s Almanac for the Southeast (NC, SC, GA), April and May will be warmer than normal. Rainfall will be below normal in the north and slightly above in the south. Watch for an early tropical storm threat in mid- to late May. Summer will bring near-normal temperatures, on average, with the hottest periods in early to mid-June, mid- to late July, and mid- to late August. Rainfall will be below normal in the north and above in the south. Watch for a tropical storm threat in mid-July. September and October will be warmer and drier than normal. The Temperature and Precipitation (November 2014 to October 2015) chart will show you how accurate they’ve been so far and give you a prediction of what’s to come:
Flash from the Past
From last month:
Falls Place is seen on the left in its early twentieth-century days as a cotton warehouse. All the buildings on the right side of the Main Street Bridge are now gone. This large building was in a convenient location to receive incoming loads from the railroad and Main Street. It was among the early fireproof cotton warehouses built in the city. It underwent extensive renovation in 1985 and is one of the charming old buildings still gracing the streets of the West End
Camperdown No. 2, the city’s second textile mill, stood on the eastern bank of the Reedy River Falls for 83 years before it’s demolition in 1959. It started out as a water-powered mill with a dam and water sluice. If you look along the cliff at the side of the waterfall today, you will see two partial pillars of brick that were once foundations for the mill’s water tower. Remnants of the mill likely endure today as contractors, carpenters and “do-it-yourselfers’ salvaged the bricks and lumber for other projects.
For This Month:
Shop Local
Keep your dollars in your community. The following companies are committed to preserving the beauty and economic well-being of the North Main Community and the greater Greenville area. Please thank them and give them your business when you can. Click on each company name to go to their website:
- 3D Land Surveying, Inc. (864.272.0274)
- Allen Tate Realtors (864.386.3180)
- At Your Service (321.356.2339)
- Barrett-MacKenzie, LLC (864.232.6247)
- Bonnie Berry Garden Design (864.449.5234)
- Carruthers Law Firm (864.467.0100)
- Catherine C. Christophillis, Attorney (864.242.2060)
- Catherine Smith Architect, LLC (864.504.5170)
- Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A. (864.233.4445)
- Cindy’s Salon and Day Spa (864.271.9984)
- Dahlia a Florist (864.232.0112)
- Dance Ventures at Stone Plaza (864.271.7701)
- Darrohn Engineering, LLC (864.346.2170)
- Daylily and Hosta Gardens (864.297.9043)
- DB Handyman Services (864.350.9718)
- Donald Shabkie Music (864.238.6361)
- Dupont Tire and Automotive (864.509.1400)
- Environmental Solutions Group (373.1538)
- Elizabeth Chandler Designs (864.416.1857)
- Fellowship Bible Church (864.255.9520)
- Gary Hester Interiors (864.232.4975)
- Gateway House, Inc. (864.242.9193)
- Global View Investment Advisors, LLC. (864.272.0818)
- com (864.249.3378)
- Griffin Property Solutions, LLC (GPS) (877.477.1407)
- He and Me Hair Designs (864.235.7550)
- Holmes Law Firm (864.271.2381)
- IPA (Independent Alehouse) (864.552.1265)
- Jordon Wholesale Lumber Co., Inc. (864.232.9686)
- Keller Williams Upstate: Tara Pickens (864.901.9644)
- Kilby Builders, LLC (864.444.1842)
- Law Office of Christine Howard (864.282.8575)
- Liberty Mutual Insurance – Joseph Withrow (864.676.8080 x08760)
- Lil Glenn Company, LLC (864.242.0088)
- Liz Berry: State Farm (864.228.6300)
- Main Street Chiropractic Wellness Center, Inc. (864.271.4240)
- Woodworking Studio of Michael McDunn (864.242.0311)
- Moss Heating and Air (864.241.0108)
- N&H Enterprises (864.467.1600)
- Nathalie M. Morgan, LLC. (864.242.6655)
- Nicholson Stained Glass (864.235.8650)\
- North Main Counseling (864.232.2212)
- Northgate Soda Shop (864.235.6770)
- O’Leary Cole, Inc. (864.233.1606)
- Oriental Medicine Associates (864.365.6156)
- Palmetto Plating Company (864.859.9314)
- Pope, Smith, Brown & King (864.242.0656)
- Propel HR (800.446.6567)
- Redhype (864.232.2000)
- Royal Engineering, Inc. (864.235-4425)
- Southern Classics (864.238.2628)
- Southern Wild Garden Design (512.461.4398)
- Stone Plaza Pharmacy (864.233.7940)
- Sullivan Company Insurance (864.288.4950)
- Sunnie & DeWorkin Group (864.905.5529)
- Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery (864.255.3385)
- The Carolina Law Group (864.312.4444)
- The Community Tap (864.631.2525)
- The Haro Group of Keller Williams (864.312.6424)
- The Marchant Company (864.467.0085)
- The Needle Tree (864.235.6060)
- The Universal Joint (864.252.4055)
- Urban Digs (864.233.6821)
- Western Carolina Products (864.942.7007)
- WildEarth Landscaping (864.242.9225)
If you would like to see your company listed here, please join the NMCA today!
Businesses do not have to be located in the North Main Neighborhood to be members. They only need to provide service to North Main residents
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
- The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their March calendar.
- The Children’s Museum has great programs for kids. Check them out at their website calendar
- Check out the current exhibits and other programs at the Upstate History Museum.
- Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. Considered the premier American art museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world’s largest public collection of watercolors by iconic American artist Andrew Wyeth. The GCMA also has an impressive collection of paintings and prints by contemporary artist Jasper Johns. Ranging from Federal portraits to contemporary abstractions, the GCMA’s acclaimed Southern Collection invites viewers to survey American art history through works with ties to the South./
Every Tuesday starting Jan 6. Line Dancing at the Sears Shelter at McPhearson Park from 6:15 – 8pm. Dances are taught in a fun and easy way with a variety of music – Hip Hop, R&B, Rock & Roll, Latin, Country, Shag, and Swing. Party dances include Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Bikers Shuffle, and Cha Cha Slide. Second hour moves into mainstream dances -Good Time, Tush Push, R&B Boogie and more. No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun. Cost – $5 (Greenville City Residents -$4)
Now till May 3 – Searching for the Seventies. The DOCUMERICA Photography Project. The Upcountry History Museum – Furman University is elated to announce our selection as the newest member of the Smithsonian Affiliates program. Come by before May 3, 2015 to see the 90 remarkable color photographs taken for a federal photography project called Project DOCUMERICA (1971-1977). Learn more about the programs of Smithsonian Affiliations.
April – There’s always lots going on at the Community Tap. Check out their calendar.
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, March–October – Yappy Hour at the Greenville Humane Society. 6-8pm. For $8, you and your friends can unwind with cold brews and live music from local artists. Meanwhile, your dog (neutered and vaccinated) can run off leash in our canine courtyard and take a dip in our “doggie pools”. For more details or in case of inclement weather: consult our Facebook page or event calendar.
April 12 – 2nd Annual Walk for Prevention. Project Pinwheel is a collaborative community project to promote the protective factors every family can adopt to help keep children safe and secure. An expected 500 participants will meet at First Baptist Greenville, and walk down the Swamp Rabbit Trail to the Julie Valentine Memorial with pinwheels, planting in public pinwheel gardens. Each participant will receive 2 pinwheels to plant, and a project pinwheel t-shirt with pre-registration. REGISTER HERE. (Note: Pinwheel delivery has been delayed by the port strike on the west coast, but all the other fun events will go on as scheduled)
April 16-17 – Greenville Council of Garden Clubs Annual Garden Tour. 10am – 5pm. Tickets are $18 in advance (area garden centers) and $20 the day of the tours at any garden.
April 17 – Summit Drive’s Spring Fling. 4:30-8:00 PM at Summit Elementary. Featuring: Inflatables, Photo Booth, M*A*S*H Tent, Brand New Games!, Face Painting, Cakewalk, Crafts, Hot Dogs, Chick-Fil-A, Sandy Candy & More! Other Special Vendors. Tickets are 50¢ on the day of the event. Presale tickets will be available for $5.00/12 tickets or $10.00/25 tickets.
APRIL 17 – Trivia with Judy Mc. 7:30 – 8:30. Northgate Soda Shop. Karaoke with BJ the DJ from 8:30 PM – 1 AM. Food served until 9 pm
April 18 – Upstate Native Plant Society Plant Sale. The South Carolina Native Plant Society, upstate chapter, will hold its spring plant sale 9am – 1pm at a new location at Conestee Park, 840 Mauldin Road in Greenville. A huge selection of native trees, shrubs and perennials will be available. Experts in native landscaping and native ecosystems will be on hand to give advice. Purchases may be made by cash, check or credit.
April 18 – Third Annual Community Garden Summit. 12 noon – 5:30pm. Roper Mtn. Science Center.
April 18 – Second Annual Climb the Ridge Trail Run. 8:30 -11am. To benefit Camp Spearhead. The five mile trail run winds its way through the new trail system at Pleasant Ridge Park. Cost is $25 for the tail race, $15 for the kid’s race and $5 for the fun run.
April 19 – Seek & Snap. Fluor Field. 12noon – 5:30pm. A family-friendly, scavenger hunt fundraiser for “Let There Be Mom”. Teams will be armed with riddles and tasks, and given two hours to “seek” in Downtown Greenville, and “snap” proof of their find. Prizes for winning teams. Music, Games, & Auction. Teams of four register online by April 9. This is a team event, but this year, if you need our help in creating a team, you got it. Pairs can also register and we will match you up with another “pair” – who knows maybe you have not even met your best friend yet. Admission: Family Teams: $85; Corporate / Friend Teams: $105
April 18-19 – Greenville will host the USA Cycling Professional Criterium and Team Time Trial National Championships, with competitions in downtown Greenville and on Interstate I-185. Greenville last hosted USA Cycling Professional Championship races in 2012. Over 500 athletes are expected to compete in the Professional Criterium, which will be held in Greenville’s historic West End on Saturday, April 18. Amateur races will be held in the morning and professional races will be held in the afternoon, ending with the women’s and men’s championship races. The short, closed course makes this type of racing ideal for spectators and more accessible for the media. Over 70 teams are expected to compete in the Team Time Trial National Championships on Sunday, April 19. The race will be held on Interstate I-185, also known as the Southern Connector, which will be closed to vehicular traffic. Prior to the start of the Team Time Trial Championships, the course will be open for a public ride.
April 19 – 25 – Greenville Craft Beer Week. New releases, tastings and a rare beer auction to benefit charity. The week closes on Saturday, April 25 with The Community Tap’s 2015 Craft Beer Festival at Greenville’s Downtown Airport. Now in its third year, this festival features rare and one-off brews from over 40 different breweries
April 24 – Stone Academy Arts Alive. Stone Academy. 3:30 – 7pm. Elementary School Carnival. Free. Arts Alive is the main fundraising event for the year. Arts-related booths are placed all through Croft Park. A Silent Auction is held in the gym. Class “Treasures” created by all the students in every classroom, are auctioned, along with donated items from the community. There’s always art by local artists, vacations, restaurant gift certificates, theatre tickets, as well as coupons and gift certificates from all sorts of businesses. Supper is available, too. So, there’s something for everyone and lots of fun.
April 24 – Pancakes for Prevention. Pelham Rd. Baptist Church. 8:30 – 11am. Enjoy breakfast with your family while supporting Greenville-Eastside Kiwanis’ Terrific Kids program and learning more about the efforts of ManUPstate and Project Pinwheel to prevent and end violence against women and children. This event will include a special guest speakers, Mr. Will Merritt (former Clemson football player and sports radio host) and Mr. Patrick Sapp (former Clemson and NFL linebacker), at 9:30am, as well as children’s activities and a silent auction. The proceeds from this event will raise funds for the Terrific Kids’ program at Greenville County elementary schools. Tickets are $6. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Brandon Calhoun at 864.331.2214 or bcalhoun@countybankmortgage.com.
April 24 – Reedy River Jazz and Wine Festival. TD Stage at the Peace Center Amphitheatre. 6 – 10pm. The Ronald McDonald House is proud to put together an event that will bring our community together, Greenville’s 5th Annual Reedy River Jazz and Wine Festival. It will stimulate interest in and promote awareness of jazz in the Upstate complimented by Food and Wine. Free.
April 24 – May 3 – SC Children’s Theater presents “The Cat in the Hat”. Check website for times and prices.
April 25 – Spring Yard Sale at the Northgate Soda Shop. 7am – 1pm. As you start your spring cleaning, remember the North Main Yard Sale and come make a little money and get some great deals. No charge for your space. What you DO NOT want to take home with you will be given to charity. Please set up around the edge of the back parking lot. Please leave the middle open for customers. Please bring change, tables or what you need to set up to set up and sell.
April 25 – March of Dimes March for Babies. Greenville Tech on Pleasantburg Drive. 9am – 12 noon. Free.
April 30 – Palmetto Derby Party “Run for the Noses”. Adoptable puppies go nose to nose during the Greenville Humane Society’s Derby Dash! The Old Cigar Warehouse. 6:30-9:30pm. Top-shelf Bourbon, open bar, gourmet food, live music by Jacob Johnson. Want to give your favorite competitor a leg up? Click “Vote” or “Vote & Buy Tickets” for your pup of choice under the Contestants section to push them to the top of the leaderboard!
May 8 – Spaghetti Sauce Cook Off. 6:30 PM. Northgate Soda Shop. Must have Spaghetti Sauce set up at the SS / OS at 6:30. Ren and Iris are providing the noodles. Make any kind of sauce you want. No professional chefs, please!
May 8 – Blue Ridge Fest. Largest classic car cruise-in event in the Upstate to benefit local non-profit organizations.
May 9 – 5K Walk/Run – 8:30am. Race the trails (or go for a casual stroll) at Conestee Nature Park side by side with your best running partner – your dog! Make a difference in the lives of homeless animals and be a part of the first annual dog-friendly trail race to benefit Animal Care Services. Whether you’re racing with or without your four-legged companion or just walking the trail to support a good cause, Tails & Trails is fun for everyone. Post-race activities include the posting of results and award presentation, plus tail-waggin fun with our pet costume contest, and vendor party. Click here for details on sponsorship levels and the tremendous benefits of becoming a Tails & Trails sponsor.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.