
Weekly Video Update and Tree Ordinance Presentation

Below are links to the Weekly Video Update, as well as the video recording of the Tree Ordinance meeting and the presentation from it. Week in Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–tpchFAmeU https://www.greenvillesc.gov/1652/Week-in-Review Tree Ordinance Meeting Tree Ordinance Open House Presentation https://www.greenvillesc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16661/Landscape-and-Tree-Ordinance-Review-12-1-2020  

Current Tree Ordinance

Sec. 19-6.3. – Tree protection. 19-6.3.1.  General. (A)  Purpose. Protection of existing tree cover is intended to preserve the visual and aesthetic qualities of Greenville; to encourage site design techniques that preserve the natural environment and enhance the developed environment;Read more