On Wednesday, June 23, Officer Courtney Palmer, Greenville’s Crime Prevention Specialist, met with North Main residents at the North Gate Soda Shop (a unique and historic restaurant that has served our community very well) to give us some tips on crime prevention and how to build a Neighborhood Watch (NW) program.
Transient Update
This meeting was the result of recent problems with a transient who was begging for money (which is illegal) and asking for work. While it’s wonderful that people want to help, Officer Palmer strongly suggests that we donate to local charities that have the experience and resources to help in a more comprehensive way. Dealing one-on-one with people wanting quick cash is risky and tends to encourage their unexpected, late night return which is what happened to our neighbors already.
This particular transient is still around because no one has pressed charges – the only call has been as a complaint. If there are enough reports, they can charge him with harassment.
Police Phone Numbers to Call
Here are the numbers to call if you see him or have any other issues:
- Emergency Number: 911
- Non-emergency number:
- City Dispatch: 271-5333
- City Front Desk: 467-5258
- Greenville Tip Line: 271-4273
If you want to remain anonymous, just tell the officer who takes your call.
Your Neighbors Are the Best Alarm System
Officer Palmer noted that the best alarm systems are our neighbors which is why a NW program is so important. But for this to work there needs to be a network so that problems on your street can be quickly communicated to your neighbors; e-mails from our community website are not enough. So, every resident at the meeting has agreed to reach out to at least 5 neighbors as a start. We will then let the rest of our residents know through our website where these networks are so that they can join the one near them. We are also looking into NW signs that we can post at visible sites.
For those who were not able to make the meeting but are interested in participating, please contact Mike Cubelo at mikecubelo@yahoo.com or sign up online at our website. Just click on the link under Public Safety Committee.
We have attached a copy of the Neighborhood Watch Brochure that Officer Palmer passed out at the meeting. Click on the image below to download the brochure.

Please join us in keeping our neighborhood safe. Thank You.