One of our members knows a retired lawyer who has been feeding the cats at the Green Valley Country Club for 30 years, and he’s been able to tame and domesticate some of them as well as finding them homes. Right now he has two females—he’s had them spayed and their shots—that he’d like to place together, as he says they are inseparable. (Most animal shelters will not guarantee that
animals will be placed together which is why we are trying to help.) The daughter is the black one (Dana) and is eight or nine months old, her Mother, Mona, is about a year and a half, and he says they are both very loving cats. If you would be interested in giving these two loving kitties a forever home, or if you would like to meet them in person, please call Bill at 246-7030 or 918-4426 (cell). Hopefully this ‘animal loving neighborhood’ can help find them a home.
Please Help Mom and Daughter Kitties Stay Together