Please Attend Stone Avenue Planning Meetings this Week!

Below are the highlights of our meeting which includes significant points about how we want Stone Avenue to look over the next 5 to 10 years. We want to reinforce these points at the Charette Meetings scheduled this week.

Here is the schedule

Since there are a series of meetings that we all cannot make, the critical one that you should not miss is the one on Saturday, 3/20. That is the workshop one where we work in teams and detail how we want to design Stone Avenue. This is the meeting where we can reinforce the points below and you can let the consultants and city officials know what you want to see on Stone Avenue.

So, try and make that Saturday meeting if you can’t make any others.

Highlights of Our Discussion at the Stone Ave Meeting of 3/6:

1. Group wants Stone to be more ‘walkable’, i.e. safer. Slower traffic. Bike lane. Consensus is that we want 3 lanes which includes a center median/turn lane. More green/landscaped space between sidewalk and road. Sidewalks on both sides of street. Question came up about city’s schedule for street cleaning and how it affects bike riding when dirt accumulates on bike lanes.

2. Use common sense when placing buildings and parking, based on property site, adjacent residents and business use. Parking in back may increase crime unless lighting is good. Business too close to street may not be conducive to drawing folks into a business. They need to see available parking that easily accessible. Compromise may be to have side parking.

3. Lighting should be directed downward so as not to be a problem for nearby residents (We didn’t discuss it but should be Dark Skies Certified, if possible)

4. Building elevation should be restricted to 30 feet or less, hopefully 2 stories or less. Should be some guidelines for roofs that considers line of sight from adjacent residents.

5. Building structure should be determined with quality in mind….nothing cheap. Encourage a variety of good quality materials in fitting with neighborhood. No ‘corporate’ architecture. Want eclectic with personality.

6. As for type of business, we understand that things will be done based on economic reality so we won’t get a return to 100% residential, but we can still voice concerns about what we do not want.

All night eating establishments
Blood centers
Homeless facilities
Drug rehab facilities
Charity shops like Salvation Army
Auto sales/repair/service establishments
Tattoo parlors

Small hardware stores
Beauty shops
Family/local restaurants
Craft shops
Art supply stores
Art galleries
Police substation
Consignment shops

Once again, please try and attend at least the Saturday meeting on 3/20 at Earle Street Baptist Church from 8:30 am till 1 pm.


Please Attend Stone Avenue Planning Meetings this Week!
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