*The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email pgilreath@aol.com for the location and if we are meeting that month. Any members are welcome to attend board meetings.
Welcome to NMCA’s Newest Business Member
Southern Wild Garden Design Julie is a professional, independent landscape designer based out of Greenville. She works with homeowners and businesses to create a plan for their landscaping and gardening needs. “Why? Because you need a plan. Whether it is a small area of your property or an overall design, creating a plan that you can implement over time saves you money in the long term, creates a garden space that flows, and repairs (or avoids) potential problems. All of the pieces fit together seamlessly. You wouldn’t build a house without a plan, so why would you build your outdoor space without a plan? Your outdoor space is just as important as your indoor space when it comes to property values–not to mention the importance to your mental and emotional health!” Check out her website or call 512.461.4398 to set up an appointment.
NMCA Annual Spring Membership Drive and Social
Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 17, 5-7pm for our annual membership drive/social in the back parking lot of the Northgate Soda Shop. As usual we’ll have free beer, cold drinks and snacks. This year we hope to have live music. Our special guest will be the Greenville Police Department’s “SWAT Mobile”. The Greenville Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) is comprised of 20 officers and is a secondary duty to their regular assignments. The team members are issued specialized equipment including the newest weaponry, diversionary devices, less lethal weapons, ballistic shields and chemical munitions. The team is trained to respond to hazardous and high risk situations including officer and citizen rescues, active shooters, barricaded suspects, hostage rescues, search warrant executions, and dignitary protection. The SWAT Team works in partnership with the Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) to achieve their ultimate goal of peaceful resolution of volatile situations.
Come see the armored vehicle (and see why some call it the Batmobile) and talk to the Officers that are part of this special unit.
Renew Your NMCA Membership Today!
You should have received renewal notices for calendar year 2014. If you’ve already renewed for 2014, thank you! If not, please renew now via PayPal at our website or mail your $10 annual membership dues to PO Box 571, Greenville, SC 29602. Thank you! Note: If you choose to donate via Paypal, once you’ve donated, click the button to “Return to North Main Community Association”. This will direct you to choose Individual or business and prompt you to fill in your name and address and to select any issues or areas you are interested in.
The Drop-In Store Adds Dining In Option
Although not exactly new, just in case you missed it, inside NMCA Business Member The Drop-in Store, tucked back in the back, is Paulista’s Delight Cuisine. When the Drop-in Store first became a member, Paulista’s had not opened, yet. Valerie Rebellato, owner of Paulista’s Delight Cuisine, has been in the food service industry since she was 6 years old when she started working in her family’s catering business in Brazil. She offers home-cooked Latin American dishes, as well as Italian, Mexican and traditional American fare. Check out more information at her website. Hours are Mon thru Sat 11:30 am to 8:00 pm. Dine in or carry out.
Urban Farm Workday/Workshop
We have an urban farm in the North Main area on Summit Drive that has been on the Greenville Urban Farm Tour several times. The site is in need of a pick-me-up, so on March 15th from 10am – 5pm, the SC Upstate Permaculture Society is having a “permablitz” to rejuvenate their landscape. This is an educational work-day event that is open to the public. They’ll have hands-on workshops on edible landscaping, beekeeping, backyard chickens, attracting native pollinators, rainwater catchment, and multiple permaculture (“permanent agriculture”) techniques. Lunch is provided for workers who RSVP to the event, which can be done through the SC Upstate Permaculture Society (this group is free and welcomes beginners): http://www.appalachianfeet.com/scups-signup/
Next HOG Workday
Mark your calendars now for the next HOG workday at the North Main Rotary Park. Saturday, March 22, from 9-12 noon. Hopefully the weather this time will be slightly warmer than the last time….at least above freezing! Join the North Main Community Association at the Park to spend a little time with nature and neighbors while helping to keep the park beautiful. Volunteers are needed to assist in the following areas:
Cut back kudzu by bridge and creek bed near Bobby Pearse Center
- Trim ivy from trees on bank closest to the soda shop
- Cut back broken and fallen bamboo and trim other plants
- Rake leaves from rock dry creek bed and do general cleanup
Just go to the United Way Site and sign up there. If you have questions, please email JoAnne Conner, NMCA Park Chairperson, at joanneconner@charter.net. Thanks!!
Unlawful Occupancy
This is just a reminder to be aware of the vacant properties in your neighborhood, those either abandoned, condemned, or empty and for sale. If you would like to send a list to Courtney Palmer, Greenville’s Crime Prevention Specialist, she can pass them on to the road officers to be more vigilant in checking those particular properties. It is illegal for someone to “squat” in a house that does not belong to them and have broken into the home/building. There have been quite a few places in the past two years that have been damaged extensively due to squatters. If you see activity in one of these properties, please do not approach the house/building but call the police and they will come out and investigate. You may also call Courtney at (864)467-2672.
Infill Task Force Update
Hopefully you remember that a Residential Infill Task Force was formed by the City Council after receiving feedback from residents that there were a large number of infill projects underway and that people were concerned about the impact on existing neighborhoods. In our neighborhood you don’t have to look far and it seems like things are moving more quickly…perhaps builders want to get permitted before any changes occur to the ordinance? The mission of the task force is to seek a balance that maintains the character and integrity of Greenville’s neighborhoods while allowing growth and promoting good infill development.
What many of us are most concerned about are preserving and increasing tree canopy (after all, we do have the designation ‘Tree City, USA’), impervious surfaces and homes that fit with the existing style and size. The city has posted the minutes of the 12/13/13 Task Force Meeting and the Presentations from that meeting and the one on 2/24/14 on the Infill Task Force website. This site also lists the task force members. When the task force meetings are complete and staff has prepared a draft ordinance, there will be a public hearing. PLEASE watch for this announcement and try to attend. This is so important for the future of our neighborhood. We will try to keep you updated.
Greenville Boards and Commissions
The City offers many opportunities for citizens and business owners to participate in municipal government through membership on boards and commissions. Members are volunteers who are knowledgeable in areas of municipal service and want to make a difference in the City. For a list of boards and commissions along with more information on each and an application form, go to the City’s Boards and Commission’s Website.
Save Greenville’s Wilkin’s House
You may remember from last month’s newsletter, the information about the Wilkin’s House (it was one of the ‘Flash from the Past’ photos). A group of community members has banded together to save a piece of Greenville history from the wrecking ball this spring. The “The Save The Wilkins House Initiative” has a goal of raising $360,000 by the end of March in order to save the historic Augusta Road structure, move it to a new location and set up easements that keep the two-story Italianate-style home from ever being demolished.
The short deadline is necessary because of a time crunch the building faces, said Kelly Odom, the chairman of the Save The Wilkins House Initiative. The four acres the Wilkins House is located on are being sold and will be redeveloped by new owners. The entire cost of preparing the house for the move along with actual moving of the house and moving power lines, building the new foundation and permitting will be approximately $720,000, but almost half has been pledged. That leaves a $360,000 gap that has to be made up and The Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation has taken the lead. Check out their website for more information on how to donate. It also gives more information on the history of the house as well as pictures inside.
New Dogwood Trees on North Main
You may have noticed the new dogwoods planted in the median of N. Main. Your NMCA dues helped pay for this. This year the city was able to get larger trees which look great. You can hardly tell which ones are the new ones as they are almost as large as some of the old ones, but it’s hard to miss that fresh red clay soil around the base. They will be mulched soon and will hopefully provide years of pleasure for all who drive along N. Main.
March Gardening
It’s time for application of nitrogen for Bermuda grass and zoysiagrass lawns that have been over-seeded for the winter. You may want to get a soil test done through the Extension Service. DON’T fertilize centipede or St. Augustine yet, nor warm-season lawns that were not over-seeded. See Fertilizing Lawns for more information. If you have an irrigation system, you may want to check it soon for leaks or other problems before you need to use it this spring and summer.
It’s finally time to think about pruning back your perennials and pick out new ones you want to try. Clemson University has a bulletin on growing conditions for many perennials for this area. After a few years of being in the garden if your perennials are happy they will multiply and you will need to divide the plants. This is always a great way to share your plants as well as keeping the plants healthy. Remember, perennials, even native ones, require some care and maintenance for establishment.
Pruning shrubs is based on this rule of thumb: Summer-Flowering Plants: Prune before spring growth begins (produce flowers on current season’s growth). Spring-Flowering Plants: Prune after flowering (produce flowers on previous season’s growth). If shrubs have overgrown the site, crowd other plants, hide windows and appear out of scale with the building, it may be necessary to prune severely, called renewal pruning, to bring the plants within bounds.
Renewal pruning means cutting the plants back to within 6 to 12 inches of ground level. In this instance, timing is more important than technique. The best time to prune severely is before spring growth begins. Renewal pruning results in abundant new growth by midsummer. Once the new shoots are 6 to 12 inches long, prune the tips to encourage lateral branching and a more compact shrub.
Most broadleaf shrubs such as azaleas, camellias, privets, glossy abelia, nandina and cleyera respond well to renewal pruning. Boxwoods, junipers, pines, cypress, cedar, arborvitae, yews and other narrow-leaf evergreens do not respond when severely pruned and may decline. Transplanting, instead of pruning, may be better for these plants when they overgrow a site.
An alternative to the drastic removal of top-growth on multiple stem shrubs is to cut back all stems at ground level over a period of three years. At the first pruning, remove one-third of the old, mature stems. The following year, take out one-half of the remaining old stems and head back long shoots growing from the previous pruning cuts. At the third pruning in yet another year, remove the remaining old wood and head back the long new shoots.
Thinning (cutting selected branches back to a side branch or main trunk) is usually preferred over heading back. Thinning encourages new growth within the interior portions of a shrub, reduces size and provides a fuller, more attractive plant. http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/plants/landscape/shrubs/hgic1059.html
Don’t Forget the Birds
Clean out houses after each nesting and also in the spring. An old paintbrush is a good tool for brushing out the nest box. If excessively soiled, wash the boxes out with soapy water, rinse thoroughly and allow to dry completely before closing up. This will get rid of mites and protect the nestlings when they appear. Look over the house to make sure that the structure is still solid. For birds that are multiple brooded or those that typically raise more than one family in one season such as Wrens and Bluebirds, it is not necessary to clean out the box as soon as the young have fledged. It is recommended however to clean out the nesting materials between broods to reduce nest parasites. Most birds will not use a nest a second time
but build on top of the existing nest or do some rearranging.
This is also a good time to either make or buy birdhouses to mount for this spring. You can find instructions online or buy houses at many retailers. They don’t have to be fancy, but keep in mind that some birds prefer certain sized boxes and openings and you may also need something to deter predators, either baffles on poles or inserts in the openings. The one pictured to the right is a bit unusual but is a good example of recycling…we have some of these in our yard, but the squirrels can be quite destructive.
The results of the Great Backyard Bird Count are in. For counts in Greenville, check out Audubon’s website. The hotspot, as is often the case, was Lake Conestee Nature Park.
What are Zone Maps?
The USDA Hardiness Zone Map divides North America into 11 separate zones; each zone is 10°F warmer (or colder) in an average winter than the adjacent zone. If you see a hardiness zone in a catalog or plant description, chances are it refers to the USDA map. Click here for more information about hardiness maps. Gardeners need a way to compare their garden climates with the climate where a plant is known to grow well. That’s why climate zone maps were created. Zone maps are tools that show where various permanent landscape plants can adapt. If you want a shrub, perennial, or tree to survive and grow year after year, the plant must tolerate year-round conditions in your area, such as the lowest and highest temperatures and the amount and distribution of rainfall. Greenville is in zone 7B, so when you’re browsing plant catalogs, keep that in mind when deciding what plant to get.
Survey on Plastic and Single-use Bags
A Graduate Student (NMCA member) needs local assistance with a brief survey she is conducting. The survey is about consumer use of plastic and single-use bags. It took me about 2 minutes or less to complete it. Here is the link to the survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1684H59b8Fa4LswWC1vV2jfZuiIt0S_M-Ydy_vCono3A/viewform Just click on your answer and hit submit. That’s all there is to it!
She would like to get as many surveys completed as possible by local residents. If you have questions please contact Paulina at paulinam@mac.com or call her at 864-597-9088. Thanks for your help!
Spring Cleaning/Yard Sale April 26
As you start your spring cleaning, remember that there will be a yard sale at the Northgate Soda Shop Saturday, April 26 from 7am – 2pm. Consider saving items to sell there. What doesn’t sell is donated to Safe Harbor.
Greenville County Animal Care Services is also having a yard sale that day from 9am – 2pm, so keep that in mind, as well. More details to come.
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in March is 63.5°F, the average low is 40.2°F and the average precipitation (rainfall) is 5.17”. The average snowfall is 0.9”. The record maximum temperature for the period 1962-2006 was 89°F on March 23, 1995. The record minimum for the month was 25°F on March 11, 1973. http://www.dnr.sc.gov/climate/sco/index.php .
Since The Farmer’s Almanac seemed to do better this winter than NOAA, below is their forecast for the next couple of months.
Mar 1-8: Showers, then sunny, cold; Mar 9-14: Rain, then sunny, warm; Mar 15-21: Rain, then sunny, cool; Mar 22-27: Sunny, turning warm; Mar 28-31: Rainy periods, turning cool.
Apr 1-2: Sunny, warm; Apr 3-11: A few t-storms, warm; Apr 12-21: Sunny; cool, then warm; Apr 22-26: Showers, then sunny, cool; Apr 27-30: Sunny, warm.
April and May will be a bit warmer than normal, with near-normal rainfall. Summer will be hotter than normal, with above-normal rainfall, especially near the coast. The hottest periods will occur in mid- and late June and in mid-July. September and October will be slightly cooler than normal, with near-normal rainfall. Expect a hurricane threat in mid-September. http://www.almanac.com/weather/longrange/SC/Greenville
This Month’s Trivia
With this winters’ snow events, it seemed logical to ask…Why do snowflakes differ in size, sometimes within an hour? At the heart of every snowflake is a minute grain of dust that was once floating in a cloud. Water vapor from the atmosphere condenses on this dust grain forming a droplet that freezes instantly. The growing flake eventually sprouts six tiny branches. Each of these branches grows to form side branches in a direction and shape that are influenced by the clustering of water molecules on the ice crystal surfaces. Depending on exactly how long it stays at one temperature, at one humidity, then another temperature, then another humidity, you’ll get different forms of growth. If temperatures are marginal to create snow, the flakes will stick together due to the flakes being wetter and more “sticky” and will be larger. Also, if humidity levels are high, they will tend to be larger. Wind speeds or the speed that the flakes are falling could also be a factor as stronger winds will tend to keep the flakes from sticking to one another. http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/questions/question/2860/
Flash from the Past
From last month:
The Sisters of Bon Secours established their first hospital in Baltimore in 1919 and opened their second, in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, in 1945. By 1980, the Sisters had established and/or managed several Catholic hospitals, long-term care facilities and other health care services. St. Francis Greenville was founded in 1932, and is a private, not-for-profit health system. It was the first hospital in Greenville to have an ambulance. Groundbreaking for the new St. Francis Hospital began in 1968 and the new hospital we know today opened December 3 1971. It was one of the first all-private room hospitals in the Southeast. http://www.stfrancishealth.org/about-us-our-mission-and-history.html
Those of you who served in the military in SC will recognize this as “Tank Hill” at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. This is the area where many young men begin their Basic Training at Fort Jackson. On June 2, 1917, a new Army Training Center was established to answer America`s call for trained fighting men in the early, ominous days of World War I. This installation would become the largest and most active of its kind in the world. First known as the Sixth National Cantonment, and later as Camp Jackson, Fort Jackson has always served as the Army`s pioneer in the training environment. The initial site of the cantonment area consisted of almost 1,200 acres. The citizens of Columbia donated the land to the federal government, thereby initiating the long tradition of respect, cooperation and friendship between the city and the installation. In fact, Fort Jackson was incorporated into the city in October 1968. http://www.jackson.army.mil/Area/FtJHist.htm
Do you recognize these Greenville landmarks?
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their March Calendar.
Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. The Greenville Collection is now the largest and the most complete collection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolors owned by any public museum in the world.
Interested in volunteering with the Puppies & Kittens or Adult Dogs at the Humane Society? Please visit their Volunteer page for details and requirements.
►Limited Number of Spots Available per Orientation
►Registration is Required
►To register for Puppy Patrol Orientation, please contact Tori Firth: puppypatrol@greenvillehumane.com
►To register for Dog Walking Orientation, please contact Alysha Harvey: dogwalking@greenvillehumane.com
March 13 – Work Day in the Skip Still Meadow. SCNPS event. 9am – 12noon. SC DNR Clemson Office. 311 Natural Resources Drive. Learn from Bill Stringer about the native and invasive plants in the meadow. Help remove invasive plants and install a split rail fence around the meadow. Bring work gloves. Questions? Contact Cathy Reas Foster at creas@clemson.edu
March 14, 15, 17. Friday, Saturday and Monday – Greenville Animal Care Services St. Petricks Day Adopt-A-Thon. Lucky $7.00 cat adoption fees. $14.00 Select Adult Dogs with Pet Supply Purchase. See Website for hours.
March 15 – Free Shredding and Electronics Recycling. 9am-12noon. TD Convention Center. Bi-annual shredding and electronics recycling event, from 9am-Noon at TD Convention Center in the Eisenhower Parking Lot. Businesses and individuals are welcome. All paper must be bagged or boxed and each person is limited to three trash bags or three small boxes of paper. Accepted electronics: computer monitors, keyboards, mice, CPUs, etc. (all things that plug into a computer), televisions. Note: the city is no longer accepting fluorescent bulbs for recycling.
March 15 – St. Patty’s Day Dash and Bask 5K and 10K. 8am – 10am. Fluor Field. 947 S. Main St. A run/walk to raise awareness and funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Carolina, Camp Spearhead and Let There Be Mom. Registration begins at 6:30am at Fluor Field and 10K run/walk starts at 8:00am and 5K run/walk starts begins at 8:15am. The start line begins at South Main and Augusta Street.
March 15 – The Silver Screen Café “Dinner and a Movie”. “The Mad Miss Manton” starring Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck. 6:30pm. Tickets on sale now. Seating is limited. See website for more information and menu. Ask about a Private ‘Dinner and a Movie’ for your group or business.
March 17 – Gardening in the Southeast for Beginners. 6:15pm – 8pm. Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery. Learn how to choose a garden site & style, improve your soil, figure out how much to water & fertilize, select plants, start seeds, make compost, and more! Cost: $15.
March 18 – Top Ten Essential Oils to Have in Your Home. 6-7:30pm. Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery. We will profile the top ten essential oils. Much plant material is harvested to produce essential oils. We will discuss essential oils with multiple uses for your family, sustainability issues when essential oils are farmed, harvested and transported internationally and well as effective applications of each oil. We will look at what is grown and distilled currently in the United States. You will make a room spray and a body ready blend from the top ten. Cost: $25.
Check the Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery event calendar for other classes in March and April.
March 18 – Under the Radar – Fig Buttercup. SCNPS event. 7-9pm. So. Wesleyan University, Central. There is a new culprit in our area, and since it is relatively unknown, it is quietly establishing itself in our region’s parks and waterways without many even being aware of its presence. This newcomer is Fig Buttercup, also known as Lesser Celandine. It has an early and accelerated life cycle, as well as the ability to reproduce in multiple ways. It already shows up on a number of invasive plant lists for eastern states. It can even be found in the Smokies and right here at Lake Conestee Nature Park. See more at: http://scnps.org/event/upstate-radar-fig-buttercup#sthash.2YN6FZEN.dpuf
March 20 – Greenville Humane Society kicks off the 2014 Yappy Hour Series, presented by Camp Bow Wow. 6-8pm. Then, it’s every 2nd Thursday of the month from April to October. For $8 you and your friends can unwind with cold brews and live music from local artists. Meanwhile, your dog can run off leash in our canine courtyard and take a dip in the “doggie” pools. Dogs: Must come on leash and be friendly, spayed/neutered, over 6 months of age, healthy & up to date on vaccinations. For more details or in case of inclement weather: Consult our Facebook page or www.greenvillehumane.com.
March 20 – Piedmont Natural Gas Downtown Alive. 5:30 – 8:30pm. 200 Block of North Main St. Weekly music series for 24 weeks between late March and late August; features local, regional and national entertainers with sounds including rock, blues, funk, and cover bands; this is the single largest fundraiser for the Metropolitan Arts Council each year.
March 21 – Trivia at the Northgate Soda Shop. 7-8 pm. Prize for the winning team. Trivia Questions for this week are on St. Patrick’s Day, Local Trivia (people , places and things) and Current Events for March for the bonus trivia.
March 21 – Greenville Heritage Main Street Fridays. 5:30 – 9:30pm. Weekly music series on Main Street for 27 weeks between late-March and September; features beach, oldies, blues and party music with a series total of approximately 45,000 annually; as the owner, City of Greenville all aspects of the event. Free.
March 24 – June 2 – Spring Yoga at the Bobby Pearse Center. Whether you are a new or experienced student, you’ll enjoy this class. Come to one, some or all classes. Instructor Brooke Kleinfelter can work with you to modify poses to suit your body or your experience. Come join the fun and start each week feeling good that you’ve done something for yourself!
Downtown Line Dance. 6:15 – 8pm. Offered every Tuesday from 6:15 to 8 pm. at Sears Rec Center in McPherson Park. Dances are taught in a fun and easy way with great music – Hip Hop, R&B, Rock & Roll, Latin, Country, Shag, Swing. Social dances include Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Bikers Shuffle, Cha Cha Slide, Good Time, God Blessed Texas, R&B Boogie and more. No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun. Cost – $4 for Greenville city residents, $5 for others. Telephone: 864-467-4326. Admission: $5 (Greenville city residents – $4)
March 22 – CU-ICAR presents The Millennium Drive. CU-ICAR’s Millenium Campus.11:00am – 5pm. An international car cruise, in celebration of the Upstate’s booming international automotive market. This inaugural event celebrates both the rich past and exciting future of transportation around the world. Come see international cars cruise up and down CU-ICAR’s Millennium Blvd! With live entertainment and food from around the world, The Millennium Drive has something for everyone!
March 27 – Lecture Series: Committed to Conservation. Puma Ecology & Management, presented by The Furman Cougar Project. 7pm – 8:30pm. Watkins Room, Trone Student Center, Furman University. Additional programs in this series include: Tuesday, April 22, Red Ape Conservation, presented by Orangutan Foundation International; Tuesday, May 13, Conservation in the Far East, presented by Amur Leopard & Tiger Alliance.
Free admission.
March 28 – Chili Cook Off. Northgate Soda Shop. 6pm. Judging at 7pm. Then you can taste test all the chili yourself. There will be prizes and judges (TBD). If you don’t want to participate in the cook off you are welcome to bring an appetizer. Please bring can / nonperishable items, paper products etc. to donate to the food pantry. If you would like to bring hand sanitizer refills, towels or small blankets (i.e. baby size), and cat and dog toys for the animal shelter that would be greatly appreciated. We will deliver all items.
March 29 – Zoom Through the Zoo. 8am – 10am. Greenville Zoo and Cleveland Park. This event will be a 5K and children’s fun run, this will be a fundraiser for the Greenville Zoo. 7:00am registration opens, 8:00am the 5k starts and 9:00am the kids run starts
March 29 – The Spring Flea. A day of local art, handmade treats and repurposed vintage goods. 11am – 3pm. Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery. (Rain date: April 5)
March 30 – Seek and Snap Digital Scavenger Hunt. Fundraiser for Let There be Mom. This is a team event, but this year, if you need our help in creating a team, you got it. Pairs can also register and we will match you up with another “pair” – who knows maybe you have not even met your best friend yet . If making your own team, teams should be made up of 4 people. Your team will be given a series of clues and two hours to find as many items as you can within a designated area in downtown Greenville. You will need a digital camera to capture proof of your find. Fabulous prizes will be awarded to winning teams. Registration is open February 5 – March 21.
For other community events, check the Greenville City calendar
Spring/Summer Programs at Greenville Community Centers
To view the spring/summer calendar for the Bobby Pearse Center and/or the Sears Shelter, go to the Parks and Rec website You will be able to view program information and pay directly online.
….Or pick up a program brochure at your local community center.
Program Instructors Needed
The City of Greenville Parks and Recreation Department is seeking instructors to offer fun and exciting recreational and educational classes to our community. Our department offers a wide variety of recreational programs to citizens of all ages. These programs take place in city parks, community centers and other locations. For a full listing of programs visit http://www.greenvillesc.gov/ParksRec/RecPrograms.aspx
Community Center Rental
Both the Bobby Pearse Center and the Sears Shelter are available for rent. For information about renting the Bobby Pearse Center, email Jonathan Jones or call 467-4331.
Planning a special event like a wedding reception, birthday, anniversary or family reunion? Why not have your events at the Sears Recreation Center? It is conveniently located in McPherson Park at the corner of North Main Street and E. Park Avenue (100 E. Park Avenue). Contact Jan Cox or call 864-467-4326.
Some of the Community Center features are:
¬Kitchen ¬Restrooms ¬Handicapped accessible ¬Piano ¬Banquet ¬tables & chairs
¬Plenty of parking ¬Sound system
Contact Jan Cox at 864-467-4326 or jbcox@greenvillesc.gov for more information and availability.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.