*The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:00 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend. Please email northmaincomm@gmail.com in case there is a location change and to insure we are meeting that month.
Welcome to Our Newest Business Members
The 101 Espresso Bar opened May 22 in the unique flat-iron-style building at 101 Wade Hampton Blvd. Owned and operated by a Greek family, their specialty will be Greek espresso. They will serve a variety of
coffee and espresso drinks, as well as smoothies and tea. Customers can enjoy their beverage while surrounded by the homemade art that decorates this cozy little coffee shop. The 101 Espresso Bar will be open Monday-Saturday 7 a.m.-9pm, and Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Stop by and enjoy!
North Main Neighbors is an interactive monthly publication by, for and about the residents of and around the North Main area. If you would like to be a featured family or have recipes, pet pictures or any other content to share, please reach out to Content Coordinator Cecilia Hopping at chopping@bestversionmedia.com . They are always looking for great ideas for stories! To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lila James at 864-630-9931 or LJames@bestversionmedia.com .
Sexton Griffith Custom Builders was founded by Kevin Sexton and Barry Griffith, two Greenville natives both of whom are proud Clemson alumni. Kevin and Barry have been building and renovating homes for over 25 years in the upstate and surrounding mountain communities. They are currently renovating several homes in the Downtown Greenville area and also are building several custom homes in The Reserve at Lake Keowee and the surrounding areas. “We are excited to become a part of the historic North Main community as we open our new location at 1830 N. Main St. (the corner of Rutherford and North Main). We hope you will be able to join us at our Grand Opening party June 29th from 4-6 to see some of our work as well as meet our staff.” They can be reached on their website, FB page, or by calling 864-295-0730.
Development and Other City News
- I’m sure you’ve noticed work has begun at Northpointe. The trees are down along Stone Avenue to make way for the widening. Next, the sidewalks on both sides of Stone Avenue will be demolished. Temporary traffic signal poles also will go up; the current poles are in the way of the widening. The City of Greenville will reclaim the existing poles at Column Street and Stone Avenue. Roadwork is expected to be complete by the end of 2017. (Northpointe Newsletter, May 2017). Website: crhrealestate.com/northpointe Email for questions & to request regular updates: infonorthpointe@crhsc.com
- National non-profit KaBOOM! announced that Greenville is among 257 cities and towns across the United States named as 2017 Playful City USA communities. This is the seventh year that Greenville has received this honor. Communities are recognized for transforming ordinary places into playful spaces and using play as a solution to the challenges facing their residents. To see the full list of 2017 Playful City USA communities or for more information about the program, visit kaboom.org/playfulcityusa .
- As noted above in new business section, Sexton Griffith Custom Builders has opened a satellite office at the corner of Rutherford and N. Main a location that has been home to everything from ice cream to jazzercize classes in the past.
- Revel Event Center is now open in the old Handlebar site. It is the only event venue located on Stone Avenue, between downtown and the Historic Earle District with 8,500 square feet of event space for up to 500 guests. Revel draws its influences from the French Quarter of New Orleans, drawing use of the building’s historical architecture through a careful blending of art, history and good ol’ Southern hospitality.
- Stone Pin Company is Greenville’s newest bowling alley. Stone Pin Company is open seven days a week and is located in the basement of Revel Event Center. Call 864-603-1584 to make reservations
- Half-Moon Outfitters, a regional chain of outdoors retail stores with headquarters in Charleston, has acquired a 14,000-square-foot building at 603 E. Stone Ave. as a new home for its Greenville store, which is currently located at 1437 Laurens Road. The Greenville store will move in late 2017 or 2018. (Upstate Business Journal)
- The Design Review Board reviewed and tabled an application for preliminary certification for a special tax assessment for the building at 109 W. Stone Ave, most recently Battery & Electric Co. The proposed development, known as Westone, will house a brewery, restaurant, and the second Coffee Underground location, among other retail outlets. The DRB must recommend a tax assessment change be granted. It was decided that two board members would visit the site to determine whether enough of the existing structure is historic enough to qualify for the tax assessment. (Upstate Business Journal, June 2017)
- We understand that the new trolley route is awaiting the purchase of a second trolley, thus the delay. Hopefully this will happen soon.
Spring Social a Big Success!
Thanks to all our friends and neighbors who helped make this year’s Spring Member Social and Membership Drive such a success. Close to 300 adults and kids braved the heat and we gained over 40 new members. We hope everyone enjoyed the food, drink, music, and the effort our social committee chair, Sunnie Harmon, put into this event. A special thanks to the Community Tap for hosting the event and working hard to make it a success. To our sponsors without whom this event would not happen, a HUGE THANK YOU!!
Presenting Sponsor: Jason Elliot Law Firm
Platinum Sponsors: NorthPointe, Main & Stone, and Sunnie & DeWorken
Gold Sponsors: Redhype, The Community Tap, and Greenco Beverage
The kids enjoyed the face painting and other games. And thanks to all our wonderful sponsors who donated prizes for the raffle: The Swamp Rabbit Café (pizza gift cards), Two Chefs (gift cards), Southern Accent Designs (Alcohol Ink Painting), Oreno Hellenic Ladi (Olive Oil), The Community Tap (assorted prizes), Libby McMillan Henson (The Ultimate Greenville Location Guide book). Please remember these folks when you are doing business in the neighborhood!
We’ve posted lots of pictures on our Facebook page so take a look!
NMCA Membership Notes
We will soon be updating our membership and email lists based on renewals to date. If you have not renewed, please do so to remain on our email list for newsletters and updates. You can renew online at our membership page with Paypal or a credit card, or mail a check to PO Box 571, 29602. If you haven’t been to our Facebook page, please check it out and ‘like’ us. Check out our newly updated website page and let us know what you think.
We do have new decals (residential decals no longer have a date on them). If you have joined or renewed and have not received a new decal (residents or businesses), please email northmaincomm@gmail.com or membership secretary Dave Modeen at djmodeen@gmail.com and we’ll make sure you get one. Thank you!
Gardening and Wildlife in June
At some point, the dry season will be here. See the Home and Garden Center’s irrigation publications for more information, especially the publication on Irrigation Time of Day. See How Much Water to determine how much water you are actually applying. And make sure that you adjust your water applications with plant growth stage and time of year – one size definitely does not fit all for the entire year. Also see Determining When to Irrigate to help determine when your plants need water. Do not irrigate every day! There are a few exceptions to this rule (such as potted plants), but only a few.
And try to avoid irrigating in the evening. This just insures that plants stay moist and encourages diseases, most of which thrive on moisture. Apply a second, light fertilizer application to trees in June if there is sufficient moisture and conditions to promote good growth. Do not apply if growing conditions are poor or if there is a drought and you do not have irrigation. See Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs for more information.
Pruning – now is another good time to prune most trees and shrubs. Azalea, dogwood, forsythia, redbud and rhododendron should be pruned after they bloom, but before bloom set in the fall. Oakleaf hydrangea and late-flowering azalea cultivars might also be considered soon. There is a helpful table of when to prune specific shrubs at this website. While developed with Univ. of Georgia data (and Georgia varies in temperature zones from 7a to 8b), it is also applicable to upstate SC which is 7b. There may be a 3 week variation but in general these are good guidelines.
If your lawn is showing weak areas, it is most likely brown patch, as May and June are when it frequently appears. It’s a fungal disease but it’s hard to control with fungicides. There are some non-chemical practices you can follow to help reduce the spread. Avoid high rates of nitrogen. This disease loves lush grass. As we said above, irrigate only when needed and early in the day. Keep lawns mowed to the proper height. For fescue this is 2 ½ – 3 ½ inches. For centipede, 1 ½ inches. Although I am a proponent of leaving the clippings on my lawn with a mulching type mower, removing clippings is one way to help prevent spread. Also, get your soil pH tested. Brown patch prefers an acid soil, less than 6.0 pH.
A note from Possums everywhere! They can’t help they aren’t pretty but just like many snakes, they bring positive benefits to your yard! They eat ticks and other creepy crawlies, including roaches! They are immune to most snake bites and most diseases, including rabies.
And there are very few poisonous snakes in most yards. We included an article last month about how to tell the good ones from the bad.
For Our Four Legged Friends
We reported in an eblast last week about a positive find of Canine Influenza or dog flu in Greenville. It has now been confirmed in 8 states. Dog flu is spread by direct contact with a sick dog and by contact with an environment or people who are contaminated with the virus. You may want to think twice about taking your dog to kennels, dog parks, etc. unless they have been vaccinated. We encourage you to talk to your vet about getting your dog vaccinated. Many dogs that get canine flu recover, but it can be deadly, with young and very old dogs at a higher risk. It is believed that this recent outbreak was spread at two dog shows. Check out our website for more information. Additional information can be found at the American Kennel Club webpage on Canine Influenza at http://www.akc.org/content/news/articles/canine-influenza-virus-notice/
All large dogs (over 40 lbs) are free to a good home all summer at Greenville Animal Care Services on Furman Hall Road. All other animals are only $35.
Dog Etiquette: Once again we want to remind everyone that there is no poop fairy. Please pick up after your dog. Not only is it the considerate thing to do, but leaving it is a health risk as it eventually washes into storm drains and then into waterways.
We’ve had reports of loose dogs attacking people as well as pets. Please keep your dog leashed when walking and make sure you have control. Dogs can also get out of yards with “Invisible Fences”. Even though they will receive a shock, some dogs have a ‘trigger’…some other animal or person that they will run out on, ignoring the fence. While many people like them and feel it’s best for the animal, remember that it doesn’t protect your dog from other animals that can freely come in and harm them. There are even some rescue organizations who will not adopt an animal to someone with an electric Invisible Fence.
GPD GRAVITY Dodgeball Tournament
The Greenville Police Department is holding its first annual co-ed dodgeball tournament to support the GRAVITY anti-gang program. This is an opportunity for friends and co-workers to engage in a competitive, fun activity that will benefit the GPD’s anti-gang and anti-violence GRAVITY programs. The date is Saturday, July 29, from 3-6pm, at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena. Teams must have a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 10 players. There must be at least 2 males and 2 females per team. All players must be 18 or older. NMCA is looking for members to sign up for our team. We will pay the registration fee. We just need volunteers to participate on the team. So, let us know if you are interested in participating and we’ll add you to the team. This is a great cause and we hope we can find enough people to make up a winning NMCA Dodgeball team!!
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data from 1884 to the present, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in June is 88°F, and the average low is 66°F. The average rainfall for the month is 3.8”. The maximum high was 105 on June 20, 1887. The maximum low temperature was 84 on June 3rd, 1895. The minimum high temperature was 58 on June 10, 1913 and the minimum low was 40 on June 1, 1972. Maximum precipitation in a 24-hour period was 4.21” on June 1, 1964 and June 16, 1969. The wettest June on record was 1886 with 10.99”. The driest was in 2008 with just 0.13”. http://www.dnr.sc.gov/climate/sco/index.php .
Looking ahead a couple of months…On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the sun. Anyone within the path of totality can see one of nature’s most awe-inspiring sights – a total solar eclipse. The path, where the moon will completely cover the sun and the sun’s tenuous atmosphere – the corona – can be seen, will stretch from Salem, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. Observers outside this path will still see a partial solar eclipse where the moon covers part of the sun’s disk. NASA created this website to provide a guide to this amazing event. Here you will find activities, events, broadcasts, and resources from NASA and our partners across the nation.
Shop Local
Keep your dollars in your community. We have a list of local businesses on our website’s Shop Local page who are committed to preserving the beauty and economic well-being of the North Main Community and the greater Greenville area. Please thank them and give them your business when you can.
If you would like to see your company listed, please join the NMCA today! Businesses do not have to be located in the North Main Neighborhood to be members. They only need to provide services to North Main residents.
School’s Out! Be extra careful driving where kids are playing!
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their June calendar.
The Children’s Museum has great programs for kids. Check them out at their website calendar
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. Considered the premier American art museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world’s largest public collection of watercolors by iconic American artist Andrew Wyeth. The GCMA boasts a particularly strong collection of works by South Carolina artist Jasper Johns.
Check out the current exhibits and other programs at the Upstate History Museum.
Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Line Dancing, Lindy Hop and International Folk Dance at the Sears Shelter at McPhearson Park. Dances are taught in a fun and easy way with a variety of music. No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun. Check out the Parks and Rec website for times and registration for each.
June– There’s always lots going on at the Community Tap. Check out their calendar.
Yoga at Bobby Pearse – due to lack of an instructor, there is currently no summer yoga session. They hope to find an instructor for the one-night-a-week class and start up again in the fall. Stay tuned.
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, March–October – Yappy Hour. 6-8pm. Location TBD. For $10, you and your friends can unwind with cold brews and live music from local artists. For more details or in case of inclement weather: consult our Facebook page or event calendar.
June 1 – July 7 – Butterfly Adventure Returns at Roper Mountain Science Center. Be amazed with an up close encounter as hundreds of butterflies surround you in our new butterfly adventure habitat.
June 1 – July 30 – In celebration of the centennial of Andrew Wyeth’s birth, the Art Museum presents Wyeth Dynasty, a retrospective of Andrew Wyeth’s art complemented by works of his father, N. C., his son Jamie, and his sisters Carolyn and Henriette. More than 80 examples are featured in this exhibition of works by the first family of American painting. Exhibition through September 10, 2017.
June- July – Check out the classes and other events at the Swamp Rabbit Café.
June 16 – (and every third Thursday through Nov 17). Earth Market. 2 – 6pm. NEW LOCATION: Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery, 205 Cedar Lane Rd.
June 17 – In partnership with the Norman Rockwell Museum, the Upcountry History Museum will host “Over the Top: American Posters from World War I,” a special exhibition featuring 44 rare war bond posters. This timely exhibition explores the role of illustrated images in rallying Americans to the cause and shaping public perceptions of the war. This exhibit is organized by the Norman Rockwell Museum, and will be on display at the Upcountry History Museum through September 24, 2017.
June 16-25 – Chataugua History Alive Festival. The History Alive Festival is a chance to experience history like no other. Communities come together under the big top to laugh, cry, and discuss the ties that bind us—our shared story. Discuss the civil war with Lincoln, ask Maya Angelou why the caged bird sings, hear Walter Cronkite say, “and that’s the way it is.” You can sign up online for the newsletter for program and upcoming event reminders.
June 16 – Karaoke. 8:30 PM – 1 AM. Northgate Soda Shop. Food served until 9 pm. Happy Hour at the OS (Other Side) every Thursday from 5 – 10pm.
June 17 – Ice Cream Social at the Zoo. 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Cool off at the zoo with free ice cream sponsored by Pet Dairy. Stop by Future Scholar 529’s tent to learn about the college savings plan and enjoy live music performed by Deep Dish Dixieland.
June 20 – Native Plant Society Greenville Program: Ferns – A Hands-On I.D. Session • Speaker: Virginia Meador. 7PM. University Center. Greenville Technical College.
June 23 – PNC Bank ZooTunes concert series. A concert series, hosted by The Greenville Zoo Foundation, and offered in partnership with the Greenville Zoo, the City of Greenville, and Eleven Events. In addition to amazing music in this unusual venue, there will be beer, wine and food offerings to complete the intimate VIP experience. Eight hundred people are expected to attend each concert. The first show in the series will feature Keller Williams. Williams plays a one-of-a-kind blend of jazz, pop, and jam-rock, moving from instrument to instrument onstage and using a looping technology to build his songs piece by piece. Purchase your ticket today!
June 24 – A Shop Local Event. Northgate Salon. 8am behind the Northgate Soda Shop. Monogram gifts on site, Lip sense, Vintage and antique farmhouse décor, Sharpshooters -ladies specials /CWP info and self defense, Benches and tables made from SC local trees, Disney travel, Handmade soaps…and more.
July 4 – All City offices will be closed.
July 4 – Red, White and Blue Festival. 5-10pm. July 4th Celebration with fireworks, music and food! Admission is Free – Tickets for food and beverage. Fireworks are scheduled to light up Greenville’s skyline at 9:45 p.m. Visit the city’s site for information on parking, maps of vendor locations, band information, and more!
July 8 – Upstate Chapter SC Native Plants Field Trip: Mt. Mitchell to see the Purple Fringed Orchids Leader: Rick Huffman.
July 8 – Salsa at Sunset. Join Upstate International and Pura Alegría Dance Company for Salsa at Sunset, the third annual, three-part music celebration! At this fun and family-friendly outdoor event, enjoy a group Salsa lesson, a beer and wine cash bar, and a live Latin band throughout the night for lots of dancing!
The events on July 8th and August 12th will take place at Graham Plaza in front of the Peace Center in Greenville, SC. July 8th will feature the Marcel Portilla Band and August 12th will feature Sonbachá band. Our third event, on September 16th, will be at the Clemson University amphitheater and will feature Orquesta Mayor band.
July 10 – Rock the River Concert Series at the Peace Center. 7:30pm. There’s nothing like kicking back with family and friends and listening to live music. June through October, we’ve got amazing acts coming right to our TD Stage. It’s the perfect way to get away, without going too far away. Check their website for shows and ticket information.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.