The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Northgate Soda Shop or other local venues …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email for the location and if we are meeting that month.
Spring Events for NMCA
Due to lack of interest and logistical problems, plus the fact that there are a number of hunts already planned in Greenville, the proposed NMCA ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ will not happen. Instead we are working on other ideas for fun and educational activities for kids this spring and summer. One is a bike safety clinic for kids later this spring or early summer. We would appreciate input from parents on when is the best time… we need to wait until school is out? Local cyclist Jeff Gunn will be helping us coordinate the event, but we are also looking for cyclists from the neighborhood who are willing to help out. We need someone to help measure heads to assure the correct size helmet and then fit it properly for them and a couple of folks to make minor bike repairs and/or adjustments for a more comfortable and safe ride. Please email if you can help. Watch for more details as to time and location.
And don’t forget….our annual Spring Membership Drive and Happy Hour is tentatively scheduled for April 26 at the Northgate Soda Shop. More details to come. What can we do to meet your interests? What kinds of workshops can we provide? Gardening, energy conservation, lawn mower maintenance, etc.?? We are here to keep you informed…let us know what we can do! We’re also looking for a social committee chair person. We have a number of people interested in helping with the committee, but we need a chair to work with the board of directors and help coordinate events.
Traffic Calming Study Meeting for Several Local Streets
Your neighbors have submitted a petition to the City requesting a traffic calming study. Streets being discussed include: Croft St. (nos. 7-121), N. Main (nos. 715, 809 & 815), Townes St. (nos 607-806), W. Earle St. (nos 4-201), W. Stone Ave. (nos 20, 100 & 200) and Wilton St. (nos. 205-406). You are invited to attend a Kick-off meeting to begin the process. This meeting will take place at the Bobby Pearse Community Center on Wednesday, March 21, at 6 PM. If you need additional information, please call Ms. Pat Flemming at 467-4360. You can also read about the city’s Traffic Calming Program at or
Welcome to NMCA’s Newest Business Member
Welcome to our Newest Business Member: Above and Beyond Care Services, LLC. (864.271.7840) is a 24 hour, 7 days a week non-medical Home Health Care Agency specializing in Alzheimer’s and Dementia client care. They also provide baby-sitting and pet-sitting services as well as housekeeping, laundry and ironing, meal preparation, etc.!/profile.php?id=100002913674108
Meet the Pets of North Main
This month we continue our new feature … “pet of the month”. Send a photo and some information about what makes your animal companion(s) special to Send today! We need photos!
This month, meet Frank (the Maltipoo) and Garcia (the 16 year old Miniature Schnauzer) and their house guest, Sister, from Atlanta. We understand there was a cookie involved in this photo….all eyes are on the cookie! Frank and Garcia belong to NMCA member Joanne Conner. Joanne also serves as chair of the beautification committee and coordinates maintenance of the flower beds by the North Main signs behind the Rite Aid and at Rutherford Rd.
Side note: We’ve had several members ask if we can follow up on the lost and found pets we alert neighbors about. We will try to do that in the future so you will know the outcome. Thanks for caring!
Last month, Zoe returned safe and sound to her home…after 9 very long days! Also, Fussy Pants found her way home more quickly. We’re not sure why there seems to be a rash of ‘missing cats’ lately, but we will do what we can to help find them. We asked the City Animal Control Officer if there was any increase in activity locally for coyotes or other predators and they indicated they were not aware of any recent problems. Just to reiterate….when we post a cat as missing, please don’t assume they will just appear when you call their names. That’s why we ask folks to check * their crawl spaces, basements and garages. They are usually scared and will hide in any crevice, crawl space, etc. that seems safe. It may be days before they get hungry enough to come out.
Gwenn, a 4 year old grey and white Siamese with big blue eyes, went missing from 212 W. Hillcrest on February 20. She is still missing and her family is very anxious to get her back. A reward is now being offered (see updated flyer). Please keep your eyes open for her.
Check your basements and garages, anywhere a scared cat might hide. If you see her, please call 225.302.1445. Thank you!
Grand Opening for Conestee Park
Saturday, March 17th marks the grand opening of Conestee Park and the season kick off for Greenville Little League. Festivities begin at 9:00am in the renovated stadium and former home to the Greenville Braves. Afterwards, Greenville Little League kicks off their season with games all day on the four new baseball fields. Conestee Park is the last of 16 major Greenville Rec projects made possible through a hospitality tax approved by Greenville County Council in 2006.
City of Greenville Redistricting Plan
The City of Greenville is working on a plan to redraw the boundary lines for the four voting districts for City Council, and they want your input. There are four public input meetings scheduled:
Tuesday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. (West Greenville Community Center, 8 Rochester St.)
Thursday, March 15, 6:00 p.m. (Augusta Road Branch Library, 100 Lydia St.)
Tuesday, March 20, 6:00 p.m. (Sears Shelter at McPherson Park, 100 E. Park Ave.)
Thursday, March 22, 6:30 p.m. (Nicholtown Community Center, 112 Rebecca St.)
View the proposed City Council district map with the existing districts outlined in red. If you are unable to attend, but would like to provide feedback, please send your comments to
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in March is 63.5°F, the average low is 40.2°F and the average precipitation (rainfall) is 5.17”. The record maximum temperature for the period 1962-2006 was 89°F on March 23, 1995. The record minimum was 11°F on March 3, 1980. Record high rainfall was in 1980 with 11.37”. The one day max was on March 5, 1963 with 3.8”.
Tornadoes have touched down in South Carolina during every month of the year; however, the most likely months are in the spring, March through May, and later in the fall during September. During spring, tornadoes result from active cold fronts and pre-frontal squall lines. March 28, 1984: The second highest loss of life from tornadoes occurred when 11 tornadoes touched down along a narrow band that extended from Anderson County through Marlboro County. These tornadoes caused 15 deaths, 448 injuries, and damage of over $100 million. These tornadoes also caused several other storm related fatalities.
According to Greenville Emergency Management, at this time, Greenville County does not have a warning system in place for tornados other than what is provided via television, radio, and weather radios. However, they are currently working on purchasing an emergency alert system that would allow residents to sign up for tornado warning alerts that can be sent to phones and/or email. This system could be in place, pending logistical problems, in a few months. We will let you know when the system is in place and how to register. Here is a link to a Red Cross tornado safety checklist
Because of the recent number of tornadoes and fatalities in the US, we are all acutely aware of the dangers. While most tornadoes occur in ‘tornado alley’ (the central plains of the southern US), often more deaths occur in the SE US because residents aren’t as prepared or educated about what to do. You should know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning. A watch is issued when weather conditions are such that tornadoes are likely to develop. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by radar. During a tornado watch you should:
• Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio or television for the latest information.
• Be alert for approaching storms.
• Be ready to take shelter.
SC Emergency Management has additional information which can be accessed online at
March Match-A-Thon
Greenville County Animal Care Services (ACS), 328 Furman Hall Rd., wants you to Meet Your PERFECT MATCH and be a part of this LIFE SAVING day! 200 dogs and cats need companionship. Whether you’re looking for the Couch Potato, Goofball, Busy Bee, or maybe the Constant Companion, you’re sure to find your PERFECT MATCH. To match pets with people, they will use a survey that will mimic online dating applications, so this will be fun and beneficial for all! A family fun day with entertainment, food, interesting vendors, rescue groups and lots to do! All animals will be spayed and neutered, vaccinated, and micro chipped prior to adoption. Come out, find your perfect match and be a part of history! Friday, March 30 is ‘Sneak a Peek at your New Match’ Preview Day from 12 noon – 7:00pm. Saturday, March 31. Mega Match-A-Thon. 11:00am – 7:00pm or call 864-467-3986
Canada Geese Migration
Members tell us that around March 13 each year you can see migrating flocks of Canada geese in their characteristic V pattern, a sure sign of the changing seasons. Why the ‘V’ pattern? As cyclists know, the person at the head of a pack hits the air in front of them with the most force. That lead rider ‘breaks up’ the air, which then flows over the rest of the group more easily. The pack in cycling is called a “peloton” and the riders behind the leader are “drafting”, taking advantage of both the lack of air resistance in front and the push they get from the swirling vortexes of air behind them. Local resident Canada geese populations have been established across South Carolina; however, there is a separate migratory population which heads north from southern locations to Canadian breeding grounds. The daily flight in spring is longer than the daily flight in September due to increase in different thyroid releases. The thyroid reaches a peak in spring, releases into the breast, and allows cortisone to keep the geese in flight for long periods of time in spring.
Meet our Newest Nuisance Bug
You’ve probably seen the reports by now and have likely seen them in your yard or on your car. The insect in question is commonly known as the Kudzu bug, or more correctly the bean plataspid. The photo to the left shows the male which is about the size of a pea. We first saw this insect in the State last summer and, while it seems to love kudzu, the concern was that it would also feed on soybeans and other bean plants. The kudzu bug is becoming a major pest of soybeans in our State. They are generally not an issue for home gardens, but can infest bean crops in some numbers.
Kudzu bugs pose no threat to humans and pets, since they only feed on kudzu and legumes, so the home invasion of these insects is something like that of asian ladybeetles (ladybugs) – a nuisance, but not something to lose sleep over. Corey Tanner, our Extension Agent in Greenville, reports that they will give off a mildly offensive odor when disturbed, similar to the response of stink bugs. According to Corey, “The best solution is to seal cracks and crevices around doors, windows and other entry points in an effort to exclude the pests from the home.”
Planting Seeds and Building Community
Over the past few years, the Greenville community garden movement has gained significant momentum and now boasts more than 40 community gardens in schools, churches, neighborhoods, businesses, and non-profits across the County. In response, Gardening for Good provides a central hub for community garden activity in order to improve the health of residents and neighborhoods and transform Greenville through gardening. On March 19, Gardening for Good will kick off the 2012 growing season with a FREE networking event and garden celebration at the Warehouse Theatre, 37 Augusta St. 5-7PM. Whether you are an active community gardener, novice home gardener or just interested in growing your own food, come learn about Gardening for Good’s community garden network and how you can be involved. Please make reservations to attend by March 16.
March Yard and Garden Tips
Clemson University Extension Service publishes a monthly calendar of what to do in your yard and garden. For March, be thinking about pruning perennials and shrubs. But be careful about timing. Some flowering shrubs like forsythia and ‘once-blooming’ roses should be pruned after they bloom. Over-seeded lawns may need fertilization and now is the time to look at winter weeds in your lawn and how to prevent them from occurring next season. Some spring vegetables can also be planted now including:
•Asparagus crowns – early February – late March
•Cabbage – Feb. 15 – Apr. 1
•Carrots – Mar. 1 – 15
•Lettuce – Mar. 1 – 15
•Irish Potatoes – Mar. 15 – 30
•Turnips – Feb. 20 – Apr. 1
For more information go to Carolina Gardener March Tips
Want to Learn More About the Law?
Law in Action ( is hosting a free Mock Trial for students on March 24 at the Greenville Municipal Court Building (426 N. Main Street Downtown Greenville). The mock trials will feature attorneys from the Public Defender’s Office and the Solicitor’s Office. The public is invited to come view the proceedings from 12 noon to 4pm.
If you are interested in becoming a mock trial volunteer or have a group of high school age students who would like to participate, send an email to Steve Henry, Law in Action director at Law in Action usually holds 1-2 mock trials annually.
Bicycle/Car Rules of Etiquette
With the new paving and street marking on N. Main between Stone Ave and town, we’ve seen some confusion by drivers as to what lane to be in, with some not realizing at first that it’s no longer 2 lanes going each way. The addition of bike lanes brings up the question of just what are the ‘rules of the road’ when bicycles and cars are using the same road. You’ve seen the markings in the photos to the left. The figure on the left indicates a dedicated bike lane which means an exclusive space for bicyclists through the use of pavement markings and signage. The bike lane is located adjacent to motor vehicle travel lanes and flows in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic. The figure on the right denotes a ‘sharrow’. These are Shared Roadway Bicycle Markings which are intended to help bicyclists position themselves away from parked cars, to avoid being struck by suddenly opened car doors, and to alert other road users to expect bicyclists to occupy travel lanes. These markings will also be used in situations where it may not be obvious where bicyclists should be riding, such as at intersections with multiple turn lanes. In this situation, motorists should remember to give bicyclists (3’) three feet of space when passing and follow the rules of the road as if there were no sharrows. Bicyclists should use the sharrow to guide where you ride within the lane and remember not to ride too close to parked cars. Greenville Parks and Rec has a good brochure with additional guidelines at
Flash From the Past
Take a look at a more recent photo below.

City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at
March 11 – Daylight Savings Time Begins. Don’t forget to “spring ahead”.
Piedmont Natural Gas Downtown Alive and BB&T Main Street Fridays returns to downtown Greenville in March with live musical entertainment.
March 15-Aug. 30. 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Piedmont Natural Gas Downtown Alive -Thursdays
March 16 – Sept. 28. 5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. BB&T Main Street – Fridays
March 16 – Trivia and Karaoke Night. Trivia from 7-8pm. Karaoke starts at 8pm. Northgate Soda Shop And don’t forget to ‘wear the green’. The Soda Shop will be decorated in green.
March 16 – Leprechaun O’Gala. The Pavilion Recreation Complex. 12:30 – 2:00pm. (Daycare session: 10 – 11:30 am) Wee leprechauns ages 2 – 6 are invited to put on their green and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with games, shamrocks and gold, lunch, crafts, and bounces at the Pavilion Recreation Complex. Cost: $6.00 / Child – $3.00 Lunch / Adult Pre-Registration is Required.
March 17 – St. Patty’s Day 5K. Fluor Field. 947 S. Main St. 8 am – 10 am. A run/walk to raise awareness and funds for Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Carolina. Registration begins at 6:30am at Fluor Field and run/walk starts at 8am. Description: More Info: Click to open URL Contact: Kim Carr Telephone: 864-879-8114.
March 17 – Conestee Park Grand Opening. 9:00 am. Free. Celebrate the grand opening of Conestee Park and Greenville Little League’s opening day. WYFF’s Geoff Hart will emcee the event. Enjoy live music by the Greenville Heritage Textile Band and plenty of fun activities for the kids.
March 19 – Greenville Humane Society Volunteer Orientation. 6 PM. All volunteers must go through orientation before they can start volunteer work. Your volunteer schedule will be based on availability of the time slots you prefer (usually a two-hour time period).
March 19 – Gardening for Good will kick off the 2012 growing season with a FREE networking event and garden celebration at the Warehouse Theatre, 37 Augusta St. 5-7PM.
March 24 – Kick off for The Garden Club of South Carolina’s Follow the Blooms Tour. Visit gardens across the state. For more info go to
March 30 – Flashlight Egg Hunt. Gateway Park in Travelers Rest. 6:30 – 9:00 pm. (Egg hunt begins at 8:25pm) Bring your flashlight and basket to search for eggs filled with sweets and prizes. Enjoy candy, games, crafts, food, inflatables, and entertainment provided by Alleycats. This is an ideal event for children 10 and under. Cost: $5 per child.
March 31 – Northgate Soda Shop / Other Side Golf Tournament. 10:30 am. Summersett Golf Course
Charity Golf Tournament for Crossroads Group Home. This is a facility for adolescent females who have experienced childhood physical, sexual or emotional abuse. SIGN UP SHEETS AT THE SODA SHOP AND OTHER SIDE. COST: $65.00 includes golf, lunch, beverage cart and charity contribution. Email Judy at with your foursome or if you have questions.
April 7 – Verdae Egg-Stravaganza. 10:30 – 11:30 AM. Legacy Park, 320 Rocky Slope Road. Free egg hunt for children ages 2-12. Open to the public. For more info go to or call Debbie Wallace at 864-329-9292.
April 28 – Spring Yard Sale. Northgate Soda Shop. 7am – 1pm. Start your spring cleaning now! No cost to you, first come….first selection on the parking lot behind the SS /OS. Sell what you can, keep the money for yourself and if you have anything left that you do not want, they will collect it and take it to a charity. Last year they delivered to 3 different charities.
For other community events, check the Greenville City calendar
Or, the Greenville Convention and Visitors Bureau
Spring Programs at the Bobby Pearse Community Center & Sears Shelter at McPherson Park
Spring Session: Music Together of Greenville
Location: Sears Shelter at McPherson Park
Dates: March 19 – May 26 (9 weeks)
Times: Participants may choose one of the following 45-minute classes to attend:
Tuesdays, 4:45pm – 5:30pm
Tuesdays, 5:45pm – 6:30pm
Wednesdays, 10:30am – 11:15am
Saturdays, 10:30-11:15am
Cost: Tuition for each 9 week session is $169/1st child and $125/sibling.
Infants 8 months of younger who attend with paying sibling – FREE
There is a $15 registration fee for all new families. This fee is non-refundable.
This registration fee will be waived for City of Greenville residents. City residents enter the coupon code “GREENCITY” at checkout to waive the registration fee.
Contact: Jan Cox, 864-467-4326 or Elizabeth Boone, 864-630-0144
Registration: Contact or call 864-630-0144
Spring Camp Breaks
Location: Bobby Pearse Community Center & Nicholtown Community Center
Dates: Monday, April 2 – Monday, April 9 (No camp on Saturday or Sunday)
Times: 7:30am – 6pm
Cost: Residents – $44 for one child; $80 for two children; $108 for three or more children
Non-Residents – $55 for one child; $100 for two children; $135 for three or more children
Participants: Ages 5-13
Contact: 864-467-4355
Registration: Register Online
Spring Break Camp is bound to be a week of FUN, FUN and more FUN! The camps run at 2 of our community centers: Bobby Pearse and Nicholtown from Monday, April 2 – Monday, April 9. There is no camp on Saturday, April 7 or Sunday, April 8. The participants enjoy games, sports, arts & crafts, field trips and much more!
Location: Sears Shelter at McPherson Park
When: Saturdays, April 28 – June 16, 2012 (8 weeks), 10–11 am
1 child: For 8-week session, $32 for City Residents; $40 for Non-Residents OR
$5 per class for City Residents; $6 per class for Non-Residents
2 children: For 8 week session, $60 for City Residents; $75 for Non-Residents OR
$8 per class for City Residents; $10 per class for Non-Residents
3 children: For 8 week session, $80 for City Residents; $100 for Non-Residents OR
$12 per class for City Residents; $15 per class for Non-Residents
Participants: Ages 5-12
Contact: Jan Cox, 864-467-4326
Registration: Register Online
This 8 week ZumbAtomics program is taught by Quisha Owens, who is a licensed Zumba and ZumbAtomics instructor with a Zumba Toning certificate. ZumbAtomics is designed for kids to participate in a rockin’, high energy fitness class with specially choreographed kid-friendly routines. This program is for children 5-12 years old.
Moving in the Right Direction – Acting for What You Want
Location: Sears Shelter Cabin at McPherson Park
When: 1-3 pm, Saturdays, April 14, 21 & 28, 2012
Cost: $12 for City Residents and $15 for Non-Residents
Participants: Ages 13-18
Registration: Register Online
In this session of the series – put theatre to work for you! Participants will continue to enhance understanding of acting fundamentals, but this time, the themes we explore are up to YOU! We’ll discuss what you think is relevant – what would make good fuel for drama and comedy, and we’ll play with those issues in mind! We’ll focus on objective – which in theatre terms is the goal a character works toward with purpose and passion. Comedy improvisation, as well as some seriously dramatic encounters with what impacts our lives and moves us toward proposing solutions, imagining a future, and learning to laugh through it all!
International Folk Dancing
Location: Sears Shelter
Dates: Mondays, March 5 – April 9, 2012 (Israeli Dancing);
Mondays, April 23 – June 4, 2012 (Balkan Dancing)
Times: 7 pm–9 pm
Cost: Residents/College Students – $3 per class or $16 for 6 week session;
Non-Residents – $4 per class or $20 for 6 week session
Contact: Jan Cox, 864-467-4326
Registration: Register Online
In partnership with the Greenville International Folk Dancers, the City of Greenville Parks and Recreation is offering International Folk Dancing.
The first 6 week session focuses on Contemporary Israeli folk dance, which incorporates the influences of the many world cultures represented in the re-gathered community of the modern Israeli state. Expect the Klezmer influence of Eastern Europe, driving Arabic rhythms, swirling waltzes and exciting styling of North Africa. Instructor, Theresa Pizzuto, learned Israeli Folk dance from Israeli and International Folk Dance teachers Ruthy Slann, Marvin Roth and Dany Benshalom. She has attended many of the Karmiel USA weekends, as well as workshops conducted by Ruthy & Dany in the states and in 2010 she completed Israel’s Karmiel Summer Course for Foreign Teachers and Dancers.
The second 6 week session focuses on Balkan Dancing. Immerse yourself in the stirring melodies and subtle rhythms of the Balkans. Think beauty, not war!
Jazzercise Downtown Greenville
Location: Cleveland Park Annex
Dates: on-going
Times: 8:15am Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
4:45pm Monday, Wednesday
5:45pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Cost: $40/month ($25 joining fee) or $10 walk-in
Contact: Robby Anders, 864-467-8011
Registration: Register Online
The Jazzercise workout program combines jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga and kickboxing movements into one 60-minute total body workout. Each workout blends dance aerobics with muscle toning and stretching movements. Our certified fitness instructors make all the routines fun and easy-to-follow. Whether you are new to the Jazzercise exercise program and need some help learning the basics or a long-time participant looking for technique tips, you’ve come to the right place!
Lindy Hop
Location: Sears Shelter
Dates: Thursdays, April 5 – May 24, 2012 (8 weeks)
Times: 7-11 pm
Cost: Residents/College Students/Lindy Hop Members – $4 per class or $28 for 6 week session;
Non-Residents – $5 per class or $35 for 6 week session
Contact: Jan Cox, 864-467-4326
Registration: Register Online
In partnership with the Greenville Lindy Hoppers, the City of Greenville Parks and Recreation is offering Lindy Hop at the Sears Shelter! The Greenville Lindy Hoppers are an all-volunteer group dedicated to promoting and preserving historic swing era dancing in the Upstate of South Carolina, with an emphasis on Lindy hop and Lindy hop-related styles. This includes dances such as Lindy Charleston, ’20s Charleston, Balboa, East Coast swing, West Coast swing, and blues.
Writing Workshops
In partnership with the Emrys Foundation, the City of Greenville Parks and Recreation Department is offering writing workshops this fall at the Bobby Pearse Community Center!
2nd Sunday Writing Workshops
Location: Bobby Pearse Community Center
When: Sunday, March 11, 2012
Time: 2-4 pm Cost: $5 per class
Targeted Age: 17 & older
Contact: Jonathan Jones, 864-467-4331
Registration: Register at or the fee may be paid upon arrival to the class.
The 2nd Sunday writing workshops are led by various members of the Writing Room faculty. They are designed to stimulate creativity and generate ideas for fiction and nonfiction. We’ll use a series of short in-class writing exercises to inspire new work and deepen your writing. Come prepared to write in class, to share your exercises without fear or self-judgment, and above all, have some fun. All levels are welcome!
Poetry Craft Seminar: The Magician’s Workshop – Tricks of the Trade from Magical Realists with Jillian Weise
Location: Bobby Pearse Community Center
When: Sunday, March 31, 2012
Time: 10 am to Noon
Cost: $20 per class
Contact: Jonathan Jones, 864-467-4331
Registration: Register at
“This workshop will introduce you to poems by magical realists and encourage the magician in you. Through examples and writing exercises, you will pull one poem out of your hat that shows off your imaginative talent.” – Jillian Weise. This program is co-sponsored by the Poetry Society of South Carolina and the Emrys Foundation.
Location: Bobby Pearse Community Center
When: 6:30-7:45 pm, Mondays; March 19 –May 7, 2012 (8 weeks)
Cost: Resident Fee – $32 for entire 8-week session or $5 per class; Non-Resident Fee – $40 for entire 8-week session or $6 per class
Contact: Jonathan Jones, 864-467-4331
Registration: Register Online
We invite you to join us at the Bobby Pearse Community Center for this 8 week yoga program, which is taught by Brooke Kleinfelter, who is a certified yoga instructor. This 75 minute class is taught once a week, and all levels are welcome; however, you do not need previous yoga experience to enjoy this class. Participants can pay $5 per class for city residents and $6 for non-city residents upon arrival. Participants are encouraged to register on-line for the entire 8 weeks for $32 for City residents and $40 for non-city residents. Participants do need their own yoga mat.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.