*The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend. Please email northmaincomm@gmail.com in case there is a location change and to insure we are meeting that month.
August 16 is the first day of school here in Greenville. For a copy of the calendar of important dates, holidays, etc. for the 2016-17 school year just click here. Please watch out for walkers and bikers on your morning and afternoon commutes. Be safe!
Call for Nominations – 2017 NMCA Board
In accordance with the by-laws, this is the first call for nominations for the 2017 NMCA Board of Directors. All officers must reside within the geographical boundaries of the NMCA for the entire period they hold office, Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2017. All officers must be 18 years or older. The President and Vice President may serve 2 consecutive terms and may then run for any office other than the one currently held. The Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary will be able to succeed her or himself as elected by the members. Any member may nominate someone for office. The nomination must be submitted no later than November 1. You may email the nomination to northmaincomm@gmail.com or mail to PO Box 571, Greenville, SC 29602. The person nominated must agree to serve if elected and a brief statement of their qualifications and past contributions would be helpful for those who may not know them. Election ballots will be emailed or mailed to all members in late November.
Note: We are particularly in need of a membership secretary. This board member would keep the membership list current and participate in board meetings (no more than once a month). Currently the list is in an Excel spreadsheet and the busiest time is the first quarter of the year when the majority of renewals come in.
North Main Voted Best Neighborhood
In case you missed the list in the recent Greenville Journal, North Main was voted the best neighborhood in Greenville. Of course, no one had to tell those of us who live here. We’ve always known that!
If you have renewed or joined this year and not received a decal for your car or business, please email northmaincomm@gmail.com and we’ll get one to you. We had a change in the board mid-year and some folks may not have received the decal when they renewed/joined. Thanks and we hope you’ll display them on your car window or, if you are a business, in a visible location, to show your support for the community.
Development and Other City & Business News
- The NorthPointe zoning proposal scheduled for second reading on July 11 was tabled. We understand from city staff the parties are still working to finalize the agreement. The proposed Harris Teeter Grocery Store has been expanded from 53,000 to 58,000 sq. ft. and will allow for a larger indoor seating and restaurant area. Road construction was expected to begin in late August/September with other construction beginning early winter. This schedule may be somewhat delayed now.
- An interesting question came up from a member regarding length of rental periods for houses in the North Main area. Apparently, she had found that someone across the street had rented a house for the weekend. She followed up with the city and everyone she talked with agreed there is a 30-day minimum rental period in our residential zone. That particular situation is now in the hands of the code enforcement officer who has sent a certified letter notifying the owner in Florida. Hopefully this will cease the short term rentals. There will be a record then on file for the address. If anyone else experiences similar issues the first call should be to the zoning office with exact location and perhaps the web address of the rental listing. They said it is an ongoing problem and suggested that if there is any loud noise or disturbance/real nuisances that the police should be contacted.
- A reminder about the mosquito hotline number: 467-5988. They take calls on this line 24 hours a day. They spray on a request basis only. After you have called, the contractor does not call before he comes. He takes the requests off of the hotline daily and works on a first come first serve basis. You should get a postcard after spraying has been completed. As you can imagine, they are very busy so sometimes spraying is not immediate and occasionally someone falls between the cracks, so be patient. Currently, they are receiving up to 200 or more calls a day as a result of the Zika virus concerns. They do get to everyone, although it typically does not happen the same day someone calls.
- No word yet on the proposed Trolley change. That dept. has had some staff changes which may be the delay. We’ll update you as soon as we learn anything.
Crime Notes
- There are continuing reports of crime in the area. Packages have been reported stolen from porches around W. Mountainview and Windsor. As we posted on Facebook, a resident on W. Mountainview observed a young (about 25 yr. old) Caucasian woman take a UPS package from a neighbor’s porch about 7:15 this evening (He did retrieve the package). When approached, she seemed polite but scared. She took off when the resident went inside to get his phone. The police were called and they were looking for the car. It is a dull grey-black old Mitsubishi with temporary plates with the date 08-11-16. It appeared that the car was full of ‘stuff’. We do not know if it has been found or not. Please keep an eye out and if you see a car fitting this description, please contact the police.
- One interesting event last week involved a stolen car, but not in the way you might think. A fairly new resident noticed a car parked in front of their house, too far from the curb. They assumed it was a neighbor. After a week, someone finally notified the police and it turned out it was stolen and apparently abandoned there. This is one example of what we mean when we say ‘suspicious activity’. If an unknown car is parked in front of your house for more than a couple of days, you might want to look into it.
- A recent post from Overbrook mentioned a police raid on a house that was full of stolen items, including his lawnmower and another neighbor’s leaf blower. If you have had items stolen recently, you may want to contact Detective Dempsey with the Greenville Police Dept. and see if possibly your item was among what was found. He can be reached at 864-467-5547 or jdempsey@greenvillesc.com
- A resident on Buist had a man ring the doorbell around 1:45 one afternoon last week. When they didn’t answer he rang again and then knocked loudly. The whole time he was talking to himself and looking around. Seemed quite agitated that no one was home or opening the door. They watched him walk across the street to talk to a neighbor. Could be completely harmless but they wanted neighbors to be aware. Often they want handy work or odd jobs, sometimes ask for money, but remember they may also be casing your home and yard. It’s a sad commentary that we have to be concerned about this but it pays to think twice before you open the door to someone you do not know.
- As always, be alert for suspicious activity and let a neighbor or two know when you will be out of town. Stop your mail or have someone pick it up, along with your paper.
City Boards and Commissions
As we’ve mentioned previously, there are a number of boards and commissions on which residents may serve. It’s a good way to serve both the community and the city. Below is a current list with dates and contact information. Applications to serve as a volunteer on one of the city of Greenville’s Boards and Commissions are accepted 24/7/365 at https://boards.greenvillesc.gov/pages/default.aspx. For more information, contact City Clerk Camilla Pitman at cpitman@greenvillesc.gov.
Boards and Commissions with Terms Expiring (Term Lengths) and Number of Positions Expiring:
Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee (2 years)
Three Positions on 9/30/2016
Green Ribbon Advisory Committee (2 years)
Four Positions on 9/30/2016
Greenville Housing Authority (5 years)
Four Positions on 9/30/2016
Community Development Adv. Committee (2 years)
One Position on 11/1/2016
Board of Zoning Appeals (3 years)
Two Positions on 12/31/2016
Commission on Fire and Police Practices (4 years)
Two Positions on 12/31/2016
Firemen’s Pension Fund Board of Trustees (4 years)
Three Positions on 12/31/2016
Greenville Housing Futures (2 years)
Two Positions on 12/31/2016
SC-TAC Board of Directors (3 years)
One Position on 12/31/2016
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data from 1884 to the present, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in August is 87°F, and the average low is 67°F. The average rainfall for the month is 4.48”. The maximum high was 105 on August 10, 2007. The maximum low temperature was 78 on August 11 and 16, 1995 and 2007. The minimum high temperature was 61 on August 21 and 27, 1949 and 1944. The minimum low was 50 on August 29, 30, 1905. Maximum precipitation (rain) in a 24-hour period was 9.32” on August 26, 1995. http://www.dnr.sc.gov/climate/sco/index.php .
July 2016 was a month for the record books in parts of the southern United States, with some cities recording their all-time hottest July or even their hottest month in history. A large ridge of high pressure in the upper atmosphere dominated the weather across the South for a large portion of July. Underneath a ridge, the air sinks and warms by compression, yielding very hot temperatures at the surface. Columbia saw its warmest July on record. Unfortunately, August – October is still expected to be warmer than average for the Southeast and may portend the onset of La Niña that tends to make the Southeast drier and hotter for potentially long stretches Due to global warming, the most extreme heat events now impact a global area 10 times greater than in the period 1951-1980. https://weather.com/forecast/national/news/august-october-temperature-outlook Extremely hot conditions can also be dangerous for humans and pets. Please check on elderly neighbors and make sure pets have a steady, clean supply of water and somewhere shady to cool off.
August Gardening
Is it just me or have you noticed that ever so slight feel of fall in the air? Or maybe it’s wishful thinking? Although sometimes it feels like summer may never be over, the end is in sight, and these recent rains have certainly been welcome. Some plants are already starting to lose that bright green hue and looking a little duller in color, partly due to the dry, hot weather, but it is almost mid-August. Your fescue lawn may be a little thin (after all, it’s a cool season grass). If you plan to plant trees or shrubs, start planning now, but late fall and winter are the best times to plant.
This is a good month to apply a complete fertilizer to warm season lawns (centipede, zoysia, Bermuda, St. Augustine). Summer is also a good time to aerate them. For cool season lawns such as fescue, it’s better to wait until it’s cooler. Just remember it will need about a month of good growing weather to recover after aerating. Summer perennials and annuals are starting to fade, but don’t be too quick to remove those seed heads. I already have goldfinches on my Echinacea dining on the seed heads. Such plants are an important source of food for birds in the fall and winter.
You’re also probably seeing more butterflies in your garden lately, such as the Eastern tiger swallowtail pictured here (SC’s state butterfly). Of the three butterfly periods each year, late summer to fall is the most active. That’s why it’s important to plan and have some late blooming butterfly attracting plants in your garden.
One problem I’ve seen this year that seems much worse than usual is two-spotted spider mites. They love the hot, dry weather we had for most of the summer. They feed on the undersides of leaves and can be seen with a 10x hand lens, or you can hold a piece of white paper under a leaf and tap on it. The mites which fall off look about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. They have almost destroyed plants I never knew they fed on, such as arborvitae. They show up as stippling on top of the leaf and can actually kill plants when present in high populations.
This rain should help, but you can also help control them by spraying the undersides of the leaves with an insecticidal soap. (Or make your own by making a 1-2% solution. That’s about 2 tsp. of liquid dish soap such as Dawn to 1 quart of water. Just use a plastic spray bottle.) But be sure to do this in the evening to avoid burn by hot temperatures.
This Month’s Trivia – Cosmic Campgrounds
The Cosmic Campground is a 1.42 hectare (3.5 acre) site in the Gila National Forest of western New Mexico, U.S. Situated between the Gila Wilderness and the Blue Range Primitive Area, it is located on land managed by the United States Forest Service. The Campground is located in an exceptionally dark part of the lower 48 U.S. states, with the nearest significant source of artificial light more than 65 kilometers (over 40 miles) away across the state line in Arizona. The Campground features a very basic infrastructure to support campers and offers a 360-degree, unobstructed, view of the night sky. The International Dark Sky Association designated the campground as an International Dark Sky Sanctuary in January of this year. It is one of only two such designations in the world, the other being in the Elqui Valley, Chile. The Campground is to be maintained in a state that allows visitors to experience nighttime conditions close to those before the introduction of electric lighting in the late nineteenth century.It is sad that there are so few places where people can appreciate and enjoy the night sky. Light pollution has now made it such that most children today will never be able to see the Milky Way. In the United States and Europe 99 percent of the public can’t experience a natural night! The photo at the right shows before and during the 2003 Northeast blackout, a massive power outage that affected 55 million people. A dark sky does not necessarily mean a dark ground. Smart lighting that directs light where it is needed creates a balance between safety and starlight. Surprisingly, lighter does not mean safer. According to a 2012 report of the American Medical Association, “Glare from nighttime lighting can create hazards ranging from discomfort to frank visual disability.” Luckily, many cities, including Greenville, are becoming aware of this and requiring new lighting to meet stricter standards to reduce light pollution. http://darksky.org/light-pollution/lighting-crime-and-safety/ Visit the IDA website to learn more about the harmful effects of light pollution on our health, safety and wildlife, and learn what you can do to help.
And for Our Furry Friends
AKC Pet Disaster Relief Trailer: As we mentioned in a recent FB post, The Greenville Kennel Club and Palmetto Pembroke Welsh have come together with AKC Reunite to donate a life-saving AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer to Greenville County Animal Care (ACS). The Greenville Kennel Club says that the trailer will provide materials to help Greenville prepare for disaster without taxpayer dollars. They also say that it will be able to create a temporary home for at least 65 animals after a natural disaster hits the area. More than $22,000 in donations and grants were given by the Greenville Kennel Club, Palmetto Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club and AKC Reunite in order to purchase the trailer. This resource is one of only 47 in the entire U.S.
Reminder: Community Cat Program – Animal Care Services (ACS) has initiated a community cat program to reduce the number of unwanted cats and kittens and work towards making Greenville County a no-kill community. Whether you love or loathe community cats, TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) is the most effective, humane way to control feral cat populations. Cats are trapped, neutered, ear-tipped (the universal symbol of a sterilized cat), and returned to their outdoor home. Unwanted or abandoned cats living outdoors full-time in Greenville County are eligible. Kittens must weigh at least 2 lbs for surgery. You can borrow a humane cat trap at ACS with a refundable deposit. The surgery is free. No appointment is needed when bringing in community cats. Instead, drop-off time is between 10AM – 4PM Mondays through Thursdays (No Friday drop offs). If you arrive after 12PM the cat may not be spayed or neutered until the following day. Then you simply return the cat to its original location. Call their community cat info line for more information: (864) 467-3981. All adoptions are only $35. They are also offering free spay/neuter for pit bulls. Spots are limited.
Greenville Humane Society also supports TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) efforts in Greenville by offering discounted surgery, vaccine, flea/tick treatment, and ear-tipping prices for the feral cats in our community. Check out their website for details.
Chop Cancer
Want a fun and unique way to help all those touched by cancer? It’s happening on Friday, August 26 at the TD Convention Center – the second annual CHOP! Cancer culinary event. This amateur cooking competition, benefitting the Cancer Survivors Park Alliance, will feature 18 local celebrities and Upstate community leaders battling away in the kitchen. Their culinary creations – featuring cancer-fighting ingredients – will be judged by professional chefs and well-known faces – and you get a say in who wins through online voting! Go to the website to see who the chefs are and vote for your favorite. Buy a ticket and enjoy dinner and cocktails while being entertained by the battles in the kitchen. Proceeds support of the Cancer Survivors Park Alliance (CSPA) and the Cancer Survivors Park (CSP).
Applications Now Being Accepted for Citizens Fire Academy
The Greenville City Fire Department (GCFD) is now accepting applications for its annual Citizens Fire Academy. This will be the fourth year of GCFD’s free seven-week program, which is open to anyone age 18 and older. The Citizens Fire Academy offers a unique opportunity for citizens who live and work in Greenville to learn firsthand what it’s like to be a firefighter. In addition to touring the City’s fire stations and dispatch center, and meeting firefighters and 911 personnel, participants will also have a variety of hands-on learning opportunities, including wearing personal protective equipment, experiencing a fire simulation, extinguishing a fire and learning CPR and basic first aid.
Classes will be held on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. from October 4 through November 15 at the department’s training facility, located at 688 Mauldin Road. Drinks and snacks will be provided. The application and class schedule are available on the City’s web site at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/FireDept/FireSafety.aspx . The deadline to submit an application is Monday, September 26.
Buy Local
Keep your dollars in your community. The following companies are committed to preserving the beauty and economic well-being of the North Main Community and the greater Greenville area. Please thank them and give them your business when you can. Hover your mouse over each company name to read a brief description or click to go to their website:
Gardening and Plants
- Bonnie Berry Garden Design (864.449.5234)
- Dahlia a Florist (864.232.0112)
- Daylily and Hosta Gardens (864.297.9043)
- Plant & Tree Solutions (864.601.5115)
- WildEarth Landscaping (864.242.9225)
Law Firms/CPAs/Financial
- Barrett-MacKenzie, LLC (864.232.6247)
- Carruthers Law Firm (864.467.0100)
- Catherine C. Christophillis, Attorney (864.242.2060)
- Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A. (864.233.4445)
- Curry, P.A. (864.855.5621)
- Global View Investment Advisors, LLC. (864.272.0818)
- Greyrock Accounting (864.662.7667)
- Holmes Law Firm (864.271.2381)
- Jason Elliott Law Firm (864.235.5308)
- Kehl Culbertson Andrighetti, LLC (864.370.8222)
- Law Office of Christine Howard (864.282.8575)
- Nathalie M. Morgan, LLC. (864.242.6655)
- Pope, Smith, Brown & King (864.242.0656)
- South State Bank (864.850.5140)
- TD Bank (864.255.4945)
- The Carolina Law Group (864.312.4444)
- Hightower Insurance Agency (864.233.4092)
- Liberty Mutual Insurance – Joseph Withrow (864.676.8080 x08760)
- State Farm – Michael Oliver (864.233.7779)
- KeenanSuggs Insurance (864.288.4950)
Retail/Home Décor
- Gary Hester Interiors (864.232.4975)
- Katy Carlyle Gift Boutique (864.421.0440)
- McDunn Woodworking Studio (864.242.0311)
- MarbleLife of the Carolinas (888.627.2530)
- Nicholson Stained Glass (864.235.8650)
- Shindig Furnishings (864.915.9705)
- Shinola (864.414.2691)
- Thorn (864.373.9024)
- Urban Digs (864.233.6821)
- We Took to the Woods (864.451.7155)
- Allen Tate Realtors (864.386.3180)
- Ameripride Realty Group (864.312.6838)
- Central Realty Holdings (864.250.9407)
- Griffin Property Solutions, LLC (GPS) (877.477.1407)
- Keller Williams Upstate: Tara Pickens (864.901.9644)
- Lil Glenn Company, LLC (864.242.0088)
- That Realty Group (864.520.8567)
- The Haro Group of Keller Williams (864.312.6424)
- The Marchant Company (864.467.0085)
- The Real Estate Shoppe (864.901.8141)
- Wilson Associates Real Estate (864.640.8700)
- At Your Service Personal Event Service (864.952.6448)
- The Bohemian Cafe (864.233.0006)
- DishOut Cafe and Catering, LLC (864.520.8201)
- Drop-in Store (864.242.0111)
- Greenco Beverage (864.242.1464)
- IPA (Independent Alehouse) (864.552.1265)
- Northgate Soda Shop (864.235.6770)
- Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery (864.255.3385)
- The Community Tap (864.631.2525)
- The Universal Joint (864.252.4055)
- Vic’s Pizza (864.233.9191)
Personal Health/Well Being
- AlignLife Chiropractic and Natural Health Center (864.501.3600)
- Cindy’s Salon and Day Spa (864.271.9984)
- Dance Ventures at Stone Plaza (864.271.7701)
- Escape Artist Greenville (864.509.9305)
- Fellowship Bible Church (864.255.9520)
- Gateway House, Inc. (864.242.9193)
- IdealMD (844.433.2563)
- Main Street Chiropractic Wellness Center, Inc. (864.271.4240)
- Megan Diez Salon (864.271.4503)
- Next Step Counseling (864.990.4442)
- New View Counseling (941.751.8003)
- Northside United Methodist Church (864.233.8359)
- North Main Counseling (864.232.2212)
- Oriental Medicine Associates (864.365.6156)
- River Falls Spa (864.240.2136)
- Stone Plaza Pharmacy (864.233.7940)
Home Improvement/Builders/Architects
- 3D Land Surveying, Inc. (864.272.0274)
- Carolina Crafted
- Catherine Smith Architect, LLC (864.504.5170)
- Corley Plumbing Air Electric (864.908-3377)
- Darrohn Engineering, LLC (864.346.2170)
- Flores Painting and More (864.631.5766)
- com (864.630.1629)
- Highland Homes (864.233.4175)
- Jordon Wholesale Lumber Co. (864.232.9686)
- JWK Design, LLC (864.214.5323)
- Moss Heating and Air (864.241.0108)
- O’Leary Cole, Inc. (864.233.1606)
- Royal Engineering, Inc. (864.235-4425)
- Southern Classics (864.238.2628)
- UBuildIt (864.676.1113)
Miscellaneous Professional Services
- Donald Shabkie Music (864.238.6361)
- Elizabeth Chandler Designs (864.416.1857)
- Escape Artist Greenville (864.509.9305)
- com (864.249.3378)
- Happen Associates (718.541.4375)
- Palmetto Plating Company (864.859.9314)
- Priority One Security (864.346.5351)
- Propel HR (800.446.6567)
- Redhype (864.232.2000)
- Star Auto Care, Inc. (864.242.9400)
- Sunnie and DeWorken Group (864.905.5529)
- Tangible Intentions (864.881.1855)
If you would like to see your company listed here, please join the NMCA today! Businesses do not have to be located in the North Main Neighborhood to be members. They only need to provide services to North Main residents.
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
- The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their August calendar.
- The Children’s Museum has summer camps and other great programs for kids. Check them out on their website.
- Check out the current exhibits and other programs at the Upstate History Museum.
- Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
- And check out Kidding around Greenville, a great site for fun things to do in Greenville.
Every Tuesday – Line Dancing at the Sears Shelter at McPhearson Park from 6 – 8pm. Swing Dance – McPherson Log Cabin each Tuesday evening. Lessons begin at 7pm. $4 for City residents! No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun.
Also, if anyone is interested in a beginner knitting class please contact Jan Cox, 467-4326
August– There’s always lots going on at the Community Tap. Check out their calendar.
August– Check out the classes at the Swamp Rabbit Café
Ongoing – Summer Yoga Session. Monday evenings from 6:30 – 7:15. Bobby Pearse Community Center on Townes St. (North Main Rotary Park). Only $6 per class (Greenville City Residents $5). You can register for the entire session or just come as you can to single sessions and see what it’s all about. It can’t hurt to try. Come start the week out feeling great! The fall session is currently scheduled for 8/22-10/19/2016.
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, March–October – Yappy Hour. 6-8pm. Due to the new expansion construction, the July thru October Yappy Hours will be held at Brewery 85 at 6 Whitlee Ct. in Greenville. For $10, you and your friends can unwind with cold brews and live music from local artists. Meanwhile, your dog (neutered and vaccinated) can run off leash in our canine courtyard and take a dip in our “doggie pools”. For more details or in case of inclement weather: consult their Facebook page or event calendar.
August 13 – Superhero 5K. 8am – 11am. Kroc Center. Families are invited to run, walk, or anything in between, through Downtown Greenville dressed as your favorite superhero! Hosted by The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club, the Superhero 5K is a fun way to support youth in Greenville!
August 15 and 19 – Karaoke with Vannah. Northgate Soda Shop. 8:30 pm – 1am. Kitchen will be open till 9pm.
August 16 – First day of school. See the 2016-2017 school calendar here.
August 18-28 – 8th Annual Foodie Fest Restaurant Week. For a list of participants, check out their Facebook page.
August 18 – the Earth Market is back and has new producers this month. At the Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery. Third Thursdays, 2 – 6pm.
August 26 – Chop Cancer Culinary Event. See more details above in newsletter body.
August 27 – Pendleton Place 5K 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM @ Falls Park. 5K Race/Walk in Falls Park to raise money for Pendleton Place
August 27 – Greenville Humane Society’s Mutt Strut. 2 mile walk/run with (or without) your dog! It is the largest dog-friendly race in SC and takes place throughout Greenville Tech’s beautifully shaded campus and along the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Walkers will finish in the festive Mutt Market with local vendors, live music, games and most importantly, FREE PIZZA from our presenting sponsor, Papa John’s! Register online at www.ghsmuttstrut.com by August 24th and be a part of the fun! All proceeds go to GHS.
Sept 5 – Labor Day. All City offices and Greenlink will be closed.
Sept 9 – Sippin’ Safari 6:30- 9:30 pm. A wine and food sampling event with live music and a silent auction. This will be the 10th annual event to support the Zoo and Foundation operations.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.