Please Welcome Our Newest Business Member
Northgate Salon is a fun salon with a quaint atmosphere tucked into the heart of North Main in Greenville! Although it’s been there next to the Soda Shop since 1959, it is now under new management and it’s been completely updated. Great cuts, styles and more for all ages and at great prices, too! Come meet Noel Jones and the other stylists. You can even book an appointment on their Facebook page where you can find specials, coupons and more. Located at 922 N. Main Street, they can also be reached by calling 864.233.1311.
Watch for their Small Business Saturday – A Shop Local Event. June 24, 8am – 5pm. Come out and support local small businesses!! They will be having a shop local event in the back parking lot of the Soda Shop and Northgate Salon! They will have vendors set up where you can come out and shop till you drop! Everything from boutiques, Disney travel agents, makeup, monogram and more! For more information or to reserve a booth for your local business contact Noel Jones at 864-608-2172
NMCA Spring Member Social
It’s just around the corner! Saturday, May 20, at the Community Tap, from 3-6 pm. Family friendly event with face painting for the kids, live music, free beverages and more. We’re also looking for local businesses to donate door prizes…gift cards for meals, merchandise, home and garden items, free massages or haircuts, free lessons, etc. Donors will get recognition at the event and in our newsletter and FB site. If interested, email Sunnie Harmon at Feel free to bring your own stadium chairs.
We’d like to recognize and thank this year’s sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor: Jason Elliott
Platinum Sponsors: Sunnie & Deworken, Main & Stone, Central Realty Holdings
Gold Sponsors: Community Tap, Redhype
For those who aren’t current members, you should have received an invoice for dues renewal. We urge you to join or renew before the social. Our website is still being updated, but the Paypal method should be working, or you can mail a check to PO Box 571, Greenville, 29602. $20 per household or $30 per business.
Development Update and Other City News
- Northpointe Update
Sloan Construction, under the supervision of Yeargin Potter Smith Construction, will be on-site starting improvements to the road network this week and will complete that work in November 2017. Crews may be on site during the day, but all necessary lane restrictions or reductions will occur only between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Central Realty Holdings, LLC and ECI Group, Inc are excited to announce the commencement of the NorthPointe Development. Construction will begin with the widening of Stone Avenue the week of May 8th.Construction of the NorthPointe development will begin upon completion of the necessary road improvements. The 284 multifamily units and 20,000 square feet of boutique retail are expected to begin leasing in Fall of 2019. The 58,000-square-foot Harris Teeter grocery store is expected to host its grand opening in early Fall of 2019. Central Realty Holdings & ECI Group will be using the NorthPointe Project website, email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to continuously update the public on the progress and what to expect in the future weeks. Please send your name and email address to to receive regular updates in your inbox Website:
Email for questions & to request regular updates:
- As many of you are aware, the City has hired consulting firm WLA Studio to identify historically significant properties citywide and focusing on the following areas: West End, Village of West Greenville, Greater Sullivan, Cleveland Park, Nicholtown, North Main, Augusta Road, Sherwood Forest and Parkins Mill. The Historic Resources Survey — to be conducted in May and June of 2017 — will focus on structures built between 1945 and 1975. The goal of the project is to identify properties that are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, as well as for potential historic designation locally. A meeting was held on May 2 with reportedly good representation from the North Main area. There is still time to participate in the project. Residents can submit their own property, or property in their neighborhood for consideration by using an online interactive map and completing a short form at For more information, contact Monique Mattison at 864-467-4574.
- The 2017-2018 proposed budget for Greenville is now available online. The budget for all funds is $184,322,632, including a General Fund budget of $83,896,067. This represents an overall total budgetary increase of 7.8% and a General Fund increase of 6.7% from the adopted FY 2016-17 operating budget. The General Fund millage rate for FY 2017-18 is 85.3 mills, representing no change for the current year’s millage.
- Last fall, the City hired Design Workshop, a national architecture, planning and urban design firm, to consolidate and update the City’s design guidelines for downtown. The new guidelines are complete and City Council is scheduled to vote on a resolution to approve the guidelines at its formal meeting on Monday. On Tuesday from 8-10am in the 1st floor conference room at City Hall, City staff and representatives from Design Workshop will conduct a training session for members of the real estate (developers, brokers, etc.) and design (architects, landscape architects, etc.) communities. Interested members of the public are also welcome to attend. The training will include a detailed overview of the new guidelines, as well as a discussion of the submittal process for the Design Review Board and evaluation procedures.
Crime Corner
- Please be aware that all door-to-door salespeople within the City limits must have a business license issued by the City of Greenville for the current calendar year. They must be selling a legitimate product or service and are not allowed to solicit money for their own personal use.
We receive numerous complaints each year when the weather warms up about rude, pushy, and aggressive salespeople. One resident even had a girl throw a cup of water at her when she said she didn’t want to purchase anything! If you encounter a door-to-door salesperson who is pushy, overly aggressive, or seems suspicious, please call the police at 271-5333. (Officer Michelle Lentz, Greenville Police Department).
- There have been reports on Nextdoor North Main of packages stolen from front porches in the area. This seems to be a continual problem. One suggestion we’ve mentioned in the past is to have your packages delivered to your workplace. You might also want to invest in a small camera that you can access via your smartphone or computer.
One resident mentioned that it might be just a mix up in addresses. I’ve had problems more than once with my Fedex packages going to Montclair instead of Hillcrest…same house number. This resident said you can ask Fedex for some coordinates on the drop-off.
Artisphere 2017
Artisphere presented by TD Bank is an annual signature event free and open to the public. Come enjoy the sounds, tastes, and culture of Greenville in this nationally ranked festival. Culinary, performing and visual artists participate based on a selection process of the 1,136 applications submitted. You can meet all the artists online and you’ll recognize several from the North Main Community. Click here for more information about various festival attractions. There’s something for everyone!
Friday, May 12: 12PM-8PM*
Saturday, May 13: 10AM-8PM*
Sunday, May 14: 11AM-6PM
*When the sun goes down, join us at the WYFF-4 Main Stage for musical performances from 8PM-9:45PM
April Showers Bring May Flowers?
- Time to prune back perennials and other shrubs, depending on the bloom time. Remember: Summer- flowering plants produce flowers on current season’s growth so don’t prune now…you’re too late for most. And severely heading back large shrubs to rejuvenate should be done before the sap is rising…so you’re late for that, too, and should wait until late winter or early spring. Spring-Flowering Plants: Prune after flowering (produce flowers on previous season’s growth). And try to resist the urge to commit ‘Crepe-murder’. Topping (i.e. ‘Crepe murder’) is not the correct way to prune crepe myrtles!
- Fertilizer your lawn, shrubs and trees.
- Typically, mid-April is the date of the last killing frost for this area, so you probably should have started your spring/summer vegetable garden. There are several common vegetables you can plant, including tomatoes, cantaloupe, cucumbers, melons, squash, beans, sweet corn, and more.
- Remember that NMCA business member Daylily and Hosta Gardens at 2396 Roper Mountain Road is now open for business. Hours are Fridays 12-6, Saturdays 9-4 and Sundays 12-6. Closed Mon – Thurs. Over 900 varieties of daylilies and hostas! Pet friendly garden – dogs welcome.
Watch for information on their June event to help homeless animals (Date TBA). They donate 10% of all sales to help homeless animals during a weekend in June each year. Over the last few years, they have donated over $4000.
- Spring is also when we see baby birds and other baby wildlife. If you happen to find a baby bird on the ground, here is a website from Cornell’s Ornithology Lab for advice on what to do. And don’t worry…a mother bird will NOT abandon the baby because a human touches it. She does not recognize it by smell. Hummingbirds are back so get those feeders out and be sure to change the syrup at least weekly to keep them healthy.
Snakes are a big concern for many as we are seeing more right now as the weather warms. Remember, most snakes are actually good to have around for rodent control, especially black snakes. There are only 6 venomous snakes in SC. The cottonmouth and copperhead are the only common ones. In the upstate, the most common is the copperhead. The others are rare but can occasionally be found. This website gives pictures and good descriptions of those. Click here to find out how to tell a copperhead from look-alikes. Please don’t just kill every snake you see. Try to find out what kind it is.
- Many of you may have noticed the changes at North Main Rotary Park. Robbie Young completed his Eagle Scout project to improve Rotary Park on April 29. He focused on the area near the picnic shelter. He and several assistants laid sod, planted flowers, spread mulch and generally spruced up the area after raising the money (about $2,500) to pay for the materials and supplies. Great job!
For Our Four Legged Friends
Kitten Season is upon us. We will be seeing more kittens available for foster and/or adoption at local animal shelters. The Greenville Humane Society and Animal Care Services almost always needs foster homes for young or sick animals. Plus, the more they can place in homes, the more room they have to take in others.
I recently attended an unusual shower…a kitten shower at Animal Care Services, hopefully the first of many. ACS is the largest open-admission shelter in SC. This means they are required to take in any animal which is brought to them, regardless of age, health, behavior, etc. They turn no animals away. Their “Itty Bitty Kitten Program” is an effort to find foster parents for kittens…the most at-risk age. They are too young to be adopted or neutered, so they need homes until they are a little older. It can be anything from bottle babies to weaned kittens to kittens with moms. Kitten season usually runs from May into September. Last year ACS took in 8,000 cats. Of these, 4,000 were kittens and 3,000 were under 2 lbs., the “Itty Bitty Kitties”, some just a few days old…the hardest to save. That’s why they need the community’s help! The Community Cat program has reduced the number coming in by 25% and that means fewer kittens needing homes, but we need to do better in order to build a no-kill community.
One misconception is that they keep lactating mothers. They do NOT. If orphaned kittens are brought in, they need a foster parent immediately. You can foster even if you have cats of your own. The foster manager will give you all the information and supplies you will need. They also have Foster to Wellness and Adoption Ambassador programs for all animals. Check out their website for more information on fostering opportunities…truly a “life-saving” experience.
I also urge you to read their blog about building a no-kill community, as a partner in the Target Zero Organization. It may surprise you to know that in late 2007, only 20% of incoming animals at ACS could be saved. Now, in 2017, they are consistently finding life-saving opportunities for 90% of homeless dogs and upwards of 70% of homeless cats…and those percentages keep rising. They are doing a great job, but they need our help!!
Yappy Hour is back! Greenville Humane Society. For $10, you and your friends can unwind with cold brews and live music from local artists. Meanwhile, your dog can run off leash in our canine courtyard and take a dip in our “doggie pools”. April-Oct, second Thursday of each month – 2017 Location TBD. You can always check out their FB page for details.
This year’s Mutt Strut with 2,012 participants and their dogs, raised a record $108,000 for the Greenville Humane Society on April 29th in Downtown Greenville. #yeahthatmuttstrut
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data from 1884 to the present, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in May is 80°F, and the average low is 57°F. (We are definitely starting out below normal!) The maximum high was 100 on May 28, 1916. The maximum low temperature was 73 on May24, 1953. The minimum high temperature was 46 on May 7, 1992 and the minimum low was 27 on May 3, 1885. Maximum precipitation (rain) in a 24-hour period was 8.2” on May 8, 1910. There was even a trace of snow on May 7, 1992. .
According to NOAA, the 3-month outlook is for a 50% probability of above average temperatures with an average amount of precipitation. As of May 2, 62% of the county is still above average in dryness with 75.6% of the normal water-year-to-date precipitation, in a moderate drought phase. Recent precipitation has helped, but we could easily slip into a more severe drought again and drought is expected to persist through July. The map at the right shows drought status by county as of April 6, 2017.
If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. -James Herriot
2017 NMCA Board of Directors:
President: John DeWorken
Vice President: Phyllis Gilreath
Membership Sec: Dave Modeen
Recording Sec: Taylor Cox
Treasurer: Jim Gilreath
Social Committee Chair: Sunnie Harmon
Parks & Beautification Chair: Hunter Cutchin
Thank You to our Business Members
Keep your dollars in your community. We have numerous businesses that are committed to preserving the beauty and economic well-being of the North Main Community and the greater Greenville area. Please thank them and give them your business when you can. Rather than listing them all here, we direct you to our updated website listing of businesses where you can see the entire list with a description and a link to their website.
If you are a business and would like to see your company listed on our website, please join the NMCA today! Businesses do not have to be located in the North Main Neighborhood to be members. They only need to provide services to North Main residents.
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at
- The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their May calendar.
- The Children’s Museum has great programs for kids. Check out their website calendar
- Check out the current exhibits and other programs at the Upstate History Museum.
- Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. Considered the premier American art museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world’s largest public collection of watercolors by iconic American artist Andrew Wyeth. The GCMA boasts a particularly strong collection of works by South Carolina artist Jasper Johns.
Currently featuring the work of Grainger McKoy. He initially produced realistic carvings of birds in flight, but slowly began transforming his intricately carved birds into gravity-defying sculptures that played with form and space, while continuing to accurately render each species in detail. Also featured is the work of Carew Rice, a native of the SC low country. As a student in Chattanooga, Tennessee, he discovered the art of cutting silhouettes and worked from the Depression era up until 1970, when he cut silhouettes for South Carolina’s Tricentennial celebration.
Listed below are some of the events coming up in late May and June…for more, check the city calendar.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Line Dancing, Lindy Hop and International Folk Dance at the Sears Shelter at McPhearson Park. Dances are taught in a fun and easy way with a variety of music. No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun. Check out the Parks and Rec website for times and registration for each.
May – Check out the classes at the Swamp Rabbit Grocery and Café.
Every Wednesday in May – Fidelity Investments Moonlight Movies at Falls Park on the Reedy. Free. Food Trucks on site. Bring your chairs, a blanket, and a picnic, but leave your pets at home. If you bring alcohol to consume on site, a wristband must be purchased for $1. Movie begins at dusk.
May 6 to October 29, Saturdays – TD Saturday Market, 8am – noon. Downtown Greenville.
May 12 – 14 – Artisphere. All Day @ Main Street. Greenville’s annual top ranking arts festival. See 135 local, regional, and national visual artists and 48 performances from some of the country’s most promising performing artists as well as Greenville’s own non-profit arts groups. The weekend long signature event is free and open to the public and is filled with entertainment for all ages. Watch for more details.
May 18 – Saint George Greek Festival 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
7:00 AM (5/17/17) – 7:00 PM (5/21/17) – Elford Street from Academy Street to Richardson Street
May 20 – NMCA Member Spring Social Those who were there last year remember what a great day it was… with over 350 people in attendance. This year we have a new venue…. The Community Tap. Join us for food, drink, live music and face painting for the kids.
May 20 – Mountains to Main Street Half Marathon, 5K, 1K. 8am – 12pm. Peace Center Amphitheater. Transportation to and from the start and finish lines will be provided for half marathon runners.
May 26 – Brew in the Zoo. 6:30 – 9 pm. The fundraising event will provide attendees with the opportunity to sample an assortment of beer, lite fare and enjoy live music by Asheville pop, funk and soul band, LYRIC, all while exploring the zoo after-hours.
May 26 – Great Scot! Parade 6pm. Parade will march up Main Street from Broad Street to E. North! Pipe Bands, faeries, floats and the Royal Highland Fusiliers!
May 27 – The Games at Furman University. Gates open at 8:30am. Events are over by 4pm and the Awards Ceremony is at 5pm. Then, stick around for the greatest Scottish Happy Hour in the world at 5:30pm – Celtic music, pipe bands and beer in the Entertainment Tent!
May 29 – Memorial Day. All city offices closed.
May 29, 2017, 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM @ Cleveland Park
Wreath Laying and Flag Retiring Ceremony put on by Vietnam Veterans of America
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.