NMCA Membership Dues for 2018

It’s one of the easiest New Year’s resolutions to keep… renewing your NMCA membership.  To remind everyone…membership is based on a calendar year; thus, no matter when you joined or renewed in 2017, renewals are due in January.  Please consider renewing now and not wait to receive a renewal notice from us or pay at the Spring Social as has been the past practice of some.  We are attempting to ease the administrative burden on our new Membership Secretary.  Your action now will also save NMCA over $100 in the cost of stamps sending out renewal notices and/or invoices.  . Those funds can be put toward other NMCA activities.  Some businesses prefer invoices and we will be sending those soon

Dues are $20 per calendar year for residents and $30 per calendar year for businesses.  Just go to our membership page (http://www.northmaincommunity.org/membership/) and choose Paypal, or print and mail the membership form with a check.   If you use Paypal to pay your dues, please click on “return to North Main Community Association” and fill in the boxes so we can insure we have your correct information, especially your email. 

We do have some members that have paid for multiple years.  If you think you are one of them, please email Cheyenne Kozaily to confirm. 

Also, If you know someone who is a member and is not receiving emails, please tell them to email northmaincomm@gmail.com .  We have about 10 that bounce each time we email.

We thank you for your membership and support!

NMCA Membership Dues for 2018
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