More on Suspicious Activity In Neighborhood

Here are some other reports from neighbors regarding the suspicious activity we reported on yesterday:

  • Saw them today at 5pm coming out of Idlewood, turning left onto Summit. They immediately caught our attention!
  • Saw the van parked at our neighbo’rs house today.  No one came to our door. That is very strange.
  • Another member said they told her they are selling Kirby vacuum cleaners.  Slightly sketchy, but they apparently had new Kirby vacuums in the van. She didn’t let her come into the house and show her how it worked, since at that point she told them she already had a Kirby.  She did the right thing by not letting them in. They may be casing the joint, they may be selling hot goods…no clue – but you have to stay alert and always be suspicious.
  • They were spotted on our cul de sac yesterday as well… Venning Court, right off Summit.
  • They have come through Easley too, exact same situation. I gave them the bottle of cleaner back and did not let them in.
  • The same van was seen on E. Hillcrest last week.  The woman who came to the door had the “free” bottle of Spic and Span and got her very used looking cleaning machine from the van.  She said she needed to plug it in and the resident told her she didn’t have an outdoor plug and she couldn’t come in.  The woman had bleached blonde hair and bad teeth.  The van was parked 2 doors down so I couldn’t tell much about it or anyone else who might be in it.


All of this information has been forwarded to the Greenville Police Detectives that work burglaries so that they can follow up.  We can’t stress enough that any resident who sees suspicious activity like this should immediately call the police non-emergency number at 864-467-5333.

More on Suspicious Activity In Neighborhood
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