More car breakins last night (8/29)

We have heard about several car break-ins last night. A resident on West Mountainview said one of their cars was broken into last night for the second time. They believe they may have accidentally left it unlocked. There was nothing of value in the car – looks like they just got some loose change and made a big mess. When they called to report it, the police said they have received several similar calls from our area this morning.

There were also break-ins on W. Hillcrest and Montclair last night.  One victim called the desk and was told she had heard the new chief was going to consider putting neighborhood patrol back.  The association will be looking into what we need to do to support this. I have seen more patrol cars recently, but believe it has been in relation to speeding on North Main. We’ll keep you posted.

More car breakins last night (8/29)
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