New Business Member
Please welcome our newest business member, The Children’s Museum of the Upstate, conveniently located in downtown Greenville. As one of the nation’s largest children’s museums and one of the first to become Smithsonian affiliated, TCMU offers fun, learning and play–providing an experience like no other for play-based learning and
hands-on engagement for the whole family. Did you know that TCMU also has fantastic birthday party options for your child’s next birthday? They offer birthday parties for families with children ages 1-12. All birthday parties hosted at TCMU-Greenville include all-day museum play for your guests (a $300+ value), a private birthday party room with colorful decorations, cupcakes for guests and a personal party host to handle the set-up and the birthday mess! Learn more and book today at
Back to School
School starts soon, so watch out for those walking or riding bicycles. 4K students will begin the 2022-23 school year on a staggered schedule for readiness assessments. 4k school hours follow the elementary school day. The day begins at 7:45 am and ends at 2:15 pm. Student families will be contacted by their 4K teachers before the start of school.
Click here to see a copy of the 2022-2023 Greenville School Calendar, including holidays and other important dates. The first day of school is August 15.
City News
Greenville City Council Member John DeWorken held a meeting for District 1 association presidents on June 29. Below is a summary of some of the highlights that are of interest to our neighborhood.
There are several projects that fall under the Neighborhood Infrastructure bond.
- Money is allocated for installation of high-end pedestrian crossings, called a HAWK pedestrian crossing, at E. North St. and at Stone Ave, which will be used to allow pedestrians to more safely cross those roads. Additional money is being allocated for traffic mitigation, including a newly formed central location to assist with traffic light timing.
- There is a special allocation in the upcoming budget year for increasing beautification on Wade Hampton Blvd. to a neighborhood Blvd. appearance from North Point/Mohawk to the White Oak/BJU area.
- Chick Springs/Mohawk sidewalk completion will begin the second quarter of 2023. This includes finishing sidewalks on the entire stretch of Chick Springs Road, and finishing all of Mohawk from Chick Springs to the Community Tap. Other sidewalk plans include one on Gallivan to Mohawk.
- Field improvements for N. Main Rotary Park will address the ongoing water runoff issues.
Improvements are planned over the next five years for Wade Hampton Blvd. improvements. The state of this intersection is currently causing unnecessary and unwelcome traffic through some district neighborhoods.
Also addressed was the need for additional signage regarding speed and encouraging drivers to stop at stop signs and not just “pump the brakes”. Traffic circles and the general lack of knowledge about how they work was also mentioned.
As for sewer, the city has a long-range plan for replacing aging/failing infrastructure.
Also discussed was the new Next Steps Today rehab. facility on Summit Drive. Ultimately, Federal Law (ADA & Fair Housing) overrides any local law. The law currently requires that up to 6 individuals must be considered the same as a household. John has been working with the city to determine how and if this can be addressed. It is unlikely that there is any legal action that can be pursued, and the operator s stated that it is his desire to be a good neighbor and part of the neighborhood. There is currently a similar facility in the Gower Park neighborhood and to date there have been no complaints from neighbors.
Updated Tree Ordinance. Note that it does not include property owners prior to 6/20/2021. Once the property is transferred it will apply to new owners. A review council of landscape architects is being formed to review the ordinance and offer suggestions to City Council in January 2023 and the plan will be reviewed every two years. Several large fines have been charged, including 6 figure fines to both builder/developers and individuals. The city will look at improved ways to communicate this to property owners. It was also noted that root protection rarely takes place when construction/renovation is being done. Shannon will take this back to the engineers. We now have 3 landscape architects on staff to assist with the tree ordinance and similar issues.
Some of the other 2022/2023 budget highlights include Stone Lake Dam Engineering, affordable housing, NSTEP program, Laurens Rd. Extension of the Swamp Rabbit Trail, and Stone Ave. improvements.
(Thanks to John DeWorken and NMCA V.P. Rhett Brown for notes)
Did you know? You can listen to recordings of City Council Formal Meetings by clicking on this link.
City Board Vacancies: There are a number of board vacancies opening as terms expire. Being a member of a board is a great way to learn more about how the city works. Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed by City Council prior to the expiration of a term and as unexpected vacancies occur during the year. For a complete list of vacancies, go to the city’s website.
New Park Ambassador Positions: The City is now hiring Park Ambassadors for Unity Park and Falls Park. It’s a seasonal position (June – October) and the pay is $13/hour. The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Visit for more information and to apply.
Got E-waste to dispose of? Hang onto it a little longer and dispose of it correctly. The city will be holding a free Shredding and Recycling Event November from 10am to 1pm at the Public Works campus, located at 475 Fairforest Way. At this free event, citizens can dispose of unwanted electronics and have their sensitive documents destroyed and recycled securely.
Meeting on Summit Drive Rehab. Facility
City Council Member John DeWorken held a meeting on Wednesday, July 13, to give residents the opportunity to meet with Kyle Marsh, Executive Director of Next Steps Today, a transitional alcohol rehabilitation facility for men that has recently opened at 315 Summit Drive. We sent out a separate email with this information, but for those who did not receive it, please go to our website to see a summary of the meeting.
Did You Know?
- There is a town called “Greenville” in every state. However, Tennessee is the only one that spells it “Greeneville, adding an e in the middle.
- McDonald’s once created bubblegum-flavored broccoli to lure kids into eating it. It was a complete failure!
- The average U.S. household has 300,000 things in it.
- At 50,000 words, the 1939 novel Gadsbyis the longest book ever published that doesn’t contain the letter ‘e.’
- The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer.
Garden at North Main Rotary Park Pavilion
For those who walk through the North Main Rotary Park, you should have noticed a new garden between the pavilion and the sidewalk. This garden was the work of one of our members, Beth Bradley, using mostly her personal funds. Thanks, Beth, for helping to beautify the park!
COVID Update
In case you missed it, people in most of South Carolina’s 46 counties should consider donning masks once again, according to guidance and new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The following map shows counties with high and medium levels as of July 28 in average cases per 100,000 people.
You can see that Greenville County is one of the hotspots with almost 234 average daily cases per 100,000 people.
Under CDC guidance, people who live in areas rated with a medium level and who are considered at-risk are urged to wear a mask. In areas with high levels, masking is recommended for all people — regardless of vaccination status — in schools and workplaces.
CDC definitions for the three categories are based on new case counts within the last week, new COVID-19 hospitalizations and how many hospital beds are currently occupied by those with the virus.
Late Summer in Your Yard and Garden
Hard to believe we’re over halfway through the year. Your fescue lawn may be a little thin (after all, it’s a cool season grass). If you plan to plant trees or shrubs, start planning now, but late fall and winter are the best times to plant. And this is a great time to start thinking about what bulbs you want to plant this fall.
Hot, dry summer months are some of the most stressful times for plants in the landscape. One of the most common problems seen is improper watering. Without adequate moisture, plants cannot function normally and can become predisposed to other stresses in the environment, such as winter injury or diseases. Particularly susceptible to drought damage are plants that have developed shallow root systems due to improper watering practices. Make sure you are following proper irrigation practices.
Apply about an inch of water per week. Usually this can be done by watering twice and applying at least 0.5 inches each time. This amount should moisten the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Early morning is the best time to water when there is less evaporation. (And check your system often as power ‘blips’ in the summer can wreak havoc on timers.) There is a popular misconception that landscapes should be watered daily – after all, plants use water every day. This idea completely ignores the fact that soils hold water. Stretch the interval between each watering to encourage development of deep, extensive roots. If we need one inch of water per week and we irrigate daily, we will in effect be applying 1/7 inch (0.14 inches) of water each day, wetting the soil to a depth of less than one inch. While this promotes growth of weeds, it encourages shallow rooting and water will never reach the roots of shrubs or trees unless their roots are very close to the surface, in which case you may see the grass suffer. That is why a good rain always seems to help everything look better.
Can you prune plants in this hot weather? It depends on the plant and location, but generally you don’t want to do heavy pruning this time of year. The lower leaves that are exposed are not acclimated to that hot sun! For further information on suggested pruning times for selected flowering trees and shrubs, refer to the fact sheet, HGIC 1053, Pruning Shrubs.
And don’t forget the birds…especially the hummingbirds. Many nectar plant run low when it’s so hot and dry, so supplemental feeding helps, but you need to change the fluid at least once a week. It goes bad easily in this heat. And an ant guard will help keep those pesky ants from filling the feeder. Just use 4 parts water to 1 part plain sugar…no food coloring. And the regular birds will appreciate it if you leave those flowers that are starting to die. The seeds will help provide food and nutrition a little later as we approach fall.
An Upstate Urban Meadow
The Reedy River running through Unity Park has a new lease on life, courtesy of the City of Greenville. It includes a marvelous native ‘Urban meadow’. The project has many players, but the renovation of the river basin was designed by the firm Biohabitats in conjunction with the architectural project manager MKSK. Biohabitats is one of the premier ecological restoration companies in North America, who “inspire communities to rediscover a sense of place through preserving indigenous ecosystems, restoring biological diversity, and embracing ecological stewardship.” (Photo and story by Doug Lockard, SCNPS)
For Our Four-Legged Friends
Paws Off Xylitol; It’s Dangerous for Dogs: Like many dog owners, you know chocolate can be dangerous to your pooch. But you may not know that if Hoover sticks his nose in your handbag and eats a pack of sugarless chewing gum, the consequences could be deadly.
Sugarless gum may contain xylitol, a class of sweetener known as sugar alcohol. Xylitol is present in many products and foods for human use but can have devastating effects on your pet.
Over the past several years, the Center for Veterinary Medicine at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received several reports—many of which pertained to chewing gum—of dogs being poisoned by xylitol, according to Martine Hartogensis, a veterinarian at the FDA. The most recent report was related to “skinny” (sugar-free) ice cream.
Symptoms of xylitol poisoning in dogs include vomiting, followed by symptoms associated with the sudden lowering of your dog’s blood sugar, such as decreased activity, weakness, staggering, incoordination, collapse and seizures.
Check this website for a complete list of foods that contain xylitol.
Kitten season is in full swing! Since kittens require overnight care, most shelters are unable to care for kittens who may be unsocial or too young to be put up for adoption, click here to see five easy steps from Greenville County Animal Care to help you navigate kitten season while also making a difference in the lives of our feline friends.
If you’re looking for a new pet, please don’t forget about GCAC’s Home-to-Home program.
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data from 1991 to 2020, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in July was 90.3 ºF and in August 88.5°F. The average low was 69.2°F for July and 68.3 for August. From 1884 to 2021, the maximum high was 107 on July 1, 2012 (all-time record), and 105 on Aug 10, 2007. The maximum low temperature was 80 on July 12th, 1937, and 14th, 1932. For August the maximum low was 78 on the 10th in 1991 and the 11th in 2007. The minimum high temperature was 64 on July 12, 1999, and 61 on both Aug 21st,1949 and Aug 27th, 1944. The minimum low was 53 on July 2,1899, and July 26, 1911, and 50 on Aug 29 & 30, 1905. Average rainfall is 4.82 for July and 66” for August. Maximum precipitation (rain) was 4.89” on July 7, 1898, and 9.32” on Aug 26, 1995, which is still an all-time record. The wettest July on record was 1984 with 13.57 inches and in August it was 1908 with19.52”.
The July-August-September (JAS) 2022 temperature outlook favors above-normal
seasonal mean temperatures across a majority of the U.S. Probabilities of above-normal precipitation exist for parts of the East, Southwest, and Alaska, while below-normal precipitation is more likely across much of the Great Plains, western Corn Belt, upper Mississippi Valley, and the northern to central Rockies.
All the seven hottest years on record have happened in the last seven years. But the fact that 2021 didn’t rewrite the history books makes it even more sobering, said NASA climatologist Gavin Schmidt. It underscores the extent to which human greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from burning fossil fuels, have fundamentally and irrevocably changed the planet. Even the not-quite-so-bad years are dramatically worse than anything that we could have been imagined a generation ago. Schmidt added: “We are reaping what we’ve sown.”
In an update to its 2022 outlook for the Atlantic hurricane season, forecasters at Colorado State University (CSU) predict that 17 additional tropical cyclones could develop. In a previous forecast in June, the school predicted a total of 20 named storms, including 10 hurricanes.
Five of those hurricanes are predicted to become a Category 3 hurricane or stronger. The new outlook accounts for the three named storms that have already formed: Alex, Bonnie and Colin.
Shop Local
Keep your dollars in your community. The following companies are committed to preserving the beauty and economic well-being of the North Main Community and the greater Greenville area. Please thank them and give them your business when you can. Hover your mouse over each company name to read a brief description or click to go to their website:
Gardening and Plants
- Bonnie Berry Garden Design (864.449.5234)
- Dahlia a Florist (864.232.0112)
- Daylily and Hosta Gardens (864.297.9043)
- Plant & Tree Solutions (864.601.5115)
- Schneider Tree Care (864.244.3088)
Law Firms/CPAs/Financial
- Barrett-MacKenzie, LLC (864.232.6247)
- Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A. (864.233.4445)
- Curry, P.A. (864.855.5621)
- Global View Investment Advisors, LLC. (864.272.0818)
- Holmes Law Firm (864.271.2381)
- Jason Elliott Law Firm (864.235.5308)
- Kehl Culbertson Andrighetti, LLC (864.370.8222)
- Law Office of Christine Howard (864.282.8575)
- Pope, Smith, Brown & King (864.242.0656)
- The Carolina Law Group (864.312.4444)
Retail/Home Décor
- ATH Interiors, LLC. (864.520-1600)
- Dodson Dig Co. (864.626.3299)
- Gary Hester Interiors (864.232.4975)
- McDunn Woodworking Studio (864.242.0311)
- MarbleLife of the Carolinas (888.627.2530)
- Nicholson Stained Glass (864.235.8650)
- Allen Tate Realtors (864.386.3180)
- Berkshire Hathaway | C. Dan Joyner (864.244.9111)
- Central Realty Holdings (864.250.9407)
- Coldwell Banker Caine – Angela Reid (864.350.6670)
- GreatUpstate Properties@Keller Williams Greenville Central (864.448.4169)
- Griffin Property Solutions, LLC (GPS) (877.477.1407)
- Keller Williams Upstate: Tara Pickens (864.901.9644)
- Lil Glenn Company, LLC (864.242.0088)
- Pam Childress: BHHS C. Dan Joyner (864.201.8832)
- Rhett Brown |The Marchant Co (864.915.9393)
- Southland Properties (864.313.6825)
- The Haro Group of Keller Williams (864.312.6424)
- The Marchant Company (864.467.0085)
- Turneround Homes at Keller Williams Drive (843.696.3458)
- Wilson Associates Real Estate (864.640.8700)
- The Bohemian Cafe (864.233.0006)
- Coffee Underground (864.298.0494)
- Drop-in Store (864.242.0111)
- Hall of Fame Sports Grill (864.346.8378)
- Ji-Roz Restaurant (864.373.9445)
- Naked Pasta (864.283.5844)
- Northgate Soda Shop (864.235.6770)
- Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery (864.255.3385)
- The Community Tap (864.631.2525)
- The Universal Joint (864.252.4055)
Personal Health/Well Being
- Arrive’e (864.275.2084)
- Children’s Museum of the Upstate (864) 233-7755
- Greenville Dental Studio (864. 520-2942)
- Dance Ventures at Stone Plaza (864.271.7701)
- Escape Artist Greenville (864.509.9305)
- Fellowship Bible Church (864.255.9520)
- Gateway House, Inc. (864.242.9193)
- Integrative Health Partners (864.365.6156)
- Julie Thaxton, Mary Kay – Senior Beauty Consultant (864.616.8150)
- Northside United Methodist Church (864.233.8359)
- Stone Plaza Pharmacy (864.233.7940)
Home Improvement/Builders/Architects
- 3D Land Surveying, Inc. (864.272.0274)
- CarolinaCrafted Construction, LLC (864.449.1779)
- Corley Plumbing Air Electric (864.908-3377)
- Darrohn Engineering, LLC (864.346.2170)
- Greenville Remodeling and Restoration (864.484.3007)
- Jordan Wholesale Lumber Co. (864.232.9686)
- JWK Design, LLC (864.214.5323)
- O’Leary Cole, Inc. (864.233.1606)
- Preferred Choice Heating & Air (864.233.8001)
- Priority One Security (864-346-5351)
- Ryan Miller Builders (864.303.8103)
- Royal Engineering, Inc. (864.235-4425)
- UBuildIt (864.676.1113)
Miscellaneous Professional Services
- Brainstorm Signs (864.377.4264)
- Cuddly Critters Pet Sitting (864.901.3189)
- Deb Sofield (864.275.8877)
- North Main Neighbors (864.630.9931)
- Palmetto Plating Company (864.859.9314)
- Propel HR (800.446.6567)
- Redhype (864.232.2000)
- Servpro of West Greenville (864.275.1548)
- Sunnie and DeWorken Group (864.905.5529)
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at
Aug 12 – 14. Greenville Literacy Association will host its 21st annual Really Good, Really Big, Really Cheap Book Sale at McAlister Square. The annual book sale, which is held at 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive, will feature a variety of events including:
- Aug. 12, 5:30-8:30 p.m. – Kick-off Party
- Aug. 13, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. – Book sale
- Aug. 14, noon-4 p.m. – Bag Sale clearance event where bags provided by GLA may be filled with books and purchased for $10 per bag
Sept 9. Sipping Safari. 6:30 – 9:30pm. Greenville Zoo. Annual sampling evert transforms the Zoo into a pathway of wine and food tasting stations with live music and raffles.
Sept 15. Zen at the Zoo. 5:30 – 6:15pm. After hours yoga at the Greenville Zoo. Contact for information.
The North Main Community Association does not give, sell, or otherwise distribute your email or other information to third parties.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association