Greenville Water Project

As a follow up to the recent North Main PipeDiver project, we wanted to share our current plan to finalize the project. The last stage of the project will take place on January 6 with the water being shut off at 9:00 a.m. It is expected to be off for several hours, but service will be restored by 5:00 p.m. at the latest.

The most recent project update has been posted to our website, a letter is being sent to all impacted residents on Monday with the same details, our social media will include updates, automated calls will be made, door hangers will be placed on all homes, and there will also be signage near the project site days in advance.

Our goal is to minimize disruption in water service to residents in the area while ensuring we are providing the safest, quality water. (Email from Greenville Water via Councilman John DeWorken)

Greenville Water Project
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