Dog Attacks and Picking Up Dog Waste

PLEASE remember that the city does have a leash law. One of our residents recently reported that when out walking her 13 year old dog, he was attached by a dog unleashed in his yard. He ran into the street to attack her dog. Just prior to that, she saw the dog chasing what was assumed to be the owner’s truck through the neighborhood (unleashed) like he had him out excercising! The second attack occurred when the dog was tethered to a tree in the front yard and the leash was long enough to allow him to reach the street and attach her dog. If you see something similar or it happens to you, call the non-emergency Police dispatch number at 271-5333. The dispatcher will assist you with your problem and will notify the Animal Control Officer who will respond to your home or incident location.

Also, we still get complaints about folks not picking up their dog’s waste. Really folks, how hard can it be? That’s just common courtesy and decency to pick it up and not leave it for others to step in or for the rain to wash it into the storm drains. Let’s ALL be responsible pet owners!

Dog Attacks and Picking Up Dog Waste
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