Comments on Last Weeks Comp Plan Update Meeting

Bob Bainbridge, NMCA President, attended the presentation of the Comprehensive Plan Update last week. His comments are as follows: “It was reasonably well attended but there was almost no actual content. As far as I could tell the city staff updated the population forecasts, provided a list of what had been accomplished since the plan was prepared in 2009, and made some minor adjustments to the land use map. Jason Smits raised the only substantive comment. He noted that the 2009 plan listed preparation of a Landmarks Ordinance (to protect historic buildings) as one of its goals. The status report noted that it had not been done. The planning staff added that it was no longer a priority. Personally, I think the planning staff did the absolute minimum amount of work to comply with the state requirement to do an update every five years. It will be presented to the Planning Commission on Nov. 13.” The text of the update is posted with the agenda for the meeting. Go to

I am more concerned about the proposal for “Cottage Subdivisions. From a first look, I believe that it would NOT be appropriate for North Main.” The amendment can be printed out if desired. Go to

If you have comments, please plan to attend the Planning Commission Meeting on the 13th. It will be held at 4:00 PM in the 10th Floor Council Chambers at City Hall.

Comments on Last Weeks Comp Plan Update Meeting
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