More Information on Black Lab Found on Mountainview
We just found out the lab is not microchipped and is closer to one year old. The vet thought this was probably as large as he would get. I met him and got a picture….extremely friendly and loving!
Representing the residents and businesses in the North Main area of Greenville, South Carolina.
We just found out the lab is not microchipped and is closer to one year old. The vet thought this was probably as large as he would get. I met him and got a picture….extremely friendly and loving!
One of our members found two dogs today (Friday, Feb 6) on West Mountain View. They were together and both had collars. He was not able to get the pit bull, but the other one he has in his back yard. ItRead more
One of our members had his Shepherd mix go missing overnight. Last seen in his yard on Buist Ave. around 9:30/10 pm last night. No tags, but green invisible fence collar. His name is Little Man. Very sweet with grayingRead more
One of our member’s husband’s car door latch was broken this morning and they believe it was due to an attempted break-in last night. They were not able to enter, but the entire door handle came off. They live offRead more
Missing from 16 West Hillcrest Drive. Accidentally got outside late Monday. Was seen in backyard yesterday but not since. See photo. About 2 years old. Yellow and White. Male…neutered. Name is Toby. No collar. Is skittish with people and willRead more
The City is getting ready to issue a ‘notice to proceed’ to Panagakos Asphalt Paving, Inc., which they have contracted with for the North Main Road Diet project. Weather permitting, they are expected to begin work on March 2. OnceRead more
For those who are interested and may not have received the postcard about the developer close-out auction sale at Avondale West, NMCA’s Bob Bainbridge checked out the website. There are nine lots for sale. Two are mostly in the 100Read more
*The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend board meetings. Please email in case there is a location changeRead more
While most plants here can withstand quite cold temperatures (assuming they were chosen for the correct planting zone which for us is 7b), very cold temperatures and ice can still damage some plants. If you have plants you are concernedRead more
As you know, this week could bring record temperatures as well as possible snow and, more importantly, ice accumulation….a worst case scenario. The most vulnerable are the elderly and pets. If you have elderly neighbors, please check on them to makeRead more