A resident picked this dog up in the northern part of the county on Thursday on a road where people dump their dogs. He had been following cyclists and begging for attention for about 5 hours. He is a beagle (?) mix, no collar or chip. Probably about 2 years old. He is VERY sweet, rides in a car, and seems to be house trained (no accidents so far). He does great in a crate.
The resident cannot keep him because 2 of her 3 dogs do not like him and she really don’t want a 4th dog. If you know anyone who needs a sweet dog he would be great He has had his shots and is heartworm negative. He weighs about 28 pounds.
If you are interested or know someone who wants a sweet dog, please email northmaincomm@gmail.com and we’ll give her your information.
Thanks! Let’s find this pup a loving home!!

Sweet Dog Needs Loving Home