As you may recall, Developer David Douglas blamed his contractor for cutting down the trees at Brookside. Wonder who he’s going to blame for planting the signs?
As you can see from the photo below, a public notice sign somehow got caught behind the black screening surrounding the Brookside propety. Now, in Douglas’ defense, there is less of a chance that the sign is going to fall over. However, shouldn’t a sign be seen? Isn’t that why signs are made?

City officials agreed that Douglas was being a little too discreet with his signs. They sent emails and left voicemail messages reminding Douglas that the public notice signs provided by the city must be posted “in a manner that is visible to the public.” Here’s the city’s letter with even more pictures.
In light of Douglas’ skill in planting signs, do we really want him to plant trees or shrubs or plants? We wouldn’t be able to see them…