*The Board of Directors now meets the first Tuesdays of most months at 6:00 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. Members are welcome to attend board meetings. Please email northmaincomm@gmail.com in case there is a location change and to insure we are meeting that month.
If you have recently joined as a residence or business and have not received an NMCA decal, please email us at northmaincomm@gmail.com and we’ll make sure you get one! We hope you display it to show your support. Thank you!
March Member Drop-in
Thanks to all who came out March 8 for our drop-in at The Hall of Fame Sports Grill. A huge thank you to Alice Carpenter and her staff for hosting and for the delicious appetizers! Everyone seemed to have a good time, visiting with friends and neighbors, and getting to know new ones! Check out our FB page for photos. And mark your calendars for our big spring member social on May 20.
Development Update and Other City News
- From the Feb 21 Association Presidents meeting: Greenville City continues to update its planning. For the most recent comprehensive plan (2009), go to: https://www.greenvillesc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/289 For more plans to go: https://www.greenvillesc.gov/223/Comprehensive-Plans
- Plans are moving forward for upgrading at many city parks, including the North Main Rotary Park. Resurfacing of the parking lot at the Bobby Pearse Center is one item planned. At McPherson Park, all parking surfaces will be re-surfaced and stream bank revitalization will be completed to prevent flood water erosion. The replacement of the existing miniature golf course will follow this project’s completion. Construction is anticipated in October-December of 2018.
- As you can tell, work is well underway at NorthPointe. Lots of soil being moved. There have been questions about the traffic light placement at Mohawk and Wade Hampton being off-center. According to the Development Coordinator, the intersection is oriented to integrate with the NorthPointe development access. Once completed, it will allow people into the Harris Teeter parking lot (because, yes, that is your direct access!), the placement will become clear.
- The Bobby Pearse Center is once again offering summer camp. The program runs from June 18 through August 17 and operates from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday. Campers will be engaged in a variety of activities all summer long including arts and crafts projects, fitness programs, sports, music, field trips, and much more. Lunch is provided daily for each participant. This program is open to campers ages 5-12. The fee is $300 with City of Greenville residents receiving a 20% discount. Sibling discounts are also available. You can register online or call 864-467-4331. Note: Spots fill up fast.
- The city Planning & Neighborhoods committee met this morning to get updated on upcoming neighborhood sidewalk projects. The City Engineering department is evaluating Chick Springs Road for sidewalks from Wade Hampton to Lakecrest Drive. The engineering Dept will begin with some preliminary engineering and cost estimates to evaluate the feasibility. The east side of street is the current proposed route. (Not the Richland Creek side.) (Amy Doyle)
- New Fire Department Website. GCFD’s new web hub offers citizens better access to information about safety and prevention programs, accreditation, recruitment and services. Visit the Fire Dept online.
- There are volunteer positions available at Piedmont Natural Gas Downtown Alive and Greenville Heritage Main Street Fridays. To learn more or sign up, visit gov/Volunteeror contact Cassidy Rogers, Volunteer Coordinator, at crogers@greenvillesc.gov.
Crime Corner
- As we approach spring and start gardening, etc., please remember to not leave mowers, tools, etc. out in your yard in plain sight. It’s just too tempting for thieves. If you hear of crimes or are a victim, please notify the police and let
us know by emailing northmaincomm@gmail.com or post on our Facebook page so we can warn other residents.
- The city has a bike registration program designed to deter thieves and aid law enforcement in returning recovered property. A registered bike is difficult to sell (making it less likely to be stolen), and if it is stolen, law enforcement officials are better able to prove that it was stolen when it is found in someone else’s possession. It also makes it possible to return the recovered bike to its rightful owner.
The program is available to all citizens who purchased a bike within the city limits. Participation in the bicycle registration program is free and voluntary. As part of the program, the owner’s name and contact information will be recorded, along with the bicycle make, model and serial number, and a digital photo of the bike. A tamper-resistant sticker will be affixed to the bike and the registration number will also be engraved on a metal component of the bike. The information collected through the registration program will be maintained in a searchable online database that all Greenville Police Department officers will be able to access and edit when a bicycle is reported stolen or one is recovered. Residents who are unsure whether they are eligible to participate in the program can use the online city address locator to verify their address.
- Unwanted solicitation…We often get asked if someone puts up a “No Solicitations” sign on their property, do individuals have to obey it. Below is the wording of the City of Greenville Municipal Code:
Sec. 8-303. – Entering posted premises.
It shall be unlawful for any peddler to enter upon any private premises when such premises are posted with a sign stating “No Peddlers Allowed,” or “No Solicitations Allowed” or other words to such effect. (Code 1997, § 8-303; Ord. No. 2012-96, exh. A, 11-26-2012)
Did You Know?
National Agriculture Day is March 20 and recognizes and celebrates the abundance provided by agriculture… stewards of a healthy planet. A few generations ago, most Americans were directly involved in—or had relatives or friends involved in—agricultural-related endeavors. Today, that is no longer the case. Agriculture is what feeds us, what clothes us and what keeps America, America. What happens when the farms of today no longer exist? Are we ready to pay the higher cost of imported foods which we will have no idea of how they were planted, grown or harvested? If you can, buy local! And help spread the word about the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy.
March Gardening
Hard to believe the first day of spring is right around the corner…March 20. Daffodils and crocus are blooming, and tulips are emerging. Buds on many shrubs and trees are starting to swell with color and some trees and shrubs are already leafing out. This weather has everyone and everything confused and recent cold snaps may cause damage to ornamentals as well as the apple and peach crops.
It’s not too late to plant woodies. But don’t wait much longer…it’s getting warm fast and the warmer it gets, the more the leaves that emerge demand of the root system. The idea of planting in the winter and early spring is to give the roots a chance to begin growing before they have to help sustain the top. Phosphorus fertilizer can help boost root growth. Find a variety of plants at the 2018 Upstate Native Plant Sale on April 18 at Conestee Park from 9am – 1pm.
The following Saturday, April 28, is the Greater Greenville Master Gardeners Plant Sale. 8am – 1pm. Rain or Shine. Roper Mtn. Science Center. Choose from native plants, butterfly plants, trees, shrubs and more. Go to ggmga.org and click on flier for a list of plants.
It’s time for application of nitrogen for fescue, Bermuda grass and zoysiagrass lawns that have been overseeded for the winter. DON’T fertilize centipede or St. Augustine yet, nor warm-season lawns that were not overseeded. See Fertilizing Lawns for more information.
Spring is also when we’ll be seeing baby birds and other baby wildlife, so it’s time to get those nest boxes cleaned out and repaired. Check out this website for tips on when and how to clean.
Remember that NMCA business member Daylily and Hosta Gardens at 2396 Roper Mountain Road will open for the season April 6 until July 1. Hours will be Fridays 12-6, Saturdays 9-4 and Sundays 12-6. Closed Mon – Thurs. Over 900 varieties of daylilies and hostas! Pet friendly garden – dogs welcome.
It’s also time to start thinking about a vegetable garden. If you don’t have a sunny spot in the yard for one, think containers. You can buy containers that you can put on wheels to roll in and out and which have a watering system incorporated into the design to keep moisture levels optimal. One example is the Earthbox but there are others very similar. There are any number of ways to container garden…get creative. Just remember that any plant in a container will dry out faster than those in the ground, so pay attention to watering.
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data from 1884 to the present, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in March is 65°F, and the average low is 41°F. Average precipitation is 4.52”. The maximum high was 91 on March 23, 1901. The maximum low temperature was 65 on March 30, 1896. The minimum high temperature was 27 on March 2, 1980 and the minimum low was 11 the next day and also on March 15,1993. Maximum precipitation (rain) in a 24-hour period was 5.35” on March 26th, 1901. Maximum snow was 9.4” on March 13, 1993. http://www.dnr.sc.gov/climate/sco/index.php .
The weather continues to baffle both humans and plants! One explanation given is the split in the polar vortex in early February caused by a warming of the stratosphere. This was the likely cause of the cold temperatures in Europe and often causes cold temperatures in the Eastern US, possibly the back-to-back Nor’easters we saw. In short, there are now two smaller vortices: one over western Canada and another over Europe. Across the Arctic, where the polar vortex typically stays locked, the stratosphere has warmed. This typically kicks into motion a polar vortex disruption like we are seeing. The polar vortex is an upper-level low-pressure field of air which rotates around the North (and South) Pole. The polar vortex acts as a barrier to isolate arctic air from warmer air to the south. However, variations in the strength of the polar vortex can cause disruptions in expected weather patterns across the northern hemisphere. In addition, NASA puts the rate of declining Arctic sea ice at 13.2% per decade. These signs point to a continued weakening of the polar vortex and a potential collapse.
The March-April-May (MAM) 2018 temperature outlook indicates a 40% probability of above-normal
temperatures across the southern tier of the US. The MAM 2018 precipitation outlook indicates probabilities of near to slightly above normal precipitation.
Castles of South Carolina
When people think of castles they immediately get a picture in their mind of fairytale-like stone structures, soaring towers, as well as kings and queens. People do not think of South Carolina when they think of castles and, while the castles that are found in South Carolina are not as grandiose as in other regions, they are definitely just as noteworthy. Greenville Castle: This castle was built for a German Baroness in 1902. It sits on the south face of Paris Mountain just a short 10-minute drive from Greenville, SC. It certainly holds all the romance of a fairytale. To see other castles in SC, click here.
For Our Four-Legged Friends
As many families prepare to celebrate Easter, it’s important to keep in mind the many hazards it poses for our furry friends. Here are the top four most common Easter Dangers, presented by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC).
- Chocolate. Chocolate can cause gastrointestinal upset, pancreatitis, stimulation to the nervous system (hyperactivity, tremors and seizures) and elevation in heart rate. Not all chocolate is created equally—the darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is for pets. Other ingredients to keep out of your pet’s reach include raisins, macadamia nuts, xylitol and alcohol.
- Plastic Easter Grass. Pets cannot absorb plastic Easter grass into their bodies, which means that it can become lodged in the gastrointestinal tract and wreak havoc if consumed. Signs for concern include vomiting, diarrhea,
decrease in appetite, lethargy and stomach pain. Consider using shredded colored paper or some other material if you have pets.
- Plants. Many plants can cause issues for pets, but during this time of year, the APCC sees an uptick in calls about Lilies and bulbs that bloom in spring. Lilies (Lilium sp and Hemerocallis sp) can cause serious concerns for our feline friends. Exposure to any parts of the plant can result in kidney injury and gastrointestinal upset.
- Fertilizers and Herbicides. Many people begin gardening and yardwork on Easter weekend, including the use of fertilizers and herbicides. Make sure these are stored where pets can’t chew or puncture the bottle and keep pets indoors while applying the products. Always follow label instructions and wait to let your pet out again until the product has been watered in or the ground is dry.
If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately.
The GHS Adoption Center will be CLOSED from March 11th to April 2nd for painting and repairs. The GHS Vaccine Clinic, Spay and Neuter Clinic and Healing Place will be open for normal business hours. View our services and hours online at www.greenvillehumane.com. Thank you for your patience during this time. Please keep an eye on our social media for updates. . Mark your calendars for the 2018 Mutt Strut. Saturday, April 28th at 8:30 a.m. This two-mile walk/run begins and ends in the festive Mutt Market at Falls Park! It features free food, vendors, live music and plenty of doggie entertainment! You won’t want to miss this family-friendly event, which benefits the Greenville Humane Society!
Also, don’t forget about Greenville Animal Care’s Tails and Trails 5K Walk/Run coming up on May 12. Race the trails (or go for a casual stroll) at Conestee Park side by side with your best running partner – your dog! Whether you’re racing with or without your four-legged companion or just walking the trail to support a good cause, Tails & Trails is fun for everyone. Make a difference in the lives of homeless animals and help Animal Care reach the goal of making Greenville County a NO KILL community.
Thank You to our Business Members
Keep your dollars in your community. The following companies are committed to preserving the beauty and economic well-being of the North Main Community and the greater Greenville area. Please thank them and give them your business when you can. Hover your cursor over each company name to read a brief description or click to go to their website:
Gardening and Plants
- Bonnie Berry Garden Design (864.449.5234)
- Dahlia a Florist (864.232.0112)
- Daylily and Hosta Gardens (864.297.9043)
- Plant & Tree Solutions (864.601.5115)
- Schneider Tree Care (864.244.3088)
- Southern Wild Garden Design (512.461.4398)
- WildEarth Landscaping (864.242.9225)
Law Firms/CPAs/Financial
- 1st & Main Investment Advisors (864.990.2805)
- Barrett-MacKenzie, LLC (864.232.6247)
- Carruthers Law Firm (864.467.0100)
- Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A. (864.233.4445)
- Curry, P.A. (864.855.5621)
- Global View Investment Advisors, LLC. (864.272.0818)
- Holmes Law Firm (864.271.2381)
- Jason Elliott Law Firm (864.235.5308)
- Kehl Culbertson Andrighetti, LLC (864.370.8222)
- Law Office of Christine Howard (864.282.8575)
- Nathalie M. Morgan, LLC. (864.242.6655)
- Pope, Smith, Brown & King (864.242.0656)
- TD Bank (864.255.4945)
- The Carolina Law Group (864.312.4444)
- State Farm – Michael Oliver (864.233.7779)
- KeenanSuggs Insurance (864.288.4950)
- The Rushton Agency (864.859.9953)
Retail/Home Décor
- ATH Interiors, LLC (864.238.2893)
- Gary Hester Interiors (864.232.4975)
- McDunn Woodworking Studio (864.242.0311)
- MarbleLife of the Carolinas (888.627.2530)
- Nicholson Stained Glass (864.235.8650)
- Shindig Furnishings (864.915.9705)
- Southern Accent Designs (603.520.6570)
- Urban Digs (864.233.6821)
- We Took to the Woods (864.451.7155)
- Allen Tate Realtors (864.386.3180)
- Ameripride Realty Group (864.312.6838)
- Berkshire Hathaway | C. Dan Joyner (864.244.9111)
- Central Realty Holdings (864.250.9407)
- Damian Hall Group | BlackStream Christie’s Int’l Real Estate (864.561.7942)
- Griffin Property Solutions, LLC (GPS) (877.477.1407)
- Keller Williams Upstate: Tara Pickens (864.901.9644)
- Lil Glenn Company, LLC (864.242.0088)
- Rhett Brown | BHHS C. Dan Joyner, REALTORS (864.915.9393)
- Sisters on Main (864.999.1959)
- Southland Properties (864.313.6825)
- That Realty Group (864.520.8567)
- The Haro Group of Keller Williams (864.312.6424)
- The Marchant Company (864.467.0085)
- The Real Estate Shoppe (864.901.8141)
- Wilson Associates Real Estate (864.640.8700)
- 101 Expresso Bar (864.520.2200)
- The Bohemian Cafe (864.233.0006)
- Drop-in Store (864.242.0111)
- Greenco Beverage (864.242.1464)
- Hall of Fame Sports Grill (864.346.8378)
- Ji-Roz Restaurant (864.373.9445)
- Northgate Soda Shop (864.235.6770)
- Stone Pizza Company (864.609.4490)
- Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery (864.255.3385)
- The Community Tap (864.631.2525)
- The Universal Joint (864.252.4055)
- Two Chefs Cafe and Market (864.370.9336)
- Vic’s Pizza (864.232.9191)
Personal Health/Well Being
- AlignLife Chiropractic and Natural Health Center (864.501.3600)
- Cindy’s Salon and Day Spa (864.271.9984)
- Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dental Studio of Greenville (864.520.2942)
- Dance Ventures at Stone Plaza (864.271.7701)
- Escape Artist Greenville (864.509.9305)
- Fellowship Bible Church (864.255.9520)
- Gateway House, Inc. (864.242.9193)
- IdealMD (844.433.2563)
- Glow, LLC. (864.908.9210)
- Integrative Health Partners (864.365.6156)
- Main Street Chiropractic Wellness Center, Inc. (864.271.4240)
- Megan Diez Salon (864.271.4503)
- Next Step Counseling (864.990.4442)
- New View Counseling (941.751.8003)
- Northgate Salon (864.233.1311)
- Northside United Methodist Church (864.233.8359)
- River Falls Spa (864.240.2136)
- Andrews Episcopal Church (864.235.5884)
- Stone Plaza Pharmacy (864.233.7940)
Home Improvement/Builders/Architects
- 3D Land Surveying, Inc. (864.272.0274)
- Catherine Smith Architect, LLC (864.504.5170)
- Corley Plumbing Air Electric (864.908-3377)
- Darrohn Engineering, LLC (864.346.2170)
- com (864.630.1629)
- Jordon Wholesale Lumber Co. (864.232.9686)
- JWK Design, LLC (864.214.5323)
- O’Leary Cole, Inc. (864.233.1606)
- Preferred Choice Heating & Air (864.233.8001)
- Royal Engineering, Inc. (864.235-4425)
- Sexton Griffin Custom Builders (864.295.0730)
- UBuildIt (864.676.1113)
Miscellaneous Professional Services
- Cuddly Critters Pet Sitting (864.901.3189)
- Deb Sofield (864.275.8877)
- Escape Artist Greenville (864.509.9305)
- GreatUpstate Properties@Keller Williams Greenville Central (864-400-4100)
- North Main Neighbors (864.630.9931)
- Opt-in Mobile Solutions (864.735.0213)
- Palmetto Plating Company (864.859.9314)
- Priority One Security (864.346.5351)
- Propel HR (800.446.6567)
- Redhype (864.232.2000)
- Servpro of West Greenville (864.275.1548)
- Star Auto Care, Inc. (864.242.9400)
- Sunnie and DeWorken Group (864.905.5529)
- Tangible Intentions (864.881.1855)
- The Personal Touch Cleaning Service of Greenville (864.294.0102)
- Zen Guitar Studio (864.283.9156)
If you would like to see your company listed here, please join the NMCA today! Businesses do not have to be located in the North Main Neighborhood to be members. They only need to provide services to North Main residents.
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
- The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their March calendar.
- The Children’s Museum has great programs for kids. Check them out at their website calendar
- Check out the current exhibits and other programs at the Upstate History Museum.
- Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
- Kidding around Greenville also lists lots of great activities for kids.
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. Considered the premier American art museum in the South, the GCMA is home to the world’s largest public collection of watercolors by iconic American artist Andrew Wyeth. The Greenville Collection is now the largest and the most complete collection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolors owned by any public museum in the world. The GCMA boasts a particularly strong collection of works by South Carolina artist Jasper Johns.
Michael McDunn with McDunn Studio is still accepting applications for classes this year. For more information, check out his website or FB page. There he describes the dates and times as well as the projects.
Ongoing – Dancing at the Sears Shelter (McPherson Park). Line Dancing each Tuesday from 6:15-8pm. Greenville Lindy Hop, Thursdays, 7-11pm. $4 per class for city residents. Greenville Swing, Tuesdays, 7 – 10pm. $2 per class. Greenville International Folk Dance. Mondays, 7-9pm. 6-week course: $15. Call 864-467-4326 for information or to register.
They’ve also added a new dance class: The Simplicity of Dance: These lesson/dances will focus on how to lead and follow in casual dancing. A fun class for those with little or no experience and who just wish to enjoy a simple dance. In addition, it will be a great intro class for those wanting to learn ballroom style dances. March 7, 14, April 4, 18, May 2, 16, 7:00 pm till 9:30 pm. $8.00 each or $14 for two.
March 17 – St. Paddy’s Day Dash and Bash 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM @ Fluor Field at the West End powered by Palmetto Children’s Charity!
March 20 – Upstate Chapter SCNPS: Rare and Unusual Plants in the Carolinas. 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. David White (who worked in Plant Ecology at the Univ. of Georgia) will be talking about several ongoing projects including botanical surveys identifying rare plants, rare communities, and invasives on the Long Cane Ranger District of Sumter National Forest. Note: This program will take place at the Wilkins Conference Center at Roper Mountain Science Center in Greenville. This is a new meeting facility for the Upstate Chapter.
March 21-28 -Stone Academy’s Annual Book Fair. Monday-Thurs. 8 AM to 3:30 PM. Friday 8 AM to 11 AM. The Media Center hosts fall and spring book fairs. The PTA and Media Specialist team up to run the fair. Parents, grandparents, and others are welcome to attend. There are usually after school hours and often special activities planned. Proceeds from the book fairs are used to expand the library collection. Note: Community members need to bring a driver’s license to the front office and get a visitor’s name tag to come to the book fair.
March 23 – Bingo Night at Summit Elementary. Calling all Summit Dr. parents…Bingo Night is just a few weeks away! We had a great turnout last year and we need your help again to make this a successful night. Please consider volunteering so we can continue having these fun events for our children. There are still a few slots left. Bingo Night Volunteer Signup
March 26-30 – Summit Elementary PTA Teacher Appreciation Week. There are multiple opportunities to help make this a success. Check out the link for more details on how to donate and volunteer. 2018 Teacher Appreciation Week
March 31 – SC Governor’s School for the Arts Wind Ensemble Concert. The Peace Center Gunter Theatre. 7:30pm. The concert will include wind music by various composers and will feature pianist Dr. Stephen Taylor in “Introduction and Capricco for Piano and Twenty-Four Winds” by John Barned Chance. Other works on the program include the “Second Suite for Military Band” by Gustav Holst and “Early Light” by Carolyn Bremer. Tickets are free and can be reserved online at PeaceCenter.org or by calling 864.467.3000.
April 7 – Imagine Upstate. 11am – 5pm. iMagine Upstate is a combination of interactive exhibits and live stage shows from more than 70 STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) organizations. It’s FREE and open from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the West End of Greenville from South Main at the intersection of Augusta Street to Fluor Field!
April 2-6 – Greenville County Schools Spring Break.
April 2-6– Spring Break Camp (ages 5-12) at Bobby Pearse Community Center is offered during Spring Break for Greenville County Schools each year. The program operates from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day, beginning April 10 and running through April 14. Campers will participate in arts and crafts, games, field trips, sports, fitness, music, and much more. Each camper will need to bring a lunch each day; an afternoon snack will be provided. This program fills up fast, so call soon… 864-467-4331.
April 14 – The SS / OS golf tournament. they need a list of all players on all teams by Saturday, April 7. Our charity this year is the Country Santa Program. Information is on the bulletin board in the soda shop. We will meet back at the SS for prizes and awards about 3 pm after the tournament. If anyone would like to donate prizes to be given away or items for the bags for golfers, please call Judy Mcbrearty at 864.420.6636 or email her at mcbearty123333@bellsouth.net .
April 21 – The SCNPS Upstate Spring Native Plant Sale 9am to 1pm at Conestee Park, 835 Mauldin Road, Greenville. Find native trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials adapted to local soils and climate for sale. Dr. Jan Haldeman will be present to discuss invasive species. Proceeds of sale used to protect, preserve and restore native plant communities. For more info: www.scnps.org/event/upstate-native-plant-sale-2
April 19 – SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities Piano Ensemble Concert. 7:30 p.m., Smith Recital Hall, SCGSAH campus. Student pianists from the S.C. Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities will perform a variety of music in two-person ensembles. Experience the talent of South Carolina’s young pianists who have performed in public schools across the state, and in European schools and in concert venues in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy. This event is free and open to the public. Watch the concert live or archived at https://livestream.com/scgsah/4-19-18-concert. See their website for other scheduled performances.
April 20 – Stone Academy Arts Alive. Celebrating the artist in every child.
April 21 – BBB® & AARP® Shred Day: Prevent ID Theft. 408 N. Church St. 9am – noon. Individuals and small businesses can take advantage of FREE on-site document shredding, electronic recycling, and take home practical tips to prevent identity theft online and off. Goodwill® Industries will be on site at each location to recycle computer equipment such as monitors, printers and hard drives; all of which will be wiped by Goodwill® according to Department of Defense Standards.
The maximum number of boxes per consumer or business is five. The size limit is a banker box or smaller and 13-gallon bags or smaller. The complimentary shred event is first come, first serve. There is a possibility the trucks may fill up before noon, so coming early is advised. Due to safety concerns and to ensure that we are able to serve as many vehicles as possible, we are unable to accept people on foot this year or allow people to get out of their vehicle to watch their paper shredded.
For more information about Shred Day, contact the Better Business Bureau of the Upstate at (864) 242-5052.
April 21-22 – GCMA Fine Art + Flora. Twenty local floral designers and garden enthusiasts will interpret works of art, creating imaginative displays that celebrate the GCMA permanent collection. The weekend event features a preview party Friday, April 20 (ticket information below) and free admission both Saturday and Sunday. Check their website for all activities.
April 28 – 7th Annual Mutt Strut, benefiting the Greenville Humane Society! This year the two-mile walk/run is through beautiful DOWNTOWN Greenville. It begins and ends in the festive Mutt Market at Falls Park! It features free pizza from presenting sponsor Papa John’s and a festival like atmosphere with caricature artists, face painters, balloon artists, live music and doggy entertainment! Make sure to sign-up early and save $10 on your registration! Mutt Strut t-shirt and sponsor swag bag included!
April 28 – Greenville County Master Gardeners Spring Plant Sale. Roper Mountain Science Center. 8am – 1pm. Rain or shine!
May 20 – Save the date!! NMCA Member Spring Social. Those who were there the last couple of years remember what a great time it was… with over 350 people in attendance. This is our biggest social event of the year. Watch for more details! Those who have not renewed their membership this year should be getting invoices soon. Please renew or join prior to the Spring Social. It makes for much less confusion and shorter lines that day! Just go to www.northmaincommunity.org/membership Thank you!!
As always, we will be looking for volunteers to help out and sponsors to help offset the costs of the food, entertainment, etc. Thank you!!
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.