*The Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center …check the website for the date of the next meeting or email pgilreath@aol.com for the location and if we are meeting that month. Any members are welcome to attend board meetings.
NMCA Annual Spring Membership Drive and Social
Reminder: Thursday, April 17, from 5-7pm – our annual membership drive/social in the back parking lot of he Northgate Soda Shop. As usual we’ll have free beer, cold drinks and snacks. This year our special guest will be the Greenville Police Department’s “SWAT Mobile”. The Greenville Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) is comprised of 20 officers and is a secondary duty to their regular assignments. The SWAT Team works in partnership with the Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) to achieve their ultimate goal of peaceful resolution of volatile situations.
Come see the armored vehicle (and see why some call it the Batmobile) and talk to the Officers that are part of this special unit.
We have run a similar piece before, but are repeating it due to the numerous concerns we’ve heard from members who are tired of others letting their dogs use their yards/plants as a place to ‘doo their business’. A plant that is continually ‘watered’ with dog urine may eventually die; if not, it will certainly suffer. You may think ‘oh, it’s just a little, it won’t hurt’…but it all adds up to property damage which folks do not appreciate! It’s not that hard to keep your dogs out of people’s lawns and curbside plants or to pick up after your pet, both
on your walks around the neighborhood and in the North Main Park. Pet waste that is not scooped is a big problem for our community and the lakes, streams and waterways we enjoy in Greenville County. It is estimated that there are 114,483 dogs in Greenville County generating more than 57,000 pounds of waste every day! Dog waste left alone can pollute ground and surface water, attract pets and flies, create an unpleasant odor and be unhealthy for dogs and children, because dog waste can transmit parasites and infectious diseases. Each dog owner must be responsible and scoop the poop. All you have to do is grab it, bag it and toss it into an appropriate trash receptacle.
Renew Your NMCA Membership Today!
You should have received renewal notices for calendar year 2014. If you’ve already renewed for 2014, thank you! If not, please renew now via PayPal at our website or mail your $10 annual membership dues to PO Box 571, Greenville, SC 29602. Thank you! Note: If you choose to donate via Paypal, once you’ve donated, click the button to “Return to North Main Community Association”. This will direct you to choose Individual or business and prompt you to fill in your name and address and select any issues or areas you are interested in.
More Info on Recent Crime Spree
A member in the neighborhood has an infrared camera that is focused on a section of W. Hillcrest Dr. He was able to go through the tapes from Monday night…the night of the crime spree on W. Hillcrest, Mtn. View and Townes. All we know now is that it appears to be two men, average build and height, wearing hoodies. Each was walking slowly on each side of the street, looking at houses. Be on the lookout for two men with these descriptions and please call the police if you see them. These break-ins apparently took place between about 11:30pm and 4am.
Since then we have had more incidences reported, apparently centered around W. Hillcrest, W. Mountainview and Townes St., but also Randall and others. Because NMCA is such a large area, we encourage each street to form their own ‘Neighborhood Watch’ via informal meetings and just keeping an eye out for each other’s property. And if you see or hear of a problem on your street, let us know so we can alert our members.
‘Adopt’ a Piece of the Park
Thanks to the 13 members who showed up on March 22 to help clean up the North Main Park…if you missed it, don’t worry…there will be others. We have been doing this with help from HOG which is a program of the the United Way.
If you are interested in “adopting” a small area of the park, maybe ten linear feet of bank that you will keep weeded, a tree that you will keep the ivy off of, picking up trash, etc. please email JoAnne Conner, NMCA Park Chairperson, at joanneconner@charter.net. In this way, you can do your part to keep the park beautiful on your own schedule…maybe when you have an hour to spare. You don’t have to meet our schedule. Thanks!
Infill Task Force Update
The first draft of the infill ordinance is now online at the City’s Planning Website under Infill Development. You can also find presentations and minutes of the meetings. We are providing a brief summary, but if you want to see the entire document, we direct you to the website above. Keep in mind…this is still a DRAFT document and will be presented at a council meeting where the public will be able to speak.
Issues addressed included:
1) Driveways/Garages/Carports – recommendations stressed consistency with the predominant pattern of the neighborhood with limitations on garages facing the street, locations of driveways and materials used for driveways, promoting use of ribbon strip or alternative pavement. (Ed. Note: It still was unclear to me what constituted impervious. In the current ordinance driveways, patios, etc. are not included.)
2) Stormwater Detention/Retention Standards – recommendations addressed location (distance from property line), slope and landscaping. This would apply to infill subdivisions which require stormwater quantity and create a subdivision of 2-15 lots in single-family residential neighborhoods.
3) Stormwater Runoff Standards – Single family home construction shall not exceed 50% impervious coverage over the total lot area and provide a minimum 10 foot setback from any property line adjacent to another single family property. Where a 10 foot or greater setback is provided, stormwater discharges shall insure the water is dissipated prior to leaving the property. If the above cannot be met, practices shall be used to delay the release of water, using such methods as vegetative filter strips, sloping impervious driveways, etc. to landscaped areas, use of rain barrels, etc.
4) Trees – Realizing the importance of preserving the visual and aesthetic qualities of Greenville, the goal is to encourage site design techniques that preserve the natural environment and enhance the developed environment. Tree surveys are not required for single-family lots or single-family subdivisions. Including any required street trees, 2 canopy trees are required per single family lot in R-6 and 3 canopy trees per lot in R-9. Existing trees that are preserved and protected and meet the minimum size can be counted. Trees shall be an approved species and shall be a minimum of 2 ½ inch caliper measured at 6 inches above the top of the root flare. Efforts should be made to the extent practicable to preserve tree(s) that if removed, could alter the character of the neighborhood.
For those who would like to see a different perspective of the newest development on West Mountainview, take a look at the picture to the left. It was taken from the 21st floor of an office building downtown. You can hardly see the previously existing houses due to the tree cover. Unfortunately, in most of these new subdivisions, there isn’t room left to put large canopy trees, and even if there is, they will not reach mature size and canopy in our lifetime. Let’s hope the new infill ordinance is enforced and will help prevent this. It goes before the Planning Commission next month and then likely to the Council this summer.
Spring to Action in your Yard
This is time of year when there’s a lot to be done in your yard…
- It’s time to divide fall blooming perennials and plant summer and fall-flowering bulbs
- Time to prune back perennials and other shrubs, depending on the bloom time. Remember: Summer-Flowering Plants: Prune before spring growth begins (produce flowers on current season’s growth) Spring-Flowering Plants: Prune after flowering (produce flowers on previous season’s growth).
- Fertilizer your lawn, shrubs and trees. When fertilizing shrubs and trees, be sure to scatter the fertilizer out around the drip line and not up close to the trunk to prevent burning roots. If using liquid foliar fertilizer, be sure to wait until leaves are fully expanded so they will be able to take up the fertilizer.
- Now is the time to think about irrigation as the temperatures warm and the days are drier.
- Typically mid-April is the date of the last killing frost for this area, so for those who want to get an early start on their vegetable garden, there are several common vegetables you can plant, including cantaloupe, cucumbers, melons, squash, beans and sweet corn. http://www.clemson.edu/extension/county/laurens/yard_garden/04_april.html
Native Plant Sale
If you want to create a landscape that supports native birds and butterflies then come out to the South Carolina Native Plant Society Spring plant sale on April 26 from 9am-1pm at University Center on the corner of South Pleasantburg Blvd. and Antrim Drive in Greenville. The sale will feature a great selection of plants that provide habitat, nectar and food for our native wildlife. This is a great way to help the wildlife that call South Carolina home and help make our state a beautiful place to live.
Don’t Forget the Birds
Don’t forget about the birds. My cedar waxwings didn’t show up this year until a couple of weeks ago and my pyracantha is pretty well stripped now. Clean out those hummingbird feeders and get them back out. We had a female ruby throat hummer all winter which we managed to help survive. Goldfinches are out in force now, some in brilliant color, and love black oil sunflower seed and thistle. But they are rather picky in that they want fresh seed. If you put out seed from last year, they’ll likely pass it up. I usually just put all my seed out the end of the season and start with fresh thistle each year. Birds are looking for nesting sites and starting to build nests. A chickadee has already built a nest in one of my boxes. If you are curious about what nests you are seeing in your boxes, a good source of information
and pictures online is The Birder’s Report. There are also good books available on bird nests. Some, like the Carolina Wren, seem to like to build nests near humans in hanging baskets, tin cans, or just about any small container, so be watchful when you are moving things around. One trick I use to provide nest material is to take the cat hair I end up with after brushing my cats and leave it on a brush pile or in a tree or wad it up in a mesh covered ball and hang it up. I’ve seen chickadees and wrens take it for nest material. A bird bath will also be much appreciated. When purchasing a bird bath, ensure that the surface is rough so that the birds will have something to grip onto. Remember to keep the bird bath or water feature clean so that the bird’s health will not be adversely affected.
Co-Existing with Wildlife
We reported this week that a coyote had been spotted in our neighborhood. We appreciate the heads up but we are part of the problem. “When we destroy habitat, wild animals find ways to survive in the altered landscape. Some species, such as raccoons, even thrive. This means that wildlife and human interests may come into conflict. Too often, such conflicts are addressed by killing animals — a practice known as “lethal control.” However, lethal control is not only ethically objectionable to many, but is often ineffective, particularly in the long term, at resolving the very problems it is meant to address. The key to successful conflict resolution usually involves modifying human behavior and removing wildlife attractants.
In addition to actively participating in community programs and legislation to resolve human/wildlife conflicts, Born Free USA also offers brochures — on Coexisting with Coyotes, Deer, Geese, Beavers and Wildlife — that offer simple ways to coexist with our wild neighbors.” http://www.bornfreeusa.org/b6k_coexisting.php
What to do About Honeybee Swarms?
This is honeybee swarming season. If you find a colony of honey bees in a tree or anywhere in your yard, PLEASE DO NOT call an exterminator. We have a local beekeeper who will be happy to take them away. Remember that when bees are swarming, they are loaded up with honey in their abdomen (what they took from the original hive in order to start a new colony because the old one was crowded) so they are much less likely to sting as they have difficulty extending their stinger. Do not disturb the swarm and please call either Richey Lancianese at 451-9990 or Eliza Lord at 864-915-6927. If they cannot reach them, they will find someone who can. Let’s keep the honeybees in business!
Did you know?? Bees are battling for their lives and their colonies are weaker than ever. The latest data, from the 2012-2013 winter, indicate an average loss of 45.1 percent of hives across all U.S. beekeepers, up 78.2 percent from the previous winter, and a total loss of 31.1 percent of commercial hives, on par with the last six years. About a third of our foods (some 100 key crops) rely on these insects for pollination. In total, bees contribute more than $15 billion to U.S. crop production, hardly small potatoes. Also, bee health can tell us a lot about environmental health, and thus about our own well-being.
Feeling a Little Dull?
So…you’ve been pruning and, like me, you’ve discovered that your tools aren’t quite as sharp as you would like…you do more tearing than cutting sometimes. NMCA has a solution. On Saturday, April 19 (that’s the Saturday after our Membership Drive/Social), we’ve arranged to have Everette Scott with “Sharp-N-Go”, a mobile sharpening service, in the back parking lot of the Northgate Soda Shop from 10am to 12 noon (or longer depending on business). He sharpens scissors, knives, pruning tools, mower blades, chain saws….virtually anything but hand saws. Prices vary by item. So come on down and take advantage of this convenient opportunity. See you there!
Spring Cleaning/Yard Sale April 26
As you start your spring cleaning, remember that there will be a yard sale at the Northgate Soda Shop Saturday, April 26 from 7am – 2pm. Consider saving items to sell there. What doesn’t sell is donated to Safe Harbor.
Greenville County Animal Care Services is also having a yard sale that day from 9am – 2pm, so keep that in mind, as well. More details to come.
Greenville’s Youth Commission Lead360 Challenge
The Lead360 Challenge connects young Americans and communities to the prestige and distinction of the Jefferson Awards, with its 42-year history of recognizing excellence in public service, and empowers and educates youth on their ability to effect change: individually, collectively, locally and nationally. The Lead360 Challenge is designed to recognize the great work kids do and inspire others to put their ideas into action. Last year, 900,000 young Americans competed in the challenge, with 3,674 projects.
The Youth Commission is encouraging individuals ages 5 -25, as well as schools, clubs and other youth organizations that are doing great things in the Greenville community, to submit their “big ideas” and community projects for a chance to be recognized locally and to compete nationally. To participate, individuals and groups simply upload their projects, including pictures and videos, to the Lead360 web site at https://lead360.jeffersonawards.org/. Project categories include Education, Environment, Community, Hunger, Elder, Youth, Health, Animal and Peace. The deadline to enter a project is Friday, April 25 at 11:59 p.m.
The Youth Commission will select the three most outstanding projects from all of the local submissions, and the winners will be recognized at the May 12 City Council meeting. The Youth Commission has also partnered with the Greenville Drive, who will recognize the winners at a Drive game. The three local winners will then go on to compete nationally. Ultimately, five national finalists will travel to Washington, DC for the Jefferson Awards National Ceremony in June.
Pawmetto’ Derby Party
Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 1, 2014 (6:30 pm-9:30 pm) for the Inaugural Pawmetto Derby Party to benefit the Greenville Humane Society.
- Event Features: Live music by The Saboteurs, derby-themed delicacies provided by Saffron’s, bottomless cocktails and bourbon tastings
- “Run for the Noses”: In addition, we invite guests to join in a spectacle unique to the Upstate as GHS adoptable puppies go nose-to-nose in our “Run for the Noses” derby dash!
- Bidding Details: “Bid” online (or at the venue) for your puppy of choice
- Tickets: $65 in advance or $75 at the door
- Venue: The Old Cigar Warehouse, 912 S. Main Street, Greenville, SC
ACS Free Cat Neuter/Spay for 29609 Zipcode
And don’t forget… NO STRINGS ATTACHED! FREE means FREE for residents in the 29609 zip code who need to have their pet cats and kittens spayed or neutered. Thanks to a targeted grant from PetSmart Charities, Greenville County Animal Care is offering FREE spays and neuters for pet cats and kittens for residents in the 29609 zip code through 2015. This was done because of the staggering number of cats surrendered to the shelter or found stray there.
Residents of the 29609 zip code should contact (864) 467-SPAY to make appointments to have their cats or kittens spayed or neutered at no charge. You will need to bring in proof that you reside in the 29609 zip code.
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in April is 60.1°F, the average low is 48°F and the average precipitation is 3.71”. The record maximum for the period 1962-2006 was 93°F on April 27, 1986. The record minimum was 25°F on April 11, 1973. Average rainfall is 3.71 inches (we’ve almost reached that already). Record high rainfall was in 1964 with 11.3”. Record minimum precipitation was 0.69” back in 1976. Average snowfall in April is 0”. The highest recorded snowfall for this period was 0.3” back in 1987. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html
Since The Farmer’s Almanac seemed to do better this winter than NOAA, below is their forecast for April. Apr 1-2: Sunny, warm; Apr 3-11: A few t-storms, warm; Apr 12-21: Sunny; cool, then warm; Apr 22-26: Showers, then sunny, cool; Apr 27-30: Sunny, warm.
Flash from the Past
From last month:
Folks who have lived here awhile will recognize this as a 1960’s shot of the Colonial Court Hotel which was at U.S. 29 North-Wade Hampton Blvd. At the time it had a pool – it was considered a Quality Court. If you recall it was razed in the last year or so to make way for new development as part of the ‘revitalization’ of Wade Hampton Blvd.
Situated near downtown, Broad Margin is a private residence designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Completed in 1954, the house was named “Broad Margin” by Wright.The structure is located on a two-acre sloping lot which is heavily wooded and is bordered by two creeks. Mr. Wright so located the house that it cannot be seen from the street or any other residences in the area. The house is constructed into the slope of the property and the roofline begins at the ground level on the northern side. Hence, upon entering the property from the north, only the roofline is visible. Upon reaching the house level, it becomes evident that the house projects out of the earth and is about 20′ above ground level (at the bottom of the slope). http://www.livingplaces.com/SC/Greenville_County/Greenville_City/Broad_Margin.html
Do you recognize these Greenville landmarks?
Wit and Wisdom
“The middle of the road is where the white line is – and that’s the worst place to drive.” (Robert Frost)
“Almost half of the people over 40 believe they look younger than they are. This says something important about older Americans: We have terrible eyesight” (Dave Barry)
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their April calendar.
Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. The Greenville Collection is now the largest and the most complete collection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolors owned by any public museum in the world.
Interested in volunteering with the Puppies & Kittens or Adult Dogs at the Humane Society? Please visit their Volunteer page for details and requirements.
►Limited Number of Spots Available per Orientation
►Registration is Required
►To register for Puppy Patrol Orientation, please contact Tori Firth: puppypatrol@greenvillehumane.com
►To register for Dog Walking Orientation, please contact Alysha Harvey: dogwalking@greenvillehumane.com
April 13 – The Greenville Drive is hosting “Bark in the Park”. Proceeds are benefiting GHS. Tickets are $7 and you can take your dog to the game.
April 17 – Gardening in the Southeast for Beginners. 6:15pm – 8pm. Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery. Upcoming programs include “Organic Gardening and Permaculture (4/21), Creating a Wildlife Garden (4/24), Soft Cheese II (4/29, Insect Garden Ecology (5/5) and Unusual Fruits and Vegetables for the Southeast (5/8). Check out their website for additional information and costs for these and other classes.
April 17 – NMCA Spring Social and Membership Drive. 5-7pm. Northgate Soda Shop.
April 19 – Tool Sharpening at the Northgate Soda Shop back parking lot. See above for more info.
April 19 – Silver Screen Café Dinner and a Movie. This month’s movie is “The Tax Man Cometh” (very appropriate!) which pits an unsophisticated simple family against the dreaded IRS, in a hilarious comedy. Tickets on sale now. Call 283-0888 or go to their website for more information and the menu.
April 25 – Stone Academy’s Arts Alive. 3:30pm – 7pm. Stone Academy, Croft Street and Croft Park. Silent Auction, games, rides and live music as usual. More music this year that in the past… all Stone parents including Darby Wilcox, Larry and Katie and a Rolling Stones Tribute band made up of neighborhood dads and a mom!!
April 25 & 26 – Greenville Council of Garden Clubs 2014 Garden Tour….HARMONY….Past, Present and Future. Friday, April 25 and Saturday April 26 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tickets are $18.00 and may be purchased at the Kilgore Lewis House, 560 Academy, Greenville, SC Call 232 3020 Wed. – Fri, 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. www.kilgore-lewis.org Stops will include; 216 East Park Avenue, 200 East Earle Street, 14 East Earle Street, 315 McDonald Street, 309 Ashford Avenue, 31 East Montclair Avenue, Linky Stone Childrens Park – 24 Reedy View Drive, Kilgore-Lewis House Garden – 560 North Academy.
Food trucks will be in the upper parking lot offering a variety of delicious lunches. Plants will be available for your purchase. The addition of Linky Stone encourages children and grandchildren to experience the outdoors in a fun, hands-on environment.
April 26 – March of Dimes March for Babies. 8am – 12pm. Greenville Technical College. Walk begins at 9am.
April 26 – World Tai Chi and Qigong Day in Greenville. 11am – 3pm. Main Street Plaza, Falls Park. Traditional Chinese Tai Chi and Gong Fu performed. Free.
April 26 – Project Host BBQ Cook Off and Festival. 10am – 10pm. East Broad St. and parking lots adjacent. BBQ cookoff and festival with entertainment and food.
May 3 – The Downtown Market opens for the season. Saturdays, May 3 to October 25, 2014. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The featured non-profit that day is The Rotary Club of Greenville Evening Charities.
The Rotary Club of Greenville Evening is involved in many service projects throughout the Greenville Community and beyond. Their signature fund raising event each year is the Reedy River Duck Derby held the first Saturday in May where they race 10,000 rubber ducks over the Reedy River Falls in downtown Greenville. The Rotary Club will be offering duck adoptions for the Duck Derby which raises funds for a number of local children’s charities.
Space is still available during the 2014 market season! Booth With A Cause Information and Application
May 3 – Reedy River Duck Derby. 10am-4pm. Reedy River Falls Park. In addition to the race, described above, enjoy a Community Children’s Day with booths focused on hands-on- activities and entertainment. It is fun-filled family event.
May 8 – Greenville Humane Society 2014 Yappy Hour Series continues, presented by Camp Bow Wow. 6-8pm. Then, it’s every 2nd Thursday of the month from April to October. For $8 you and your friends can unwind with cold brews and live music from local artists. Meanwhile, your dog can run off leash in our canine courtyard and take a dip in the “doggie” pools. Dogs: Must come on leash and be friendly, spayed/neutered, over 6 months of age, healthy & up to date on vaccinations. For more details or in case of inclement weather: Consult their Facebook page or www.greenvillehumane.com.
March 24 – June 2 – Spring Yoga at the Bobby Pearse Center. Whether you are a new or experienced student, you’ll enjoy this class. Come to one, some or all classes. Instructor Brooke Kleinfelter can work with you to modify poses to suit your body or your experience. Come join the fun and start each week feeling good that you’ve done something for yourself!
Downtown Line Dance. 6:15 – 8pm. Offered every Tuesday from 6:15 to 8 pm. at Sears Rec Center in McPherson Park. Dances are taught in a fun and easy way with great music – Hip Hop, R&B, Rock & Roll, Latin, Country, Shag, Swing. Social dances include Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Bikers Shuffle, Cha Cha Slide, Good Time, God Blessed Texas, R&B Boogie and more. No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun. Cost – $4 for Greenville city residents, $5 for others. Telephone: 864-467-4326. Admission: $5 (Greenville city residents – $4)
For other community events, check the Greenville City calendar
Spring/Summer Programs at Greenville Community Centers
To view the spring/summer calendar for the Bobby Pearse Center and/or the Sears Shelter, go to the Parks and Rec website You will be able to view program information and pay directly online.
….Or pick up a program brochure at your local community center.
Program Instructors Needed
The City of Greenville Parks and Recreation Department is seeking instructors to offer fun and exciting recreational and educational classes to our community. Our department offers a wide variety of recreational programs to citizens of all ages. These programs take place in city parks, community centers and other locations. For a full listing of programs visit http://www.greenvillesc.gov/ParksRec/RecPrograms.aspx
Community Center Rental
Both the Bobby Pearse Center and the Sears Shelter are available for rent. For information about renting the Bobby Pearse Center, email Jonathan Jones or call 467-4331.
Planning a special event like a wedding reception, birthday, anniversary or family reunion? Why not have your events at the Sears Recreation Center? It is conveniently located in McPherson Park at the corner of North Main Street and E. Park Avenue (100 E. Park Avenue). Contact Jan Cox or call 864-467-4326.
Some of the Community Center features are:
¬Kitchen ¬Restrooms ¬Handicapped accessible ¬Piano ¬Banquet ¬tables & chairs
¬Plenty of parking ¬Sound system
Contact Jan Cox at 864-467-4326 or jbcox@greenvillesc.gov for more information and availability.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.