Welcome to NMCA’s newest Business Member
“Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves. Sometimes we need to express on the outside how beautiful we feel on the inside. At CINDY’S SALON AND DAY SPA, we specialize in transforming the total you. In business since 1999, owner and stylist Cindy Lee has over 30 years of experience in the salon industry. Cindy’s Salon and Day Spa offers a wide range of services, for both male and female clients.” For more information, or to make an appointment, call 864-271-9984 or visit their website. They are located at 118 West Stone Ave.
City-wide Policy Changes
From Council Member Amy Doyle: City Council and city leadership discussing city-wide policy changes:
Texting/Distracted Driving
No legislation came from the SC statehouse to address distracted driving this past session. Some cities and counties, Clemson for instance, are dealing with distracted driving with local laws. City Council is looking at a various options related to cell phone use in the car. The law should be easy to enforce and ultimately have an impact on safer driving. The first year would be education, much like the smoking ordinance. The goal is not to penalize drivers, but to encourage smart and safe driving.
Non-Partisan Elections
After the 2010 census, City Council began to look at the overall election and governance. There are only a handful of cities left in South Carolina with partisan elections at the municipal elections. According to the National League of Cities, over 80% of cities are non-partisan. The City will be discussing non-partisan elections at the October 7 workshop; several public hearings will follow. This DOES NOT IMPACT the upcoming city elections this November.
Infill Residential Zoning
In the past several years, changes have been made to multi-family housing to address the design standards with new apartments and condos. With the housing market gaining strength and the demand for new homes in the city, the trend for “tear down and re-build” has been evident in every neighborhood. Many new lovely homes have been built adding new families to every street. Yet, new homes will often change the “rhythm of the street” or the look and feel of the neighborhood. For the past several years, the planning staff has looked at the infill ordinance addressing R-6 and R-9 zoning classifications. Design issues include regulating frontage width, setbacks, garage placement and overall total building size. The goal is to encourage smart growth with infill building. The City planning staff has presented this to the neighborhood association presidents, homebuilders and will meet with the Planning Commission in October. A workshop with City Council will be held November 4 and a public hearing will be at the Planning Commission on November 14.
NMCA is trying to obtain details regarding the infill/density study and will update you as we get more info.
Stone Ave/North Main Development Update
For those interested, the following is on the schedule for the October 10 Planning Commission Meeting at 4PM, 10th floor, Council chambers.
E. Z 18-2013. Application of Beach Equity Investments, LLC (Town Gate LLC & 8 East Stone Ave LLC, Owners) to Rezone 16 parcels (4.72 acres) of land pursuant to Section 19-2.3.2, Amendments to Text and Zoning District Map, of the Greenville City Code. The properties are bounded by N Main St, E Stone Ave, and Rowley St and are proposed to be rezoned from ‘C-2’, Local Commercial, and ‘RM-2’, Single- and Multi-Family Residential, Districts to ‘PD’, Planned Development, District to develop multi-family and mixed-use buildings around a four-level parking structure, including 226 residential units and 21,000+ square feet of retail (TMS# 0034000100100 et al).
You are invited to review documents relating to these Applications before the Public Hearing. Documents are online at www.greenvillesc.gov/PlanningZoning/PlanningApplications/default.aspx or on file in the Planning and Development Office on the 5th floor of City Hall, 206 South Main Street, Greenville, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. You may contact the Planning & Development Office at 864.467.4476 for more information.
To check on future agendas go to https://www.greenvillesc.gov/PlanningZoning/PlanningApplications/default.aspx
To voice your opinions, pro or con, on zoning, developments, etc., or to offer suggestions, write the Planning Commissioners and/or your City Council Representatives.
NMCA 2014 Board of Director Nominations
This is the second call for nominations for the 2014 NMCA Board of Directors. All officers must reside within the geographical boundaries of the NMCA for the entire period they hold office, Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2014. All officers must have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 12 months prior to the election and must be 18 years or older. The President and Vice President may serve 2 consecutive terms and may then run for any office other than the one currently held. The Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Membership Secretary will be able to succeed her or himself as elected by the members. Any member may nominate someone for office. The nomination must be submitted no later than November 1. You may email the nomination to Smithjeannine14@gmail.com or mail to PO Box 571, Greenville, SC 29602. The person nominated must agree to serve if elected and a brief statement of their qualifications and past contributions would be helpful. Election ballots will be emailed or mailed to all members in late November.
Don’t’ Forget to Vote!
You must have one of the following items to vote on Election Day, November 5:
Voter FAQs http://elections.mytimetovote.com/south_carolina.html
Just Plant a Tree!
(The following was submitted anonymously by one of our members…I know many of us agree!)
Chatting with your neighbor over the fence…walking the dog after supper…kids playing in the front yard…having a block party…cutting the grass…having a BBQ in the backyard…jogging in the evening. What is the one thing that makes all these activities enjoyable? SHADE! And where does shade come from? From trees that grow tall and spread such as oaks, maples, sycamores and poplars. Because the water oaks planted early in the development of the North Main area are slowly dying, we are losing our shade. Dogwoods, ornamental maples and crepe myrtles are lovely trees, but they don’t supply the same deep shade as the oaks and other large trees. Already many blocks in this area have sections of full sun. Shade trees are one of the nicest benefits of living in the North Main area, not only for their aesthetic value, but for their environmental and economic value. When your mature oak or other large shade tree dies, either from old age or some natural disaster, please consider planting a large-growing tree. Contact the Tree Foundation at the Greenville Parks and Recreation Department to see if they can help. While they do not plant trees on private property, they will help plant trees you purchase through them if there is space curbside by your property. You can check out their website for more information. You can also purchase various size trees from local nurseries. Regardless of where you get it…Just Plant a Tree!
Stone Academy Annual Hair Cuts for Cancer Event
- When: Friday, Nov 1 at Red Ribbon Rally (1:30pm)
- Who: Anyone who has 8 inches of hair
- Why: Because you care and want to help others.
*Signed permission form required for minors.
Call Emily at 864-232-0689 for more information
Farm Germs Might be the Best Medicine
Recent research shows that adults who move to farming areas where they experience a wider range of environmental exposures than in cities may reduce the symptoms of their hypersensitivities and allergies considerably. According to some experts, we’re too clean nowadays. Our immune systems protect us by learning how to fight bacteria and other invaders. We need to “get down and dirty.” See article with links at
Good news for those of us who grew up hunting crawdads in the creek out back, catching lightening bugs, playing in the sandbox, etc. I’m sure I ate my quota of dirt and never felt I was the worse for it. Now maybe there’s proof.
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in October is 71.8°F, the average low is 49.5°F and the average precipitation is 3.81”. The record maximum temperature for the period 1962-2006 was 92°F on Oct 2, 1986. The record minimum was 25°F on Oct 29, 1976. Record high rainfall was in 1964 with 10.24” with minimum precipitation of 0” in 2000. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html
Why is Autumn called Fall? Autumn is called ‘fall’ because of the sun’s continuing falling position in the sky. As the days get shorter the sun continues to ‘fall’ closer to the horizon until the Winter solstice on December 21st. The concept of autumn in European languages is connected with the harvesting of crops; in many cultures autumn, like the other seasons, has been marked by rites and festivals revolving around the season’s importance in food production. Animals gather food in autumn in preparation for the coming winter, and those with fur often grow thicker coats. Many birds migrate toward the Equator to escape the falling temperatures. A common autumn phenomenon in the central and eastern United States and in Europe is Indian summer, a period of unseasonably warm weather that sometimes occurs in late October or November. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/45215/autumn
Caesar’s Head Hawk Watch: New Single Day Record
From now until late November, members of the Greenville County Bird Club participate in a count of migrating hawks at Caesar’s Head State Park. It’s not unusual to see 200 to 300 hawks at one time soaring or circling in a thermal overhead. This phenomenon is referred to as “kettling” or a “kettle” of hawks. Before this year, the highest single day count was over 6,260 birds on Sept 21, 2008. This year, on Sept 22nd, following rain on the 21st, participants counted 11,043 broad-winged hawks over a 10.5 hour observation period! Observers say it was an amazing day…possibly the high numbers were due to the rain the preceding day. Naturally, when I went up the next day, we only had 640 come through. The peak days do seem to be toward the end of September. Maybe next year…
You can still go up and count…volunteers are always welcome. As the season progresses, other hawks can be seen, as well as falcons and the occasional eagle if you’re lucky…just not in the numbers seen in September and early October.
Tree Care by Dr. Bob Polomski – Part II
At a recent meeting of the Upstate Native Plant Society, Bob Polomski, professor of Horticulture and Urban Forestry at Clemson, and author of ‘Month by Month Gardening in the Carolinas’ gave an interesting presentation on trees in the urban environment. As we enter fall it’s a good time to think about tree planting and mulching. Dr. Polomski had some interesting tips.
For post-plant survival, the best thing to add is water. You can find many biostimulants, compost teas and humectants, etc. on the market, but most don’t work in his opinion. Late summer to fall is a good time to fertilize trees and shrubs. Root growth is strongest at 68-84°F, so keep that in mind and fertilize when they need it and will absorb it. Even though plants may look hungry after excess rain like we’ve had this summer, it doesn’t mean that is the best time to fertilize…roots may be damaged and unable to uptake nutrients. If you want to be sure, do a soil or foliar nutrient analysis. You can do this for a small fee through the Clemson Extension Service.
What about organic vs. inorganic? If you’re a plant, it doesn’t matter…but look at long vs. short term. Soil microbes will break down organic and improve the soil temporarily while fertilizing the plant. Consider using slow release. Too much fertilizer is used in many residential areas and ends up washed into storm drains, thus polluting water…the number one water quality problem in SC.
“Mulch Madness” is easy to get caught up in. Also called ‘volcano mulching’, it’s when mulch is piled up around the base of a plant. This will rot the trunk and give voles a great place to hide while girdling your tree. Mulch should be 3-4” deep about a hands width from the tree trunk.
Is this a good time to prune? For many shrubs and trees, pruning in fall will encourage new growth which may be injured by cold weather. But remember the 3 D’s…Dead, Dying, Diseased. These can be pruned anytime. For more information on pruning, check out the Clemson Factsheet. For more October lawn and garden tips, go to http://www.clemson.edu/extension/county/laurens/yard_garden/10_october.html
Monarch Migration
It’s not too late to catch the monarch migration. The migration usually starts in about October of each year, but can start earlier if the weather turns cold sooner than that. From the eastern states, the Monarch migrates to Mexico and hibernates in oyamel fir trees. They use the very same trees each year when they migrate, which seems odd because they aren’t the same butterflies that were there last year. Visit Monarchwatch for lots of information on tracking migrations with a color map. Check out upstate viewing areas here. Monarch numbers have been declining in recent years for many reasons. Want to help? Plant milkweed plants in the spring…this is the larval food for the monarch butterfly and can be found locally at several nurseries or via catalogs. But remember…they eat the foliage…that’s the idea!
Greenville Firefighters Team Up to Fight Breast Cancer
For the second year, members of the Greenville City Fire Department are participating in Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink shirts during October and raising money through the Firefighters for a Cure program. Last year, through the sale of their shirts and donations from local businesses, the firefighters raised $1,200. All proceeds from the fundraiser are donated to the SC Mountains to Midlands Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. For more information or to donate to Firefighters for a Cure, contact Fire Inspector L.C. Dendy at 467-5752 or ldendy@greenvillesc.gov.
Since October is also National Fire Safety Month, you can meet real firefighters and see a real fire truck at the Hughes Main Library on Monday, Oct 21 from 10-10:30am. This program replaces the usual ‘story time’.
This Month’s Trivia
Before being known as the Palmetto State, South Carolina was known as the Iodine State. Apparently South Carolina’s soil is both “delicious and nutritious.” In the late 1920s, the SC Natural Resources Commission began a campaign to draw attention to the high levels of iodine in our state’s soil and produce. The campaign warned people from the West and Midwest (where iodine was not as prevalent) about the dangers of iodine deficiency – “including sterility, dwarfism, and idiocy.” The commission hoped to increase the market for our fruits and vegetables around the country. To help the campaign along, South Carolina even printed “The Iodine State” on our license plates!
Now, today you and I might take iodine for granted, but back then it was serious business. In its extreme form, a lack of this essential element causes cretinism – severely stunted physical and mental growth. In its lesser form, iodine deficiency manifests itself in a disease called goiter. During World War I, this swelling disqualified more men from service than anything else, and in Michigan alone 30% of draftees were afflicted by it.
The relationship between iodine and goiter was discovered in Switzerland in 1821, but for various reasons it wasn’t acted upon here in America until 1924, when finally a major public health movement prompted the salt industry to begin adding iodine to table salt. This simple step helped eliminate goiters in America, but it also took away the impetus for South Carolina’s iodine campaign. We do have one lasting reminder of iodine’s importance in our state however. The call letters for WIS-TV in Columbia (which began as WIS Radio in 1930) stand for “Wonderful Iodine State.”
Fall Gardening for Wildlife
Fall is a great time for bird-watching. Many birds are looking for an inviting place to stop over during their winter migration or even stay for the season. Here are five tips sure to have all the birds “tweeting” about your yard:
- 1. Provide running water. Birds require water year-round. The sound of running water in a birdbath or pond will be heard by birds from some distance, draw them in for a drink, and possibly a quick dip as well.
- 2. Clean out birdhouses. Make necessary repairs to birdhouses in preparation for species that roost during fall and winter. In many areas, bluebirds, chickadees, nuthatches and winter wrens may take up
nightly residence in birdhouses to keep warm and safe.
- 3. Create brush piles. Save your fall clippings of branches and twigs. Then, pile them in a corner of the yard to create cover for birds that prefer habitat on the ground — such as dark-eyed juncos, tree sparrows and white-throated sparrows.
- 4. Increase the number of feeders. In the cooler days of fall, birds increase their food consumption and will continue to do so as the temperature drops.
- 5. Plant evergreens. Planted near feeders and birdbaths, evergreens are perfect for providing cover for birds after deciduous trees lose their leaves. http://www.nwf.org/How-to-Help/Garden-for-Wildlife.aspx
Midnight Madness PAW-jama Party
ASPCA Mega-Matchathon at Animal Care Services.
• Wear your PJ’s and get a prize • Donate a blanket get a gift • Family fun all day and night • Free collar & ID tag with adoption • Special Adoption Fees • Coffee with Canines • Feline Fun
Flash From the Past
Can you identify these buildings?
From Last Month:
The house at 208 Buist Avenue attracts little attention, but it has a significant history and a mystery. We know that Hugh B. Buist, an attorney and wine maker, lived in a two-story frame home surrounded by vineyards located on Rutherford Road in the 1880’s. It was reached by a circular driveway. In 1898 he rented the house to a rural mail carrier. In 1910, Buist platted Buist and Mountainview Avenues on his property. The renter moved the house about one hundred feet, turning it to face Buist Avenue, expanded the house and added a brick veneer. But inside the unimpressive façade may be the oldest house in Greenville, known as ‘The Poplars’ and built by Elias Earle about 1790…but nobody knows for sure….???
The E.W. Montgomery Cotton Warehouse (806 Green Ave.) is significant at the local level in the area of commerce as a property associated with the purchase, storage, grading, and sale of cotton used in the textile industry, and for its direct association with the productive and professional life of Edmund Warren Montgomery, a significant cotton merchant and broker in upstate South Carolina from the early-to-mid-twentieth century. Montgomery’s business, the E.W. Montgomery Company was one of the largest and most far-reaching cotton brokerages in the United States, having offices and warehouses in other locations in the United States and trading offices in Europe and Egypt. E.W. Montgomery and his brother Felix were businessmen of national stature in business and politics, and the company bought and sold cotton to be sent to textile mills all over the Southeast, New England, Canada, and Europe. The headquarters of the E.W. Montgomery Company was located in this building. Montgomery purchased the property in 1933 and made additions to the existing warehouse building on the property. Montgomery operated his cotton merchandising and brokerage business from this warehouse and office building until his death in 1962. This building is the only extant historic property associated with Montgomery that illustrates his life and productive career. While his company owned briefly a cotton mill that is no longer extant, and while E.W. Montgomery owned other property in the vicinity of Greenville, he chose to live in the Poinsett Hotel in downtown Greenville throughout most of his career in Greenville. Listed in the National Register June 27, 2012. http://www.nationalregister.sc.gov/greenville/S10817723072/index.htm
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. The Greenville Collection is now the largest and the most complete collection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolors owned by any public museum in the world.
The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their October calendar.
Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
Oct 10 – Hillcrest Garden Club Meeting. Gardens of the Loire Valley and Northern France. Guest Speaker: Marion St. Clair. Greenville Women’s Club, 8 Bennett St. Visitors and those interested in joining are always invited. For additional information, please call Mary Roberts at 458-7735.
Oct 11 – Fall for Greenville. 5pm – 11pm. Main St. from North St. to Augusta including all side streets. A food festival in downtown Greenville featuring several local restaurants, entertainment of live music and beer and wine. Telephone: 864-467-2776. Admission: Free
Oct 12 – Dinner and a Movie. Silver Screen Café. 6:30pm. Come as you are or dress in costume. Seating is limited!! Movie: “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken” starring Don Knotts.
Oct 14 – Stone Academy Health Fair. 6-7pm. School members and community members are invited to join us! Attendees will participate in two games and have a chance to meet with local businesses who are vested in health. A few community members joining us are the YMCA, Kroc Center, Southern OM Yoga and over a dozen more exciting health related businesses!!
Oct 15 – North Main Blood Drive. Northgate Soda Shop back parking lot. 4-8pm. Come give blood, save a life and get free movie tickets.
Oct 15 – Botanica Carolina. SCNPS Upstate Program. 7-9pm. Greenville Tech.
Oct 16 – National Feral Cat Day. Sponsored by Alley Cat Allies to raise awareness about roaming cats and how best to care for them and to raise funds for feral cat programs.
Oct 19 – Better Business Bureau Shred Day. 9am-1pm. 408 N. Church Street.
Oct 19 – Midnight Madness PAW-jama Party. 11am – Midnight. Animal Care Services. 328 Furman Hall Rd. Over 150 cats and dogs are waiting to go home. See website or more information in this newsletter.
Oct 22 – Upstate History Museum Program. 6:30 pm. Trude Heller, widow of former Mayor Max Heller, will share her personal story of escaping Austria just before WWII. Afterwards, guest will have an opportunity to tour the special exhibit on Max Heller in the Museum’s focus gallery. Admission: Free for Museum Members
Non-members: $5.00
Oct 22 – SCNPS Field Trip: Clemson Experimental Forest Autumn Plants and Landscapes. Limit of 30 people.
Oct 22 – NMCA Annual Membership Meeting. 7PM. Bobby Pearse Community Center. Brief business meeting. Presentation on the North Main Rotary Park: “Then and Now”. Special guests: City Council Candidates Gaye Sprague and Matt Foster will be available for informal meet and greet.
Oct 25 – Northgate Soda Shop Halloween Party. 7pm. Come dressed in your favorite Halloween Costume and win prizes. Please bring an appetizer to share. If you do not want to dress up, come, bring food to share and have a good time.
Oct 25-27 – Friends of the Library Used Book Sale. Merovan Center, 1200 Woodruff Rd, Suite E-2. Friday: 3:00pm-8:00pm – Friends Only ¬ Saturday • 10:00am-5:00pm ¬ Sunday • 1:00pm-5:00pm – 50% off!
Oct 26 – Boo on Buist. 2-6pm. More details to come.
Oct 26 – North Main Yard Sale. Northgate Soda Shop back parking lot. No cost for the space. Items not wanted can be given to Judy and they will be given to charity. She will be in the grey truck parked beside the light pole. Please come early and set up around the perimeter of the back parking lot and then PLEASE MOVE YOUR VEHICLE TO THE STREET. Judy will be there by 6:30 and will stay until all is packed up at 2 pm. Bring your tables and anything you need to display your stuff, including change.
Oct 29 – Discussing Edgar Allan Poe.7-8:30 pm. Main Library Meeting Rooms B-C. Hal Poe, Professor of Faith & Culture at Union University of Tennessee and relative of Edgar Allan Poe, discusses Evermore: Edgar Allan Poe and the Mystery of the Universe, his book which examines Poe’s thoughts about the origins and ultimate destiny of the universe.
Oct 27 – Dec 13 – Edgar Allan Poe And The Mystery Of The Universe Exhibit. Hughes Main Library.
Oct 31 – Ashford Estate Haunted House Walk-through. Dark to 9:30pm. More details to come.
Nov 3 – Fall Back: Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 3, as Daylight Savings Time Ends.
Classes offered by NMCA business member ‘Elizabeth Chandler Designs’
- After-School Sewing & Craft Program For Children
- Adult Beginner Sewing 101, Mondays at 6:00 pm (10/21, 10/28 & 11/4)
- Sewing Children’s Clothing (Thursday, 10/24, 6:00–9:00 pm)
- Upstate Sewing & Craft Club Do you want some fellowship while you sew? Maybe you’re looking to show off a new creation or to learn some new tips and tricks to make your projects a little easier? You’re welcome to meet and mingle with like-minded sewing and craft enthusiasts by joining Greenville’s Sewing & Craft Club!
For other community events, check the Greenville City calendar
Or, the Greenville Convention and Visitors Bureau
Fall Programs at Greenville Community Centers
Program Instructors Needed
The City of Greenville Parks and Recreation Department is seeking instructors to offer fun and exciting recreational and educational classes to our community. Our department offers a wide variety of recreational programs to citizens of all ages. These programs take place in city parks, community centers and other locations. For a full listing of programs visit http://www.greenvillesc.gov/ParksRec/RecPrograms.aspx
Fall 2013 Program Schedule
- To view the fall calendar for the Bobby Pearse Center, go to the Parks and Rec website
- To view the fall program calendar for the Sears Recreation Center, go to the Parks and Rec website You will be able to view program information and pay directly online.
….Or pick up a program brochure at your local community center.
Community Center Rental
Both the Bobby Pearse Center and the Sears Shelter are available for rent. For information about renting the Bobby Pearse Center, email Jonathan Jones or call 467-4331.
Planning a special event like a wedding reception, birthday, anniversary or family reunion? Why not have your events at the Sears Recreation Center? It is conveniently located in McPherson Park at the corner of North Main Street and E. Park Avenue (100 E. Park Avenue). Contact Jan Cox or call 864-467-4326.
Some of the Community Center features are:
¬Kitchen¬Restrooms¬Handicapped accessible¬Piano Banquet tables & chairs
¬Plenty of parking ¬Sound system
Contact Jan Cox at 864-467-4326 or jbcox@greenvillesc.gov for more information and availability.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.