Spring Membership Drive/Happy Hour a Success
Thanks to all who made this year’s membership drive and social a huge success! Thanks to our sponsors, Northgate Soda Shop, RedHype and NMCA. AND a big Thank You to our local firefighters and Engine 6 for providing education/entertainment for young and old alike! To see even more photos, check out the NMCA Membership Drive photo album on our facebook page.
HOG Report
No, we’re not talking about pork futures…we’re talking about the great job the HOG (Hands on Greenville) volunteer group did on Saturday, May 5, at the North Main Rotary Park. The group of 13 volunteers under the leadership of Parks Workman with Dority and Manning, worked hard at weeding, scraping mud off the concrete, cutting back perennials and removing ivy from oak trees. Some of our Board members even showed up and worked, too! Thanks to Park Committee Chairperson, Jo Anne Conner, for organizing the effort! For more photos, check out our Facebook Page.
‘Cottages at Townes’ Isn’t Over! It’s Just Half-time!
Now is not the time to let your guard down…holidays and summer seem to be the time when things “happen” at city hall…maybe coincidence or the fact that people are preoccupied with vacations, etc. so are not around. We may have kicked a last minute field goal to tie the game, but it’s half time and there’s lots of strategizing going on in both locker rooms!! You can bet that the other team will come out ‘ready to play’ the second half. We need to be ready, too! We’re still meeting and luckily we have lots of documentation and research that was done earlier and we’re hanging onto that and adding to it. But we need everyone to stay interested and involved and be ready to attend meetings to let folks know ‘we haven’t gone away!’ With fewer folks around, it’s even more important that those with an interest in the issues involved in this development make your presence and your voices heard! We’ll keep you posted….stay tuned!
Membership Update
If you’re accessing this newsletter via our website and not getting it sent to your inbox, it’s because as of May 1, we now only send it directly to members… you’re missing out on a lot of the other emails and alerts we send out. If that’s the case and you still haven’t renewed or joined the association, what are you waiting for?? Send your check to PO Box 571, Greenville, 29602, or you can pay via Paypal at www.northmaincommunity.org/membership or just click on the little bird on the left. Only $10 per calendar year. Tell your neighbors! Spread the word!!
Meet our Newest Business Members
Griffin Property Solutions LLC (GPS) recently joined NMCA as a new member. President and Owner Mark Griffin is a Greenville native and a graduate of Clemson. GPS provides brokerage services for commercial and residential properties as well as businesses. GPS is proud to be an independent firm serving a variety of buyers and sellers in the Greenville area. You may contact GPS at 877-477-1407 or email Mark Griffin at mark.griffin@griffinpropertysolutions.com . GPS is located at 420 Park Avenue in Greenville.
Another new business member is Elizabeth Chandler Designs. Beth Chandler teaches creative sewing and craft classes in the upstate region of South Carolina. She specializes in beginner and intermediate instruction in conjunction with programs like Furman University’s Learning-For-You program and the City of Greenville’s Department of Parks and Recreation. Learn about upcoming classes at her website: http://elizabethchandlerdesigns.com
And welcome to a third new business member, Daylily and Hosta Gardens at 2396 Roper Mountain Road. The garden is open Fridays 12-6, Saturdays 9-4 and Sundays 12-6 and they grow over 900 different varieties of daylilies and hostas. The garden is pet friendly and dogs on leashes are welcome. For more info, contact Cynthia Gibson at daylilygarden@charter.net
They will be working to help homeless animals during Daylily Peak Bloom the weekend of June 7-9. They will donate 10% of all sales that weekend to Animal Care Services (ACS). Garden visitors are welcome to bring donations of pet food, treats and needed supplies for the animals.
50 Things
We’re working to finish up the list of 50 things our residents love about the North Main neighborhood. The deadline for submissions is June 10. Then we’ll organize it and publish it. If you haven’t yet added your choice to the list, please take a minute to do so…just go to our website and tell us what you think makes this the best neighborhood in Greenville!
Weather Tidbits
According to climate data, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in May is 79.2°F, the average low is 56.5°F and the average precipitation is 4.15”. The record maximum temperature for the period 1962-2006 was 97°F on May 28, 1967. The record minimum was 31°F on May 8, 1989. Record high rainfall was in 1964 with 11.3”. Record minimum precipitation was 0.69” back in 1976. According to NOAA, Greenville has had 4.01 inches of rain so far in May. This is 3.28” above normal for this period.
According to the Farmers Almanac, April and May will be rainier than normal, with near-normal temperatures.
Summer will be drier and slightly hotter than normal, with the hottest periods in late July and mid-August. Expect hurricane threats in the first week of June and in mid-October.September and October will be slightly warmer than normal, with near-normal rainfall. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html
Dog Pee is Bad for Plants!
Dogs may be a man’s best friend, but they can be a lawn’s worst enemy. These beloved animals are notorious for urinating on grass and causing burn marks. Dog urine is high in nitrogen which, while beneficial to grass in small doses, is potentially lethal in more concentrated doses. Since you can’t simply keep a dog from urinating, you as a dog walker should be considerate of others property; and homeowners must find other ways to take care of burned grass problems. It’s not unreasonable for a homeowner who puts a good deal of money, time and energy into maintaining a lovely lawn to put up a sign warning dog walkers to “keep off the grass.” Brown patches on lawns are evidence that one or more dogs have a favorite bathroom spot. Low-lying plant leaves or shrubs with browning edges might be the victim of a male dog’s leg lift. Did you know that dogs that squat (typically females) often do more damage because there is a greater volume of urine on one spot?
Read more: Male Dog Urine Effects on Plants | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8359346_male-dog-urine-effects-plants.html#ixzz2SS7qiQYZ
Microchipping your Pets
Up to 8 million animals end up in shelters every year. Unfortunately, only 15-20% of dogs and less than 2% of cats are ever reclaimed by their owners. One of the ways to increase the chances of finding your lost pet is having it microchipped. But just microchipping isn’t the whole solution. Most shelters and vets will check for microchips as soon as an animal is turned in. It’s also a good idea at every check-up to ask your vet to scan the chip to make sure it’s still reading and it’s still where it should be, on the back near the shoulder blades. Your pet should also have a collar and tags. Recently a lost dog was found in the North Main area and turned into ACS (Animal Care Services). While the dog had a microchip, the information was not up-to-date. Updating isn’t difficult to do, but owners just don’t know or forget that they need to do it.
“A chip that is unregistered might as well have been put in the garbage,” said Dr. Michael Moyer, the president of the American Animal Hospital Association. “It does the pet no good at all to have an unregistered chip in it.” His group is made up of veterinarians and animal hospitals throughout the country that have created a simple website that allows pet owners to type in their microchip number. The site will then tell you which company owns the microchip and where you can go to update the information. http://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/Euthanized-Pet-Had-Implanted-Microchip-135360688.html
May Mayhem in your Yard
This is time of year when problems start showing up in your yard…
Lawn diseases – it’s time to begin watching for problems with brown patch and dollar spot in warm season grasses, especially if you had problems with one of them last year. See Brown Patch Disease of Lawns and Leaf Diseases of Lawns for more information.
- Chinch bugs – watch for chinch bugs in your warm season lawn. See Chinch Bugs for more information.
- White grubs – the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis does a nice job on them, but it does take a little time to build up in the soil. See White Grub Management in Turfgrass for more information.
- Bulbs – you should be planting your summer- and fall-flowering bulbs in April and May, such as dahlias, gladioli , cannas, and lilies. Be sure to plant after the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees F. See Summer- and Fall-Flowering Bulbs for more information
- Lawn Fertilizer – you should apply a complete fertilizer to your warm season lawn this month. See Fertilizing Lawns for more information.
Fire ants – if you broadcast baits, apply your first treatment during the last week of April or the first week few weeks of May. Be sure to apply fresh bait, and do it at the correct time of day (fire ants only forage actively when the ground temperature is between 70 and 95 degrees F). See the Fire Ant Management in the Home Lawn and the State Fire Ant website for more information.
- Nutsedge or “nutgrass” is very difficult to control. There are two main types in our area – purple and yellow. You must identify which you have before you begin treatment. Herbicides must be applied when the nutsedge is actively growing, which means decent soil moisture and warm conditions. See Nutsedge for more information.
- Irrigation – you may be irrigating later this month as we progress into the dry season. See the Home and Garden Center’s irrigation publications for more information, especially the publication on Irrigation Time of Day. Spring and fall are good times for disease to blossom, so do not allow your irrigation scheduling to increase these problems. One inch per week is the appropriate amount for most lawns and vegetables (except sweet corn and yellow squash, which may require up to two inches depending on growth stage). Include rainfall in this amount, and see How Much Water to determine how much water you are actually applying, and Determining When to Irrigate to help determine when your plants need water. Do not irrigate every day! There are a few exceptions to this rule (such as potted plants), but only a few. http://www.clemson.edu/extension/county/laurens/yard_garden/05_may.html
Birding in Your Backyard
May is a great time to dust off those binoculars and do some backyard bird watching. The dawn chorus of birds can be delightfully deafening, with wrens and cardinals often leading the chorus. Robins and other birds are busy incubating eggs; mockingbirds are chasing cats and dogs around the backyard. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are back and sipping sugar water from feeders.
But it’s also a great time to catch a glimpse of migratory species moving through on their way north for the summer. The great northward flood of songbirds that have wintered in the Tropics—including warblers, tanagers, buntings, grosbeaks, orioles, vireos and thrushes—occurs primarily during April and May, filling North American woodlands with color, song and activity. For many birders, warblers are particular favorites; there are several places in the country where you can see more than 30 species of these tiny, colorful gems during the course of the season. By early June, aside from a few shorebirds and straggling songbirds, spring migration is over across most of North America. http://www.nwf.org/news-and-magazines/national- wildlife/birds/archives/2010/migration-timing.aspx
In my own backyard, we’ve caught glimpses of female rose-breasted grosbeaks, indigo buntings, pine siskins and many of what I call “confusing spring warblers” which I can never seem to identify with certainty. If you want to find out what bird you are seeing or check out what his/her song sounds like, there are many books online or in bookstores or check out Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s All About Birds website. You can also check into their webcams to see live action in the nests of herons, hawks and kestrels.
The Great Southern Brood
The brood is a species of cicadas that periodically tunnels up all at once from tree roots, where they have been maturing, to spend their short-lived adulthoods reproducing. The males make a come-hither call that sounds like a rapidly shaken baby’s rattle rising and falling in pitch and volume.
They make their “music” by flexing their tymbals, which are drum-like structures found on their abdomens, he said. Females make a sound by flicking their wings, but it isn’t the same unique song. And while they look menacing, cicadas are harmless to pets and people, landing on them only by mistake. If, however, you hold one in your hand, it will buzz, struggle and can give you a little nip.
But, maps of this year’s expected emergence does not show SC as being a targeted location, so we’ll likely miss the big show. http://www.magicicada.org/magicicada_ii.php
Greenville Police Helping with Lost Pets
The Greenville Police Department has begun posting photos of lost pets on their facebook page. Although NMCA posts photos on our website and facebook page, and sends out emails directly to members, this is just one more tool we can take advantage of when someone is missing their beloved pet.
May is National Bike Month
The Department of Greenways, Natural, & Historic Resources has complied a list of events, activities, and bicycling related discounts to encourage active transportation and recreation.
Click here to see the calendar. Also visit bikewalkgreenville.org and learn more about this new organization’s plan to build on the momentum of pedestrian and bicycle friendly infrastructure and support in Greenville.
Streetscaping Underway on North Main
As most of you have probably seen, the ‘streetscaping’ is finally taking shape with a scheduled completion date of July. It’s been interesting watching the progression and the result should be worth the wait! This was one of the first priorities of the Stone Avenue Master Plan, with the goal to connect the North End and Stone Avenue to downtown Greenville. This is a critical part of redeveloping empty parcels of land in North Main.
There’s also beautification taking place on Wade Hampton Blvd. With a small grant from the SC Forestry Commission, the city designed a plan to replace streetlights and plant trees. Duke Energy replaced streetlights with black decorative cobra lights. Over 200 trees are being planted now. This will kick off a Wade Hampton Boulevard planning process. The city will send out a survey shortly to all residents, property owners and businesses. Public meetings will follow. (Amy Doyle, email 5/8/13)
Crime Update
Over the past month, the police department has noticed an increase in the number of autobreak-ins and auto thefts. The majority of the times, these crimes have taken place during inclement weather. Another pattern that has consistently shown up in the reports is that the vehicles have been left unlocked. This could be due to individuals wanting to get inside quickly and forgetting to lock their vehicles. The downside is that people are leaving large sums of money, electronics, purses, wallets, and keys to their houses in their cars. We ask that you help us to combat crime by removing valuables from your vehicles. This includes firearms. If you must leave your fire-arm inside your vehicle, please make sure it is secured. Below are some useful websites and phone numbers to keep handy.
Non-Emergency Police Dispatch & Information: 271-5333
Greenville Police Tip Line: 271-GCPD (4273)
Front Desk: 467-5258
Victim Services: 467-5373 Investigations: 467-5342
Uniform Patrol: 467-5325
Special Events Coordinator: 467-5014
Flash From the Past
Here are two ‘new’ old photographs for you to identify…
Does anyone recognize where this old street sign now stands?
How about this structure from many years ago?
From Last Month:
The Cannon Building is locally significant for its association with the establishment, early growth and development of the town of Fountain Inn, and for its association with James Alvin Cannon (1853-1928), who played a central role in the establishment and development of Fountain Inn. The Cannon Building is one of the oldest extant structures in Fountain Inn, constructed ca. 1880 to accommodate his thriving business operations and a new post office. The building has housed the Cannon Store, the Cannon Funeral Home, the Peoples Bank of Fountain Inn, the Fountain Inn Tribune, and the town post office. Like most commercial storefronts from the nineteenth century, the two-part storefront of the Cannon Building was altered to reflect modern trends in retail architecture. The alterations have been limited, however, and have not compromised the basic structural or architectural integrity of the building. Listed in the National Register September 28, 2005.
Historically, Christ Church is Greenville’s oldest organized religious body (1820) as well as the city’s oldest church building (1852-1854). It has traditionally been recognized as an outstanding example of Gothic architecture. Each addition has been in keeping with its style and original plan for a cruciform building. A magnificent stained glass window by Mayer of Germany is a memorial to Ellison Capers, rector of Christ Church (1866-88), bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina (1893-1908), and Confederate brigadier general. In the churchyard surrounding the building are buried former governor of South Carolina Benjamin Franklin Perry, several Greenville mayors, many Confederate war dead, and the first Greenville man lost in World War I. Also interred here are the parents and son of the first Bishop of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina, Vardry McBee, the “Father of Greenville,” and many other church and civic leaders. The Reverend John DeWitt McCullough is the credited architect. Listed in the National Register May 6, 1971.
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at http://www.greenvillesc.gov/city_government/meet.asp
The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their May Calendar. Also check out their new Facebook page!
Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. The Greenville Collection is now the largest and the most complete collection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolors owned by any public museum in the world. Discover this magnificent collection of works by America’s iconic watercolor master. Highlights include Four Poster and Dusk.
May 13 – 2013 Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Nat’l Championships. 7am-10pm. Wenwood Park. 1967 Ridge Road. Greenville. Free Admission.
May 15 – Earth Market. Starting in May Earth Market moves to the newly renovated NoMa Square at 220 North Main St. in front of the Hyatt Hotel. Please watch their web site for updates. Dates will be the third Wednesdays of the month from 3 – 7 pm. Earth Market Products will be featured on the menu at the Hyatt’s new “Soil to City” Restaurant ROOST
May 17 – Party on the Plaza Presented by the Clemson Alumni. 7pm – 10:30pm. Peace Center Graham Plaza – Front Plaza. 300 S. Main St. A free opportunity for the public to watch (via video board) and listen to the celebrity concert.
May 17 – Endangered Species Day at the Greenville Zoo. 9am – 2pm. Cost is Admission to the Zoo. May 21 is National Endangered Species Day. Come discover how many animals at the zoo are endangered species and discover why animals are becoming endangered and what we can do to help protect them.
Also, Zoo Camp begins June 10 http://www.greenvillezoo.com/FamilyPrograms.aspx
May 18 – Electronics, Television and Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Day. Sponsored by the City of Greenville Solid Waste Division, the collection center will be located at 360 S. Hudson Street. Free to City residents and businesses, the following items are accepted: computer monitors, keyboards, mice, CPUs, etc. (all things that plug into a computer), televisions, fluorescent bulbs, tubes, ballasts, etc. Items may be brought to 360 S. Hudson Street from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Note: There is a limit of 10 electronic items and 10 fluorescent bulbs per person. For more information, call 864-467-8300.
May 18 – Armed Forces Day Parade. 5pm – 6pm. Starts at Suntrust Bank on McBee. (300 E. McBee Ave.) : Parade and celebration to honor the service of our military in the community. Static displays at Greenville Drive.
May 21 – Greenville Chamber Singers in Concert. 7pm. Daniel Chapel. Furman Campus. “Music in My Mother’s House”. Bring a friend, make new memories, bring back old memories. Admission Free.
May 24 – The Great SCOT! Parade. 6pm – 7:30 pm. Downtown Greenville. Free admission. The parade will start at 6:00pm at the intersection of W.North St and N. Main St. The Ceildh will follow the parade at the Peace Center Amphitheater starting at 7:00pm. Check out their website for all the festivities that weekend, including the Scottish Games.
May 25 – Greenville REC’s Discovery Island, Otter Creek, and 7th Inning Splash, open. Get an annual or season pass today to enjoy one or all of your favorite waterparks anytime. Call 864-288-6470 to learn more.
May 25 – The Upstate Shakespeare Festival. 7pm – 9pm. TD Amphitheater in Falls Park. 601 S. Main St. Free performances of two Shakespeare plays. Hamlet May 23-June 16. The Comedy of Errors July 11-Aug. 4.
May 27 – Memorial Day Picnic at Fluor Field. 12:30 pm. $15 ticket includes all you can eat buffet picnic and game ticket. (That’s $15 for adults and kids, too)
June 1 – Brew in the Zoo. 6-9pm. The Greenville Zoo invites zoo-goers to tap into the wild at the annual Brew in the Zoo event, which provides adults with the opportunity to sample an assortment of beers and enjoy live music, all while exploring the zoo during its after hours. Price: $30 in advance/$40 day of event. On sale now at the zoo or through MyPerks.
June 5 – Century BMW Reedy River Concerts series begins. 7-9pm. Peace Center Amphitheater. Music fans can enjoy live musical entertainment all summer long at the Concert Series. The free concert series, features a wide array of performances including jazz, country, rock & roll, blues and reggae.
June 15 – Caine Halter Family YMCA Triathlon. 7am – 10:30am. Triathlon to raise money for the Caine Halter YMCA. the event will be a 300 meter swim, with a 9 mile bike and a 5k run. The event is open to the public and scholarship entry fees are available for qualifying events.
For other community events, check the Greenville City calendar
Or, the Greenville Convention and Visitors Bureau
Summer Programs at Greenville Community Centers
Program Instructors Needed
The City of Greenville Parks and Recreation Department is seeking instructors to offer fun and exciting recreational and educational classes to our community. Our department offers a wide variety of recreational programs to citizens of all ages. These programs take place in city parks, community centers and other locations. For a full listing of programs visit http://www.greenvillesc.gov/ParksRec/RecPrograms.aspx
Summer 2013 Program Schedule
- To view the summer calendar for the Bobby Pearse Center, go to the Parks and Rec website
- To view the summer program calendar for the Sears Recreation Center, go to the Parks and Rec website You will be able to view program information and pay directly online.
For additional information about each of the programs listed below, call the contact number or visit http://www.greenvillesc.gov/ParksRec/RecPrograms.aspx
….Or pick up a program brochure at your local community center.
Community Center Rental
Both the Bobby Pearse Center and the Sears Shelter are available for rent. For information about renting the Bobby Pearse Center, email Jonathan Jones or call 467-4331.
Planning a special event like a wedding reception, birthday, anniversary or family reunion? Why not have your events at the Sears Recreation Center? It is conveniently located in McPherson Park at the corner of North Main Street and E. Park Avenue (100 E. Park Avenue).
Some of the Community Center features are:
- Kitchen
- Restrooms
- Handicapped accessible
- Piano
- Banquet tables & chairs
- Plenty of parking
- Sound system
Contact Jan Cox at 864-467-4326 or jbcox@greenvillesc.gov for more information and availability.
The City of Greenville Parks and Recreation is working with LiveWell Greenville to promote healthy eating among our athletes. Watch this short video to learn more about eating healthy snacks at youth sports!
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.