Your 2015 Board of Directors:
President: Hunter Cutchin
Vice-President: Dave Modeen
Treasurer: Jim Gilreath
Recording Secretary: TBD
Membership Secretary: Leah Tollison
Webmaster: Chad Chandler
Welcome to our newest board members. We look forward to working together in the coming year to provide even more and better services and activities for our members. Let us hear from you with any suggestions or comments to help us do a better job of serving the community.
*Normally the Board of Directors meets the first Wednesday of most months at 6:30 PM at the Bobby Pearse Community Center. For the next month or so, we are meeting on Tuesday evenings to accommodate another class at the Bobby Pearse Center. Members are welcome to attend board meetings. Please email for the location and if we are meeting that month.
Want a New Years’ Resolution that’s easy to keep?
Join or renew your membership in the North Main Community Association! We submitted a proposal for a dues increase from $10 to $20 for residents and $10 to $30 for businesses. Of the 136 who responded, only 11 voted NO to the increase. (We indicated that a non-response would be considered a YES vote, assuming that if a member felt strongly against it, they would respond). Thus, the proposal passed and will go into effect immediately.
We’ll be sending out renewal notices soon. Please renew as soon as you receive them before you forget or they get lost in that pile of mail you keep meaning to get to. In addition, we will be enclosing a small decal for your car, your door, or wherever you want to put it, to let folks know that you support your community by being a member of NMCA. These decals are being provided by a generous donation from Palmetto Plating Company, Inc.….so, no dues are being used to pay for them. There are different stickers for residents and businesses. We hope you will use them. If you need additional decals, please let us know. We hope this will increase visibility and membership.
New Social Committee
In an effort to give our members more and better events and activities this year, we are assembling a new social committee. We have a chairman and the names of a few of you who have expressed interest. And we know that in years past, many have expressed an interest on their membership form in being involved in social events. But we also know that things change, people move, etc. So….we need folks to step forward now and become involved in coming up with fun ideas of how we can help our members get to know each other better. If you would like to take part, please email Hunter Cutchin, our new President, at and provide your contact info. Thanks in advance for your help.
Business of the Month
As we mentioned in the last issue, we only started introducing new business members a couple of years ago. We have several businesses that have been members and supporters for many years. This month we will start highlighting those businesses.
The Woodworking Studio of Michael P. McDunn. With thirty years of custom woodworking experience, Michael McDunn works closely with clients to draft and finalize design. All custom furniture pieces are crafted on-location at the Studio in Greenville where they reside in many local homes as tomorrow’s antiques. Michael McDunn crafts master-level custom furniture and performs precise antique restoration. For thirty years, his Studio has provided highest quality woodwork for regional individuals and businesses. And it all started when he was growing up… making wooden furniture for his little sister’s dolls.
In Michael’s own words: “The work I do evolved from my need to survive in a part of the country where, for many years, contemporary furniture styles were quite unacceptable. This forced me to design furniture that was fitting for both 18th Century as well as more modern environments. As a result, much of my work has an Asian feel incorporating free-form pieces of wood that may well have been destined for mulch, firewood or a landfill. From the beginning of my involvement with using an obscure piece of wood to make something lovely and fine, everything has fallen into place to keep me firmly entrenched in woodworking, sometimes as art, sometimes as craft. I feel that working with wood, in all its forms, is a way of preserving it and to showcase its versatility and extreme beauty.” The studio is at the intersection of North Main and Rutherford Road. Check out his Facebook page for more information on classes that are offered to the public and pictures of some of his work.
Façade Improvement Program includes Stone Avenue and Wade Hampton
The City of Greenville’s Commercial Corridors Facade Improvement Program (FIP) is still providing financial and technical design assistance to commercial property owners and business owners in targeted commercial corridors for qualified facade improvements. The purpose of the FIP is to support the revitalization of the City’s commercial corridors by stimulating private investment in high-quality improvements that enhance the appearance of buildings and properties and eliminate blight and non-conforming design standards. If you are a business on Stone Avenue or Wade Hampton, you should have received this email from the city and/or NMCA.
Development Update
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the Beach Company has started work on the project at the corner of Stone and N. Main. The company’s website is live and retail announcements will be forthcoming. They expect to have some units ready in about a year. Their second phase (Rowley and Stone) was on Council agenda on Jan 12.
The North Main restriping project has been awarded to Panagakos Asphalt Paving and the city is currently in process of negotiating a contract. The project construction is expected to take 3 weeks to complete with the schedule ultimately being dependent upon having favorable weather and temperature conditions. There was a significant savings on the North Main Road Diet which will allow us to include the cross-walks that we have discussed for the Stone Academy’s SRTS program. We are currently discussing the proposed cross-walk and sidewalk improvements with the contractor. (Email, Amy Doyle)
How to Keep Up With the City
We sometimes receive questions regarding how to keep up with all the development that is going on, the city guidelines, permits, exemptions, ordinances, etc. Well…it’s hard! And, yes, most of you are probably not interested in this….until it’s happening in your back yard. At a recent city council meeting, council unanimously approved an amendment to the land management ordinance allowing outright (not conditional) permitting of cottage subdivisions in areas zoned R6 and R9, which is most of the North Main area. While we feel this is not consistent with the character of this neighborhood, there is often little any of us can do, other than make our feelings known.
Someone asked how to find out more about a house next to them that was being demolished to make way for one or two houses. One part of the problem here is that if it’s only one or two houses, it does not need to go to the Planning Commission, so there are no public notices. The decisions are made entirely by staff. When a property is divided into three lots or more, or a zoning change is required, it does have to have a public hearing before the planning commission and information about the project is posted on the city website as an attachment to the meeting at which the proposal will be considered. Also…those residents within 500 feet of the proposed development will be mailed information about the public meeting.
The ordinances, even with the infill ordinance, are very hard to figure out from just looking at the buildings. The minimum side setback is 5′ and it is even hard to check that without going on the site to measure it, even if you can figure out where the property line is. It is hard to check things without having a site plan and building plans, and we just don’t have access to them. Even something as seemingly simple as the building height (which did get reduced in the task force meetings) is not actually simple as it depends on where the house is in regard to the street and how to set a line halfway up the gable, which is where the measurement is taken. And we can’t measure with a tape measure in the field.
There is a city site of FAQs on planning and zoning that may provide some information. You can also check on the city council agendas and the planning and zoning applications and agendas for upcoming meetings to find out if there is something of interest to you. And if you feel strongly about an issue, contact your council members and make your voice heard. (Thanks to Bob Bainbridge, outgoing NMCA President, for some of the above information)
Recycling Holiday Trees and Lights
The City of Greenville is once again sponsoring its annual “Grinding of the Greens” Christmas tree recycling program. For the convenience of city residents, trees can be placed at the curb for collection on regularly scheduled pick-up days or taken to one of four convenient locations for recycling. All trees must be free of debris such as ornaments, tinsel, ribbons and lights to be recycled. Drop-off locations include: Holmes Park, Timmons Park, Gower Park and West Greenville Community Center.
These locations will be open through January 24, 2014. Curbside pick-up within the city limits will continue for as long as needed. Trees and trimmings are ground into mulch at Twin Chimneys Landfill. Call the Twin Chimneys Landfill at (864) 243-9672 for more information. All holiday boxes, tissue paper and wrapping paper (except foil-lined) can be recycled at the curb and at the City’s Recycling and Environmental Education Center at 800 East Stone Avenue. Visit to learn more about the City’s recycling programs.
Beautification Projects for the Neighborhood
In an effort to continue our beautification efforts around the community by landscaping traffic triangles and entrances to the community, NMCA came up with the idea of improving the appearance of the triangle at the corner of Townes and Ashley where the tree and roses are now planted but have not been improved in many years. NMCA successfully encouraged the city Parks Department to focus effort on improving the triangle with new landscaping. We suggested that conifers be planted which would provide cover for the birds, as well as a bench for weary walkers trudging up the Townes Street hill. We also want to plant bulbs and perennials. The city agreed and submitted a grant to Palmetto Pride for this beautification project and we are happy to report that the grant was approved for $4,451, so work can begin there as weather permits as a cooperative project between the city and NMCA.
We have received one suggestion from a member for another area which could use some work. If other members know of a triangle or entrance into the neighborhood that could use some TLC, please let us know.
Thank You to our Local Business Members
Each year we like to say a special ‘thank you” to our business members for their support during the year. Below is a list of our current business members. Please keep them in mind when you are out and about, shopping, eating, etc. If you go to our website, click on resources and then on local businesses, it will take you to our shop local page. If you hover your mouse over any business name you get a brief description, or click to go to their website. If you frequent local businesses that you don’t see on this list, please encourage them to join. They can go to our website at
3D Land Surveying, Inc. (864.272.0274)
Allen Tate Realtors (864.386.3180)
Barrett-MacKenzie, LLC (864.232.6247)
Bonnie Berry Garden Design (864.449.5234)
Carruthers Law Firm (864.467.0100)
Catherine Christophillis Attorney (864.242.2060)
Catherine Smith Architect, LLC (864.504.5170)
Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A. (864.233.4445)
Cindy’s Salon and Day Spa (864.271.9984)
Dahlia a Florist (864.232.0112)
Dance Ventures at Stone Plaza (864.271.7701)
Darrohn Engineering, LLC (864.346.2170)
Daylily and Hosta Gardens (864.297.9043)
DB Handyman Services (864.350.9718)
Donald Shabkie Music (864.238.6361)
Elizabeth Chandler Designs (864.416.1857)
Fellowship Bible Church (864.255.9520)
Gary Hester Interiors (864.232.4975)
Gateway House, Inc. (864.242.9193)
Global View Investment Advisors, LLC. (864.272.0818)
Griffin Property Solutions, LLC (GPS) (877.477.1407)
He and Me Hair Designs (864.235.7550)
Holmes Law Firm (864.271.2381)
IPA (Independent Alehouse) (864.552.1265)
Jordon Wholesale Lumber Co., Inc. (864.232.9686)
Keller Williams Upstate: Tara Pickens (864.901.9644)
Kilby Builders, LLC (864.444.1842)
Law Office of Christine Howard (864.282.8575)
Lil Glenn Company, LLC (864.242.0088)
Liz Berry: State Farm (864.228.6300)
Main St. Chiropractic Wellness Center, Inc. (864.271.4240)
McDunn Studio & Art Gallery (864.242.0311)
Moss Heating and Air (864.241.0108)
N&H Enterprises (864.467.1600)
Nicholson Stained Glass (864.235.8650)
North Main Counseling (864.232.2212)
Northgate Soda Shop (864.235.6770)
O’Leary Cole, Inc. (864.233.1606)
Oriental Medicine Associates (864.365.6156)
Pope, Smith, Brown & King (864.242.0656)
Redhype (864.232.2000)
Royal Engineering, Inc. (864.235-4425)
Southern Classics (864.238.2628)
Southern Wild Garden Design (512.461.4398)
Stone Plaza Pharmacy (864.233.7940)
Sullivan Company Insurance (864.288.4950)
Swamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery (864.255.3385)
The Community Tap (864.631.2525)
The Marchant Company (864.467.0085)
The Universal Joint (864.252.4055)
Western Carolina Products (864.942.7007)
WildEarth Landscaping (864.242.9225)
How Do Birds Survive the Cold?
Most birds respond to the cold in similar ways, but the temperatures that trigger their behavioral and physiological responses vary widely. In general the bigger the bird the easier it is to cope with cold temperatures. Some behaviors and physiological responses that help them conserve heat include:
Tucking feet and legs into their breast feathers.
- Fluffing their plumage. This traps air, creating an insulating layer.
- Finding shelter. Birds use dense shrubs and tree cavities to conserve heat.
- Increasing their metabolic rate, producing more body heat
- Shivering (produces more metabolic heat)
- Roosting closely together with other birds. (Up to ten bluebirds have been found to roost in the same tree cavity on cold nights)
- Some birds like Black-capped Chickadees can lower their body temperature at night and enter regulated hypothermia, saving significant amounts of energy.
- In addition, many birds store food and have exceptional spatial memory to relocate it, even a month later. (from the on-line resource, Birds of North America)
Remember, often providing fresh water in those cold winter months can be more important than food for our feathered friends. You can get heaters for bird baths to keep water from freezing. For more information, visit
Hummingbirds and Torpor: Last year we talked about how more and more hummingbirds are being seen here in the winter…usually individual birds. This year we have two who have decided to overwinter here so we have been busy keeping the feeder thawed and the syrup fresh. Hummingbirds save enough energy to survive cold nights by lowering their internal thermostat at night, becoming hypothermic. Torpid hummingbirds exhibit a slumber that is as deep as death. Awakening from torpor takes a hummingbird approximately 20 minutes, with the timing apparently determined by its internal circadian rhythm. What amazing creatures!! To read more, click here. (Note: if temps are just below freezing, something like the squeeze-activated hand warmers stuck to the bottom of the feeder might work.)
January Gardening?
I just received my first gardening catalog last week. It’s hard to think of gardening when it’s this cold, but now is a good time to peruse those catalogs and think about what you want to plant in the spring. There are other things you can do this time of year.
Pruning – Winter is a good time to prune most trees and shrubs. However, do not prune azalea, dogwood, forsythia, redbud and rhododendron – they should be pruned after they bloom, since they set blooms in the fall on the previous season’s growth. If you prune now, you prune off the part that will bloom. Almost anything that blooms after June 1 (except oakleaf hydrangea and late-flowering azalea cultivars) can be pruned safely; however, make sure there is no green wood which could actually start sprouting new growth if we have a prolonged warm period. See Pruning Trees and Pruning Shrubs for more information.
Tree Planting – The winter months when trees are dormant are excellent times to plant. Be careful that you do not plant them too deep or with too much soil amendment. See Planting Trees Correctly for information on the proper way to plant a tree.
Transplanting – This is also a good time to move plants that have overgrown a site or that don’t fit the microclimate of that site (sun, shade, etc.) Plants are dormant and will undergo less stress if transplanted now. Be sure to plant at a similar depth from where they came and get as much of the root ball as possible.
According to climate data, the average maximum temperature for Greenville in January is 52.0°F, the average low is 32°F and the average precipitation (rainfall) is 3.82”. January is typically our coldest month.
Looking at records from 1890 to January 2015, the maximum high was 82 on Jan 14th in 1911. The highest low temperature was 62 on Jan 14th, 1932. The minimum high temperature was 20 on Jan 30th 1966 and the minimum low was -6 that same day. Maximum precipitation (rain) in a 24 hour period was 3.94” on Jan 8th in 1942. Maximum snow was 12” on Jan 7 back in 1988. .
Have you Checked out the ‘Flu Near You’ Website?
Did you know there is a website and mobile application that allows the public to report their health information using a quick weekly survey? Using participant-reported symptoms, ‘Flu Near You’ graphs and maps this information to provide local and national views of influenza-like illness. ‘Flu Near You’ is a site administered by Healthmap of Boston Children’s Hospital in partnership with the American Public Health Association and the Skoll Global Threats Fund.
How can you participate in ‘Flu Near You’? All you have to do is register. On your first visit to, you will be asked to enter your gender, month and year of birth, zip code and email address. Once you confirm your registration, by clicking on a link in an email that will be sent to you, you can complete your first health survey. Every Monday after that, you will receive an email with a link to your health survey where you report any symptoms you had in the past week. It is really fast and easy! The more users the better – flu activity reported to ‘Flu Near You’ has been fairly consistent with other flu tracking methods.
Reminder – Recycle Your Holiday Cards to Help St. Jude’s
If you still have your Christmas cards or other cards, don’t forget that St. Jude’s Ranch for Children recycles used greeting cards and creates new holiday and greeting cards for any occasion. To learn more about how to submit used cards or purchase recycled ones, go to their website at
Flash from the Past
From last month: Two of Greenville’s best known figures. Both have amazing histories and we encourage you to go to the links provided and read more about each one.
Charles H. Townes was born in Greenville, South Carolina, on July 28, 1915. He grew up on the outskirts of Greenville on a twenty-acre farm near what is now St. Francis Hospital. After studies at Furman, Duke and Cal Tech, he joined the physics department at Columbia University. In 1951, while sitting on a park bench, he conceived the idea for what would become the laser (Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). He realized that an amplified emission of optical light could produce an intense beam of energy powerful enough to cut steel and precise enough to measure exact distances or perform surgery. In 1964 Townes was awarded the Nobel Prize for the crucial work in quantum electronics that led him to develop the maser. Next time you are having surgery, using a laser printer, watching kids play laser tag, or listening to reports of laser beams in space, you can take pride in the fact that a Greenville boy made them all possible.
Max Heller was born in Vienna, Austria on May 28, 1919. Leaving his Nazi-occupied homeland in 1938, Max came to Greenville to work as a stock boy at Piedmont Shirt Co. His first paycheck was for $10 with a dime taken out for Social Security. He founded Maxon Shirt Company in 1948 and retired in 1969, devoting his time to public service. In 1971, after two years on the Greenville City Council, he was elected and served two consecutive terms as mayor of Greenville. Heller’s major endeavor as mayor was to reverse the decay of Greenville’s core. He became a driving force for environmental protection, beautification, slum clearance, economic rejuvenation, downtown revitalization and public-private partnerships. Under his leadership, Main Street became pedestrian friendly and European village-like with street lights, green spaces and colorful flower planters everywhere. Max Heller has been called “The Father of Greenville” and a man of “vision, integrity, and compassion. In an attempt to control youth violence in Greenville, Max formed a Youth Advisory Committee and appointed as chair a young man who was president of his high school student body — Knox White who in 1995 became mayor of Greenville.
Do you remember these old Greenville buildings?
Fire on Earle Street
Many have asked if it’s been determined how the fire started. The investigation is still open. Thankfully, no one was hurt. However, there was significant property damage. Following the fire, the City Fire Department “blitzed” West Earle Street. Over 60% of homes do NOT HAVE WORKING SMOKE ALARMS. If you would like your house checked for properly working alarms, please call 467-2273. Over 900 fire alarms have been installed with this new program. You can visit the department’s web site for info.
We also want to thank our residents for their generosity! The victims were so touched and very thankful to know so many people cared. The donations of money, checks and gift cards totaled close to $3000. We also distributed at least 4 SUV loads of clothes and toys. Thank you all so very much. This just shows what a great community we live in!
Financial Report for NMCA 2014 – submitted by Jim Gilreath, Treasurer
Total Income – $4884.84
- Income (dues) – $3526.84
- Fire victims aid fund collections in 2014 – $1308.00 (Some cash and gift cards that were distributed are not included in this amount)
- Fees collected for first aid training – $50.00
Total Expenses – $4660.45
- Earle St. Fire victims aid fund – $1025.00 (remainder distributed in 2015 along with additional donations in 2015. Some cash was not routed through the NMCA.)
- Beautification (Rite Aid sign site) – $44.37
- Park (irrigation for ball field landscaping, plants, workday refreshments) – $1732.19
- Bank fees – $10.00
- Member training (first aid) – $118.20
- Members’ annual meeting (refreshments) – $60.00
- Newsletter and related office expenses (stamps, website, envelopes, etc.) – $919.55
- Spring Social – $751.14
Residual – $224.39
City Council Formal Meeting and Work Session schedules can be found at
The Hughes Main Library has numerous programs for adults and children. Check out their January calendar.
The Children’s Museum has great programs for kids. Check them out at their website calendar
Check out the current exhibits and other programs at the Upstate History Museum.
Don’t forget about a great local resource for family activities. Macaroni Kid lists all kinds of local activities for kids and families.
Greenville County Museum of Art – The Museum is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm and on Sundays 1 – 5 pm. As always, admission is free. The Greenville Collection is now the largest and the most complete collection of Andrew Wyeth’s watercolors owned by any public museum in the world.
Jan 16-18 – The South Carolina International Auto Show. TD Convention Center. 10am – 9pm. Admission: $8 for adults, $5 for seniors (62 and over), children ages 7-12 and military with any DOD ID. See the newest cars, trucks, SUVs and crossovers on the market. Providing an up-close look and plenty of entertainment for kids, the auto show is the best place to begin researching your next vehicle. Showgoers are invited to explore the newest rides, experience the latest in-car technology and even take a test drive right at the show!
Every Tuesday starting Jan 6. Line Dancing at the Sears Shelter at McPhearson Park from 6:15 – 8pm. Dances are taught in a fun and easy way with a variety of music – Hip Hop, R&B, Rock & Roll, Latin, Country, Shag, and Swing. Party dances include Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Bikers Shuffle, and Cha Cha Slide. Second hour moves into mainstream dances -Good Time, Tush Push, R&B Boogie and more. No partner or dance knowledge required. Two left feet are fine. Bring your friends and have some fun. Cost – $5 (Greenville City Residents -$4)
Jan to March – Check out the 2015 schedule of classes at Dance Ventures at Stone Plaza. Everything from tap to ballet to jazz. Join a class today. 864-271-7701.
Feb 13 – 16 – Great Backyard Bird Count. The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that across the continent. Anyone can participate, from beginning bird watchers to experts. It takes as little as 15 minutes on one day, or you can count for as long as you like each day of the event. It’s free, fun, and easy—and it helps the birds. In 2014, Great Backyard Bird Count participants in 135 countries counted nearly 4,300 species of birds on more than 144,000 checklists! See top 10 lists and other 2014 results.The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.
Feb 12 – Ornamental Edible Landscaping. 6:15. Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery
Feb 10 – Permaculture and Organic Gardening. 6:15pm. Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery
Feb 7 – Backyard Chicken Basics: 10am. Beginner Beekeeping:1pm. – Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery.
Feb 7 – Meals on Wheels of Greenville will celebrate the 20th annual Sweetheart Charity Ball at the Hyatt Regency Downtown. Proceeds go toward providing homebound residents with hot, healthy food and a daily check-in. Cost is $150 per guest. 233-6565 or
Feb 7 – Foothills Drifter 6K. 9am – 11am. Conestee Park. Free. Trail Run to benefit the Conestee Foundation. The Foothills Drifter 6K is the only trail run of its kind in Greenville, SC. A festive atmosphere welcomes both the most advanced and novice runners.
Jan 31 – Expedition Paris Mtn. Trail Race. All 3 course lengths will start from shelter #3 at 9 AM sharp. They will start out on pavement, for spacing. 5 mile/10 mile/15 mile. Expedition Paris Mountain Trail Race is part of the 2014-15 “Search for the Mountain Goat” trail race series. Check out the website for information on cost.
Jan 28 – April 1 – Wednesdays, 7-8pm. Qigong Classes at Bobby Pearse. Qigong uses slow flowing, controlled movements like in martial arts, and offers medical and mental/spiritual benefits. Get rid of stress and anxiety and welcome self-healing, better balance and overall health improvement. It is time for fitness and healing! Participants may pay in full on-line or pay at the door – $5 for city residents and $6 for non-residents. This program is open to all adults but will target mature adults. Find more athletic and educational programs offered by the City Parks Dept at their website.
Jan 24 – IceBreaker 8K. 9am. Conestee Park. $20 (or $25 on day of event). The Ice Breaker 8K is the first race of the Greenville Dirt Trail Run Series. The rolling course winds its way through the beautiful Conestee Park and features a mix of dirt, gravel and pavement. Greenville County Rec has been working hard to make Conestee one of the best facilities in the county, and this is a great opportunity to see all the fantastic improvements that have been made to this wonderful outdoor oasis. A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Conestee Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing Lake Conestee Nature Park and contiguous community lands into a nature park and wildlife sanctuary for public recreation.
Jan 20 – SC Native Plant Society. Joe James of Chestnut Return Farm in Seneca will discuss the American Chestnut Foundation and their work to restore the American Chestnut to its niche in the ecosystem. 7:00pm. Founder’s Hall Dining Commons, Southern Wesleyan University. Phone: 877.644.5556 Address: 907 Wesleyan Drive, Central, SC.
Jan 19 – City Offices and Schools Closed
Jan 19 – March 3, Monday evenings – Yoga at the Bobby Pearse Center. 6:30 – 7:45pm. Taught by Rindi Wood, who is a certified yoga instructor. This 75 minute class is taught once a week, and all levels are welcome; however, you do not need previous yoga experience to enjoy this class. Participants may pay per class upon arrival or register for the entire 8-week session for less! Please bring your own yoga mat. Cost is only $5 per class (Greenville City Residents – $4).
For other events in this area bookmark Go-greenevents for a listing of various events with registration, etc., handled online to save needless waste of paper.
The use of trade names or advertisements in this publication does not constitute endorsement or discrimination by the North Main Community Association.