Gardening Class Offered by Greenville Master Gardeners and Clemson Univ.

Want to learn how to be a better gardener in the Upstate? Join the Greater Greenville Master Gardeners and Clemson Extension agent Jordan Franklin for a six-week series beginning March 6th (on Tuesdays only) through April 10th on how to be a successful gardener.

The class will meet at the Clemson Extension Office from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. You will learn about creating healthy soil, lawn care, growing vegetables, trees, shrubs, flowers and more. For information and registration contact the Greenville County Extension Office at 864 232-4431 or Space is limited and registration ends February 23rd so register soon! The cost is $150.00 and includes booklets on different subjects.

Gardening Class Offered by Greenville Master Gardeners and Clemson Univ.
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