Judge Miller Says “Not Yet” to Midnight Waffles
There won’t be any shortcuts to Midnight Waffles – at least not on Stone Ave.!
Representing the residents and businesses in the North Main area of Greenville, South Carolina.
There won’t be any shortcuts to Midnight Waffles – at least not on Stone Ave.!
PHOENIX CENTER BZA HEARING THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 4:00 PM 10TH FLOOR, CITY HALL, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS This is just a reminder of the important hearing coming up that we are asking as many residents as possible to attend. While itRead more
SOCIAL FUNCTIONS After being without a social committee chair for almost two years, we finally have had a volunteer step forward and take the position. We are pleased to welcome Anne Marie Cummings to this job! Over the last fewRead more
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting and election of officers was held Thursday, Dec. 11 at the Bobby Pearse Community Center and all present officers were re-elected for 2009 as follows: President: Steve Mills Vice President: Bob Bainbridge Treasurer:Read more