A Note from NMCA President Steve Mills Regarding the New Draft Development Code

As president of the North Main Community Association (NMCA), I want to ensure that all of our members are aware of the City of Greenville Development Code Rewrite that is now being shown to city residents in various meetings held by the city. The NMCA has advertised these meetings by email and social media, and we held one neighborhood meeting with city staff at the Bobby Pearse Center.

There are many sections of the code such as new zoning codes and definitions, development standards, and environmental protection, and I encourage everyone to review the document for assessing the impact on our neighborhood and the City of Greenville. The city would like to receive comments and suggestions whether in support of the code or for changes to improve the initial draft.

The complete document as well as an interactive zoning map can be found at: greenvillesc.gov/182/Greenville-Development-Code

The main impact for our area will be the new zoning designations. The R6 and R9 designations for single family housing are being replaced by RHA, RHB, RHC, and RHD with RHC and RHD being the codes most used for our neighborhood. The general definition of each is listed below:

As you can see, all of the designations now allow a secondary unit known as ADUs (accessory dwelling unit). These buildings will be living spaces for extended family members or for use as rentals. The ADU can be up to 25 feet high and within 5 feet of the side property line. Overall, the footprint size will be limited only by the 40% or 50% impervious surface for the RHC and RHD, respectively. Shown below is a general layout of the RHC and RHD designations.


I encourage everyone to attend one of the City sponsored meetings or to review the document. Should you have comments and/or suggestions, please communicate to the city at:

Comment on the Code:
Call or text: 864-232-CARE (2273) 

Thank you for your attention to this development code that will affect our neighborhood for many years to come.

Best Regards,

Steve Mills

President NMCA for 2023

A Note from NMCA President Steve Mills Regarding the New Draft Development Code