More suspicious activity reported

We had a couple of suspicious incidents this weekend in the neighborhood.  On W.Montclair, a resident heard a banging at her front door.  It was after 8:30 and dark and she wisely did not open the door.  She then heard her trash can being drug.  She called 911 and they transferred her to the city desk and she was told a cruiser was in route. As soon as she hung up there was another bang at the front door.  The police officer who came said everything was in place and no one in sight but he would have the 11pm-7am unit patrol more often that night.
Another neighbor on W. Montclair reports that about a week ago her unlocked van was entered and plundered but they found nothing and left the door not totally shut.  A second neighbor had his car entered the same night but nothing was taken.
Another member reports that on Easter Sunday, a young man was knocking on doors on Wilton Street around 2am.  Keep in mind that holidays are a perfect time for thieves to strike as they probably have cased the area and know who is not home.  Please be on the lookout for your neighbors and, again, lock your cars!
If you see suspicious activity, please keep the non-emergency number handy and call…271-5333.
More suspicious activity reported
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